

Research on a Mixed Control System for AC Asynchronous Drives of EV

【作者】 邹会权

【导师】 徐龙权;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 电机与电器, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随社会的进步,汽车的使用和人们生活越来越密不可分,但是在在给人们的生活带来方便和快捷的同时,也带来了能源危机和环境污染等一些严重的负面影响。为了解决燃油汽车所带来的负面影响,电动汽车将成为日后交通工具发展的趋势,而电动汽车的核心技术就是对电动机的控制,现在关于对异步电动机的控制方法,比较流行采用的是矢量控制(FOC)和直接转矩控制(DTC),而且这两种方法也是比较先进的。通过阅读文献、仿真和做实验发现这两种方法各自有优缺点,对异步电动机的控制并不是十分的完美,国内外的一些学者也提出过一些改善这两种方法的方案,但是结果不是增加系统的复杂性就是改变了系统本身的一些优点,而且一些改变在实际的工程应用中不能得以实现。本文通过对异步电动机数学模型和控制理论的研究提出一个比较新的观点,就是把FOC和DTC这两种控制方法结合在一起,取长补短优势互补,形成一种对异步电动机的混合控制方法。为了使这两种控制方法能够有机的结合在一起,而且可以在线的灵活切换,满足电动汽车在不同的工况下转矩和速度的要求,首先就要解决这两种控制方法因为原理和控制目标等的不同,使系统在切换的过程中引起的状态突变和振荡。论文为这两种控制方法的平滑切换提出了可重置PI控制器这一概念,通过仿真和实验表明,可重置PI控制器能够很好的解决两种方法在切换的过程中所产生的振荡和突变,同时结合这两种控制方法的特点,提出对电机的不同运行的工况下,自动的进行控制方法的切换,使电机能够运行在最佳的状态下,最终使电动汽车快速、平稳的来反应人们发出的指令。本文将先通过搭建Matlab仿真模型进行混合控制方法可行性的研究,接着搭建基于DSP2812的硬件电路,然后通过Matlab和DSP之间的连接工具Real Time Workshop(RTW)设计生成混合控制的C语言程序,并编译、下载和调试最终控制一台小功率鼠笼式异步电动机。

【Abstract】 With the development of science technology and the improvement of standard living, the vehicle has played the more and more important role in the people’s lives. The sharp increase of vehicle quantity brings great convenience to people’s lives, but at the same time, it also brings energy crisis and environmental pollution and other serious negative effect to the social. In order to solve the negative effects of fuel vehicles, electric vehicles (EV) will be the future development tendency of automobile. The core technology of the EV is the motor control, what’s more in recently, the main control technology includes field orientation control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC), and these two kinds of method is more advanced. By reading a lot of literature and doing a series of experiments, then people found that the two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and these two kinds of theory is not very perfect for controlling induction motor. Some scholars at home and abroad have been made some work to improve these two methods, but it may increase the complexity of the control system or changed the system itself with some advantages. What’s the worse Some of the changes in the actual project application can not be achieved.An innovative control strategy, which is an organic combination of the two schemes, is presented in this paper to adopt the other’s strong points to offset one’s weakness based on the researching of the asynchronous motor mathematical models and control theory.In order to meet the requirements for EV in the different conditions of torque and speed. So make these two kinds of control method can combine together organicly and can reallize high performance motion control. The system in switching process induce status mutation and oscillation beacause of the theory and control objectives is different between these two konds of method should be solved firstly. For smooth switching between DTC and FOC, a new"resetable"PI controller is designed to replace the conventional PI controller in the paper. Simulation and experiments show that the new"resetable"PI controller can remarkably reduce the fluctuation of mixed control system, and the smooth transition is guaranteed no matter in steady state or transient state, while maintaining the control performance of DTC and FOC. At the same time, according to the conditions of the motor the control system can automatic switch to the control method, so that the motor can run in the best condition. Then the EV can execute the people’s command fastly and smoothly.The Matlab simulition will be designed to study the feasibility of the hybrid control method firstly. Then DSP2812hardware circuit is designed. Next, the tool of the connection between the Matlab and DSP is used to design and generation the hybrid control C language program,which is compiled, downloaded and debuaged to control a small power ansynchronous squirrel cage motor.

【关键词】 异步电动机混合控制MatlabDSP
【Key words】 ansynchronous motorhybrid controlMatlabDSP
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】TM343
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】106

