

Theoretical Research on Subtilized Management in Power Supply Companies

【作者】 李海泉

【导师】 曾鸣; 张源;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 项目管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 县级供电企业处于电网基层,是电力生产、供应和销售的最后环节,直接关系到社会经济和新农村建设与发展。在国家电网公司正积极推进“三集五大”的建设工作下,县级供电企业应加快由“指令型、指标型、粗放型”的传统管理模式向“精益化”管理模式转变。将精益化管理作为项目引入到县级供电企业的内部管理中,旨在通过统一规范不同专业班组的管理模式、管理方法和工作内容,实现“明确工作、规范工作、减轻工作”的目标。本文首先概述了精益化管理方面的基础理论,为后文的研究提供了理论支撑;第二,分析了当前县级供电企业的管理现状,以及管理体制、人员素质、管理手段等方面存在的问题,提出了构建供电企业精益化管理项目管理模式需要考虑以下四个方面的内容:外部驱动、管理理念、发展通道与战略目标,并提出了县级供电企业精益化管理项目的三种模式,分别是全方位精益化管理模式、岗位价值精益化管理模式、基于信息化的精益化管理模式;第三,以桓台县供电公司实施精益化管理项目为例,提出精益化管理项目的管理模式,具体可概括为“提倡一种文化,善用一种方法,统一一套标准,打造一个模式,运行一种机制”这“五个一”的实践论;最后,提出了精益化管理项目应为一个反馈系统,应根据供电企业的发展战略随时调整和完善。

【Abstract】 In the power grid power supply companies is the last link of electricity production, supply and sales, and directly related to construction and development of social economy and new rural. The State Grid Corporation of China are actively promoting construction work of "three set of five". Under this work, the power supply companies should speed up changing the traditional management mode "instructions, index, extensive" to "lean ". Power supply companies which is bought in the lean management aim to uniform standard management mode, management methods and content of different professional team, and achieve goals which is "clear work, standardize work, reducing work".Firstly, this paper overviews the basic theory of lean management, and provides the support in theory for later research. Secondly, this paper makes research on the present management situations of power supply companies, and management system, personnel quality, management means and other aspects of the existing problems. This paper puts forward to constructing lean management mode of power supply companies considering the following four aspects:external drive, management concept, channel and the strategic target. and puts forward to the lean management mode of power supply companies including the management mode of all-round lean management mode, position value lean management mode and basing on the information lean management mode. Thirdly, this paper makes the example of Huantai power supply companies implementing lean management mode. The lean management mode can be summarized as "five ones" which are "promoting a culture, using a method, unifying a set of standard, making a mode, running a mechanism". Finally, this paper puts forward the lean management project should be a feedback system, and should be adjusted based on the development strategy of power supply companies


