

Study on the Separation Prestressed Anchorge Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

【作者】 王大伟

【导师】 周亦唐; 吴培关;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,道路交通建设进入大规模发展的快车道,在道路建设特别是山区道路建设中中,经常出现需要高填方建设的路段,需要使用合适的支挡结构进行支撑。近年来,预应力锚索桩板式高挡墙作为一种新型的支挡结构,在公路、铁路等交通建设中得到广泛应用,并取得了良好的效果。分离式预应力锚索桩板墙属于锚索桩板墙的一种,它具有结构简单,受力明确,便于施工等优点,可有效地缩短工期及降低工程造价,在工程中已经大量应用,但是在现阶段,对于预应力锚索桩板墙结构各部分之间的相互作用机理分析还不明确。本文针对上述问题,本文进行了以下几个方面的研究:1)总结概述了预应力锚索桩板墙在国内外的应用研究现状,列举了具有代表性的工程应用实例、计算研究方法,提出预应力锚索桩板墙在应用和研究中存在的问题。2)选择了四个典型试验工点上分离式预应力锚索桩板墙结构形式实体工程进行原型试验分析,介绍了四个试验工点的概况,试验内容和试验方法,根据施工过程中的结构受力变化,把试验过程划分为填土工况(记作A工况)、锚索张拉工况(记作B工况)和工后观测工况(记作C工况)。3)根据现场测试结果,研究总结在各个工况条件下填土土压力(包括车辆荷载所引起的侧向压力)的大小及分布规律,桩、锚固段桩周岩土、填土及锚索系统的变形协调规律,桩身内力、锚索拉力的变化规律。4)通过对各个工况的研究分析,总结出在各个工况中的最不利工况,最佳受力状态,预应力锚索的作用,锚索初始预应力的确定以及在实际应用中预应力锚索桩板墙的合理高度。5)介绍了传统上压力的确定方法以及在本试验中土压力的确定方法。6)总结了目前常用的结构计算方法,对悬臂桩法、桩锚部分位移协调法、变形约束地基系数法进行简单介绍。7)以弹性桩为代表,详细介绍了弹性桩的计算方法,并根据弹性桩K法计算编制一个简单实用的计算程序。8)通过对一个工程实例的计算,得出在各个施工阶段受荷段的桩身内力,锚固段的桩身内力,与试验结果进行对比验证。通过试验研究分析,得到了一些分离式预应力锚索桩板墙在施工各阶段的结构受力规律,总结了现阶段常用的结构计算方法,并在此基础上详细介绍了弹性桩的计算,为以后的工程设计计算提供一定借鉴和帮助。

【Abstract】 With China’s economy develop rapidly, the construction of road traffic into the fast lane of the large-scale development, in particular, the sections of mountain road construction often need to fill in more square, which need to use a suitable retaining structures supporting. In recent years, Prestressed Anchor Pile the plate high retaining wall as a new type of retaining structures, roads, railways and other transportation construction has been widely used, and have achieved good results. Separation Prestressed Anchor Pile Wall belongs to the anchor cable a Pile Wall, it has a simple structure and clear force, for construction, etc.,which can effectively shorten the duration and reduce the project cost, has a large number of applications in engineering.However, at this stage, the analysis does not clear that the mechanism of interaction between the various parts of the pile and wall structure of prestressed Anchor, so the method of design calculation method is not perfect.This paper analyze the above problem from following aspects:1) Summary overview of Prestressed Anchor Pile Wall status quo at home and abroad, citing a representative example of engineering application, calculation methodology, the Prestressed Anchor pile and wall applications and research issues.2) Select the form of physical works of the four typical experiments on the working point of separation Prestressed Anchor pile wall structure to prototype analysis, an overview of the four test-point, the test content and test methods, according to the construction process force structure changes, the test process is divided into the filling conditions (denoted by A conditions), the anchor cable tension conditions (denoted by B conditions) and the observation conditions in the work (denoted as C conditions).3) Based on field test results, the study concluded the backfill soil pressure under various operating conditions (including the size and distribution characteristics of the vehicle loads caused by lateral pressure), piles, pile anchorage segment geotechnical fill and anchor cable the deformation of the system of coordinalion of the law, pile internal forces.the anchor cable tension variation.4) Research and analysis of various conditions, summed up the most unfavorable conditions in the various operating conditions, the best stress state, the role of Prestressed Anchor and Anchor initial prestress as well as in practical applications prestressed Anchor pile wall the height of the joint force.5) Describes the traditional earth pressure as well as in Middle-earth pressure of the test method for determining.6) Summarizes the commonly used structure calculation method, the cantilever piles, anchor piles displacement compatibility method, deformation constraints foundation coefficient of France for a brief introduction.7) To the elastic pile, described in detail the method of calculation of elastic pile, and calculated according to the elastic pile K method of the preparation of a simple and practical calculation procedure.8) Through the calculation of an engineering example, draw loaded section in various stages of construction of pile internal forces, the anchoring section of the pile internal forces compared with the experimental results verify.By test analysis, I have a force law about separate Prestressed Anchor pile and wall stress in the various stages of the construction, summed up the method of structure calculation at this stage, and on this basis, have a introduction about the method of the elastic pile beam on elastic foundation France, provide the reference and help for engineering design in the future.


