

【作者】 阮辉平

【导师】 颜文胜;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 能源短缺、环境污染是制约国民经济快速发展的瓶颈。发展以电动汽车为代表的节能与新能源汽车是应对能源短缺、环境污染、气候变化等问题的重要举措,同时也有利于提升我国汽车产业的国际竞争力。近年来,政府有关部门相继出台了一系列电动汽车(包括混合动力汽车、纯电动汽车、燃料电池汽车)发展的扶持政策,这些政策不但对电动汽车技术研发起到了积极作用,也对电动汽车的产业化有了一定的推动作用。在国家政策的鼓励和市场预期的推动下,我国电动汽车产业化发展已势在必行。因此,开展电动汽车产业化发展的研究工作具有重要的现实意义和战略意义。本文重点对电动汽车的特点、关键技术、关键零部件技术、国内外电动汽车产业发展概况、我国电动汽车发展现状及存在的主要差距、产业化发展途径与对策等方面进行了综合研究分析,通过对电动汽车产业化技术和国内外发展现状的归纳总结分析,提出了符合我国国情的电动汽车产业化发展的对策与建议:1)增程式电动汽车可在最佳经济区以点工况或线工况功率特性运行,能量转换效率明显提高,燃油消耗和排放有效改善,动力电池容量及成本大幅度下降,行驶里程、能源利用效率、价格等方面均具有明显优势,是向纯电动汽车模式过渡的最佳选择;2)纯电动汽车具有噪声低、零排放、结构简单等优势,是未来汽车能源转型的最佳选择;3)发展电动汽车产业化将为人类带来明显的经济和社会效益,电动汽车既可以减少能源消耗又可以降低污染物的排放,达到节能减排的目的,同时电动汽车产业化可增加就业岗位,为我国提供新的经济增长点;4)我国相继出台和实施了多项促进交通能源转型与新能源汽车产业振兴的政策措施,政府各职能部门、大中小汽车生产企业、各省市都积极推动新能源汽车产业发展和示范运行工程,为我国新能源汽车产业发展奠定了重要基础;5)“以政府为主导,依靠市场拉动,实施汽车产业结构调整,与国际电动汽车产业接轨”是我国发展电动汽车的有效途径;6)继续完善我国电动汽车产业扶持政策、税收、标准化建设、基础设施建设、产业联盟等体系配套工作,有利于加快我国电动汽车的产业化发展和商业化运行步伐。7)我国电动汽车技术经过近些年的快速发展已取得了较大的进步,但产业化发展相对滞后,电动汽车产业化发展应以政府为主导,整合各方面力量,加强配套设施建设,同时制定相关的政策措施推动电动汽车产业化的快速发展;8)要积极推动电动汽车关键技术的研究与突破,降低成本,提高性能,依靠低成本、高性能占领市场,拉动电动汽车产业化发展;同时,要加快汽车产业结构调整,利用传统汽车产业的技术平台,积极推动电动汽车产业化,抓住电动汽车这一未来利润增长点。

【Abstract】 Energy shortage and environmental pollution are preventing national economy from developing rapidly. Developing energy saving and new energy vehicle represented by electric vehicle is an affirmative approach to the problems such as energy shortage, environmental pollution, climate change and etc., and also progress the international competition capability of automobile industry. In recent years, the government puts out a series of policy and acts to develop electric vehicle, which does not only have produced positive effects in researching electric vehicle technology, but also has an important driving effect on the EV industrialization. Enhancing policy and market expectations will further accelerate the development of the EV industrialization. Consequently, researching the development of the EV industrialization is of momentous current significance and strategic significance.This paper introduces the characteristics of EV, key technology, key departments technology, the profile of EV industrial development at home and abroad, and also analysis the current situation and the existing gap of the EV development, and the development methods and solutions of the industrialization. Through analysis the technology of EV industrialization and the current situation at home and abroad, we put out some suggests and solutions of EV industrialization adapted China:1) Extended range EV could run under the same loading cases in the economic fuel consumptions region, get high efficiency for energy conversion, optimize the fuel consumptions and emissions, reduce the capacity and cost of the batteries, and has obvious advantages in mileage, energy efficiency and price, so is the best choice to process to battery electric vehicle.2) BEV has the advantages such as low noise, zero emission and simple structure, so is the best choice in the future.3) EV industrialization will take remarkable economic and social benefits. EV could not only reduce the energy consumptions, but also reduces the discharge of pollutants. Meanwhile, EV industrialization could create more jobs and will become a new economic growth point of China.4) The government puts out many measures of energy change and accelerating the new energy industry. The departments of the government and automobile manufacture at all level work hard to promote the development of the new energy industrialization and demonstration running projects. These lay the foundation for the development of the new energy vehicle industry.5) This paper also suggests a development method of EV industrialization-" Leaded by the government, collecting all market sectors, speeding up the readjustment of the automotive industrial structure and integrating with the world market."6) Continue to improve the supporting policies of EV industrialization, the tax, the standards, the basic equipment building and the industry unions, which will speed up the steps of the development of EV industrialization and commercialized running.7) Through several years developing, our country’s EV technology has made considerable progress, but the development of the industrialization is backward. The development of EV industrialization needs the government’s leading, all social sectors, the perfect basic equipment building and the policies and measures.8) Accelerating the development of EV industrialization needs to promote the development and researching of the EV technology, reduces the cost and improve the performance, while speeding up the readjustment of the automotive industrial structure and making good use of the traditional platform. We should hold firmly to the new economic growth point.

  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】3927
  • 攻读期成果

