

【作者】 李帅

【导师】 方源敏;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的工商管理信息系统不能处理涉及到地理空间位置的相关的工商业务工作。如果利用GIS得天独厚的快速定位、可视化功能和分析功能就可以提高工作效率,提高管理层宏观决策指导,把原本枯燥乏味的业务数据,转化到地图上,以专题地图的形式表现出来,不仅形象而且直观,因此建立一个基于GIS的工商管理信息系统可以更好地满足工商业务工作的需要。本文采用软件工程的设计思想,通过需求分析,设计了基于GIS的工商管理信息系统的软硬件体系结构和主要功能;从分析工商业务工作的特点入手,研究了基于GIS的工商管理信息系统中数据的组织、管理和应用分析。本文主要完成了以下几个方面的工作:1.设计了基于GIS的工商管理信息系统的体系结构和主要功能。2.研究了数据的组织,按照新奥尔良(New Orleans)法对基于GIS的工商管理信息系统数据库进行了总体设计和具体设计。3.提出了“基于汉字模糊音的单位名检索方法”(UNR_FB),设计了UNR_FB实现方案,给出了UNR_FB的实现办法。4.提出了“基于选择度的属性检索方法”,构建了选择度属性检索数学模型,给出了该方法的具体实现流程。5.研究了GIS技术与工商业务工作的结合,给出了工商执法监控、数据质量控制、地址匹配服务、绩效考核和辅助决策支持等业务应用功能的具体实现。

【Abstract】 The traditional industry and commerce management information system can’t handle industry and commerce business work that related to the geographical spatial position. Through GIS quickly locate, visual function and analysis advantageous, it can improve work efficiency and macroeconomic management decision-making guidance, which transforms originally the boring business data to the theme map form. It is not only giving vivid figure but also illusion of objects directly, so building an industry and commerce geographic information system can better satisfy the requirement of the industry and commerce business work.In this paper, it adopts the thought of software engineering design, through the needs analysis, it designed hardware and software system structure and main function of the industry and commerce geographic information system; From analyzing the features of the industry and commerce business with work, it studies the industry and commerce geographic information systems data organization, management and application analysis.This paper mainly completed as the following several aspects:1. Designing the system structure and main function of the industry and commerce geographic information system.2. After researching data organization, according to New Orleans (New Orleans) method, it processes the whole design and detailed design to industry and commerce geographic information system database.3It proposed "based on Chinese characters fuzzy tone retrieval method"(UNR_FB), designed UNR_FB implementation scheme, given the realization of the UNR_FB method.4It proposed "attributes retrieval method which based on the choice ". It constructed the choice degrees attribute retrieval mathematics model and gave the specific implementation process.5it researched the combination of industry and commerce business work and the GIS technology, giving the industry and commerce law enforcement monitoring, data quality control, address matching services, performance evaluation and decision support business application functions of the specific implementation.


