

Correlation Analysis of the Relationship between the Ordinary College Students’ Ankle Muscle Activity and Dynamic Balance Ability

【作者】 赵旭峰

【导师】 王广兰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本研究旨在通过测试普通大学生的动态平衡能力,结合同步表面肌电信号收集,加上踝关节肌力训练,研究踝关节相关肌肉在平衡调节时的活动情况以及肌力改变对动态平衡能力的贡献性,以了解踝关节肌肉活动和肌力与动态平衡能力的关系及机制。研究方法:选择武汉体育学院健康科学学院大三的本科生为研究对象,选择同一个班的16名男生为实验受试者,随机分为两组每组8人,进行两种测试和一种训练。包括平衡能力测试,其中又分为单脚稳定度限制测试los和单脚稳定性测试asl,在biodex balancesystem上进行。平衡能力测试同时收集同步肌电信号,用ME6000T16表面肌电测试系统收集。测试组在第一次测试之后进行为期六周,每周2次的等速力量训练,在biodexsystem-4等速测试仪上进行。对照组也进行两次平衡能力测试,中间不进行任何干预,间隔时间为测试组整个训练的周期。结论:(1)通过等速踝关节跖屈背屈,内翻外翻30°/s和60°/s提高踝关节跖屈背屈,内翻外翻的肌力和做功能力,可使平衡能力测试的水平显著得到提高。(2)腓肠肌后段,腓肠肌中段前胫骨肌,比目鱼肌,踝伸肌群,的不同组合的肌力分别对与稳定度限制测试中的综合控制能力有不同的高作用率,并且方程有显著性。与稳定度限制测试中的测试完成时间缺少高度的方程拟合度,并且方程无显著性。与单脚稳定性测试的综合摆动,前后摆动指数有高方程拟合度,并且方程有显著性,与左右摆动指数方程拟合度弱,并且方程无显著性。(3)随着稳定性限制测试等级的升高,平衡能力指数与肌肉的IEMG、MF拟合度组合减少,概率降低。此测试难度4的单脚稳定性测试有稳定的IEMG、MF拟合度。(4)同步肌电测试指标IEMG在稳定度限制测试和单脚稳定性测试中,存在与成绩成正相关趋势的可能,MF与成绩成负相关的可能,单脚稳定性测试中趋势尤其明显。

【Abstract】 Purpose of this studyThis study, through testing ordinary college students’ ability of dynamic balance andsynchronizing semg collection, as well as training the strength of the ankle muscles, aims atexamining the activities of ankle muscles during balance adjustment, and the contribution ofthe adjustment of muscles strength to the ability of dynamic balance, with the purpose ofunderstanding the relationship and mechanism between the activities and the strength of anklemuscles and the ability of dynamic balance.MethodologyJunior undergraduates from school of physical health science, Wuhan Physical Institutewere chosen as the objects of this study. All the16test objects were male students from asame class. They were randomly and equally divided into two groups to receive two tests andone training, including the test of balance ability which consists of single foot stability limittest (los) and single foot stability test (asl) on biodex balance system. In the meanwhile, thetest of balance ability collects semg signals by using the ME6000T16semg testing system.The test group, after the first test, received a6-weeks training of isokinetic strength on biodexsystem-4isokinetic test machine,2times per week. The control group also received two timesof balance ability tests, but without any intervention during the6-weeks interval.Conclusion:(1)through isokinetic ankle flexion can improve the performance of balance abilitydramatically during the balance ability test.(2)The posterior and midpiece of gastrocnemius muscle, the anterior tibialis muscle,the soleus muscle, and the extensor ankle muscles combine different IEMG and MF whichhave different effects on the comprehensive control ability during the stability limit test, andsignificance on equation;(3) As the degreen growing of stability limit test, the probability of muscles combine ofIEMG and MF between the ability of balance is down, and the rate is less. In this4degreensingle foot stability test, there are stable combination in IEMG and MF.(4)Synchronous myoelectricity tester index IEMG has a positive correlation with the performance results in stability limit test and single foot stability test; while MF has anegative correlation with the performance score especially in the single foot stability test.

  • 【分类号】G804.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】237

