

Study on the Recreation System Planning Methods for Tourist Town

【作者】 孙颖

【导师】 王贺;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 在我国城镇化进程处于快速转型期的背景下,国内城乡居民的收入水平逐年增高,城镇居民对闲暇生活的需求也越来越突出。旅游小城镇已然成为了人们假日出游的热门旅游目的地。旅游小城镇作为小城镇的一种,它的发展对促进小城镇建设、城乡统筹、传承地域文化有着重要的意义。休闲游、自驾游等新兴旅游方式的兴起促进了旅游小城镇的快速发展,但同时,大量游客的涌入也让旅游小城镇原有的惬意休闲环境面临多方面的压力。如何在旅游发展的同时,在规划建设中,正确认识旅游小城镇的游憩特征,平衡好游客旅游活动及居民休闲活动的需要,科学合理建构旅游小城镇的游憩系统达到旅游小城镇旅游效益及宜居品质的双赢,是本文的研究重点。论文在梳理相关理论及分析现状问题的基础上,从旅游小城镇“游憩”特征的分析入手,辨析旅游小城镇中“游”与“憩”的空间关系。通过玉溪市旅游小镇游憩系统规划的实践与探讨,研究旅游小城镇游憩系统规划的要点,之后对旅游小城镇游憩系统规划的原则、策略、步骤等进行了探索性总结。最后,论文对旅游小城镇进一步开展游憩系统规划研究提出了展望,并提出只有通过各方面的通力协作,人们的游憩生活才能达到“内外兼修、创新发展、快乐和谐”的境界。

【Abstract】 Under the circumstances of the rapid transition of China’s urbanization, domestic income levels of urban and rural residents going up year by year and demand for leisure time increasing, leisure time has played a more and more important role in residents’ daily life. The development tourism small town, which is a kind of small town, plays an important role in the development of small towns, coordination of urban and rural, inheriting regional culture. The emerging of leisure, ZiJiaYou tourist travel has promoted the rapid development of tourism small towns. On the other hand, a large influx of tourists also give pressure to tourism leisure space in the small towns. It has become a main focus of development of small tourist town how they can develop tourist industry and avoid insufficient care for local people’s leisure demand in the same time.By analyzing the related theory, lay the foundation for paper writing. And analysis how the "tourism" and the "recreation" affect tourist towns on its space relation, and their relationship with small cities and towns, study the main points of tourism-recreation system building based on Yuxi’s example and experience. At last make a good in depth summary about principles, strategies, and steps tourism-recreation system in small town.Finally, this thesis summed up planning method for tourism recreation system in the small towns. And bring out the further blueprint of tourism small towns’ recreation systems planning, and points out that only through various aspects cooperation, people’s leisure life can achieve "inside and outside and repairing, innovation development, and happy harmonious".

【关键词】 旅游小城镇旅游休憩游憩系统规划方法玉溪
【Key words】 Tourist TowmsTourismleisureRecreationPlanningMethodsYuxi
  • 【分类号】TU984.2;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】515
  • 攻读期成果

