

Discuss on the Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind

【作者】 陈洲

【导师】 张志勋;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 国际法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “人类活动的外部空间”指未有人涉足或虽已有人类能够到达,但不能大规模地,常态化的进入并开发利用的领域。这些领域并不处于国家主权权利之下,或者主权权利处于不确定的状态。随着人类科技不断进步,这些领域都将被人类所利用和开发。这就要求在国际法的框架下,对这类领域的权利归属进行划分。“人类共同遗产”的提出在法理上恰好能够满足这一要求,但是实际的适用过程中却出现了不少阻碍。本文回溯人类共同遗产原则的思想起源和发展,对其概念和所包含的元素进行必要的分析;第三章介绍已经明确为人类共同遗产的领域和其可能适用的领域,为下文分析人类共同遗产原则困境提供支持;第四章中提出人类共同遗产原则之困境在于应对环境问题的乏力和缺乏公平有效的开发模式。为避免“共有地”悲剧,限制对这一类领域的利用和开发的做法显然不合适,这也将加深地球资源短缺和人类共同遗产原则之间的矛盾。笔者提出人类共同遗产原则在注重公平的同时要提高对效率的要求,建立一种公平高效的开发模式以满足发达国家和发展中国家的利益要求,满足现代人及人类后代的生存需要。国际法学界并没能对“人类共同遗产”原则形成统一的认识。本文从现实角度出发,排除某些领域适用人类共同遗产原则的可能,为人类共同遗产原则走出困境并充分发挥效用提出建议。科技不断进步,开发利用“人类活动的外部空间”的实际作用逐渐突显,人类共同遗产原则也将再次焕发生命。

【Abstract】 "The exterior space of human being" means the space that human has never arrived at or at least not widely used, the space is not under the national sovereignty rights or uncertain. With the development of human science and technology, the space began to be developed and used, which requires qualitative investigation of the space under the framework of international law. The idea of "common heritage of mankind" can meet this requirement, but there have been many obstacles.This paper reviews the ideological origins and development of the principle of common heritage of mankind, analyzes its concepts and elements necessarily, the third chapter describes the field that being used and probably used which provides the support for the following analysis of the predicament of the common heritage of mankind principle. Chapter four presents the key factors of the predicament of common heritage of mankind principle, which are the fatigue of environmental problems and the lack of fair and effective model of development, it is not wise to restrict the practice of the use and development of the space to avoid the tragedy of the "total land", and it will also deepen the contradictions of the shortage of resources of the earth and the common heritage of mankind, I hold that the effective development is as important as fairness in the principle of common heritage of mankind, and it is necessary to establish a fair and efficient development patterns to meet the interests and demands of the developed and developing countries, to meet the needs of the modern people and its future generations.It is not able to form a unified understanding of the principles of "common heritage of mankind" in international jurisprudence, this paper excludes the possibility of applying the common heritage of mankind in some areas and gives advice to overcome the predicament of the common heritage of mankind and make full use of this principle on the realistic basis. With the developments of technology, the affection of the exterior space of human being becomes more and more important and the principle of common heritage of mankind will be refreshed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

