

Study on Characteristics of Deep Structure in Central Xujiaweizifault Depression

【作者】 迟禹

【导师】 吕延防; 陈树民;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年的勘探研究工作表明松辽盆地深层天然气资源丰富,北部的徐家围子断陷是最重要含气断陷,特别是深层火山岩气藏的发现日益增多,已经成为天然气勘探的一个主要领域,但由于断陷构造复杂,构造及断裂对气藏的影响等问题研究不够深入,制约深层勘探的发展。本论文利用地质、地震和测井等多学科最新理论方法,结合前人的研究成果,以全新的构造解释模式,对该区的构造特征进行详细研究,分析其形成与演化,在此基础上展开深层气藏特征研究。徐家围子断陷中部深层指泉头组二段以下地层,主要为上侏罗统-下白垩统断陷构造层和下白垩统坳陷构造层。断陷中部深层发育有三套火山岩:火石岭组、营城组一段和营城组三段,营城组一、三段地层在断陷区中部主要表现为两套火山岩建造,营一段火山岩喷发和分布受徐中断裂控制,而营三段火山岩则受徐东断裂带控制;三套烃源岩:沙河子组、营城组四段下部、登娄库组二+三段。早期的断裂活动在沙河子组和营城组时期,在营城组沉积末期多数断层停止活动,但受到后期构造运动影响,部分断层又恢复活动,具有一定的继承性。该区主要断裂的活动与火山岩发育、构造带的形成关系密切,同时也是深部天然气向上运移成藏的主要通道。近NW向徐中断裂、近SN向徐西断裂、近NW向徐东断裂带和四组近NE向断裂共同作用,使徐家围子断陷发育变得复杂,表现为南北分块、东西分带、凹隆相间的构造格局。本次研究从板块构造运动和地幔上涌引起莫霍面变化的角度,解释断陷形成和演化,将其划分为六个阶段。在此基础上总结断陷中部气藏类型及分布特征、主控因素和运移模式,该区“生、储、盖、圈、运、保”在时间和空间上的匹配关系良好,为深层气藏的形成提供了良好的地质条件。

【Abstract】 The work in recent years shows us that the deep of Songliao Basin is rich in natural gasresources, Xujiaweizi fault depression is the most important gas-bearing fault depression inthe northern of Songliao basin. Especially deep volcanic gas reservoir was discovered day byday, and it already become a main field of natural gas exploration. But the development ofthe deep exploration is limited, which was the result of the complex structure of faultdepression, no enough in-depth studies of the effect of structure and fracture on the GasAccumulation and similar problems. This paper use of recent theories and methods ofgeology, seismology, geophysical logging, and combined previous research achievementsto launched research by adventurous idea and view of structure interpretation, the structuralcharacteristics of the block were studied in detail, and the formation and evolution ofXujiaweizi fault depression has been analyzed in this treatise, in order to guide research thecharacteristics of deep layer natural gases in this area.The Deep formations mean the formation under the Quantou second member formationin central Xujiaweizi fault depression,they are mainly included upper Jurassic—lowerCretaceous fault depression structural and Lower Cretaceous Depression structural. There arethree sets of volcanic rocks that is Houshiling, Yingcheng first member and third member incentral Xujiaweizi fault depression, Xuzhong fault control the eruption and distribution ofYingcheng first member volcanic rocks, and xudong fault belt control the eruption anddistribution of Yingcheng third member volcanic rocks, and this two formations main showtwo sets of volcanic built in central fault depression. There are also three sets of source rocks,which are Shahezi, Yingcheng fourth member and Denglouku second member and thirdmember. Early faults had been active during Shahezi Formation, Yingcheng Formation, mostof this faults had been stop active at the end of Yingcheng Formation, but Later tectonicmovement influenced,so that some of the fault recovery activities and have certaininheritance.In this area, the formation and development of volcanic rocks and structural belthas close relationship with fault activity, and gas migrated upward along these faults andaccumulation. This fault depression deep tectonic framework are controlled by nearlynorth-west Xuzhong fault, nearly south-north Xuxi fault, nearly north-west Xudong fault beltand four groups of nearly north-east fault,and created the present complex tectonicframework with characteristic, which is different segmentation from south to north, variouszones from east to west,alternating with protruding and sunken belt. The study of Platetectonic movement and Moho-discontinuity changed by mantle upwelling, explained the formation and evolution of fault depression, decide to divide fault depression into six stages.Then analysis and summarize about gas reservoir distribution feature, main factor, gasreservoir type and migration mode about further study, Xujiaweizi fault depression had aoptimal matching relation of “Generation, Reservoir,cap rock, entrapment,migration,preservation” in time and space, thus created good geological conditions for generation ofdeep natural gas reservoir.


