

A Study into Enhancing China’s Ability of International Communication in a Globalised Context

【作者】 杨余

【导师】 伍刚;

【作者基本信息】 中国青年政治学院 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随经济的飞速发展,中国的国际地位和国际影响力得到快速提升,但国际传播力仍然滞后,与国际地位极不相称。考虑到我国在互联网利用方面与世界基本保持了同步发展,且互联网已成为国际传播的主旋律,这为提升国际传播能力提供了巨大的历史机遇。在全球化、信息化的时代背景下,如何提升中国互联网的国际传播力,改善“西强我弱”的国际舆论环境,让中国的声音传向世界进而影响世界,这已成为一个重要课题。笔者力图展开针对性研究,以期对后续研究或实践有一定的借鉴意义。本论文前言部分说明研究缘起、文献综述、研究框架、研究意义和研究方法。本论文正文部分共分四个部分:第一部分是关于全球化时代背景的介绍:第一节梳理了全球互联网的兴起、发展与趋势历程及其对人类生产、生活方式的深刻影响,更重要的是,互联网已借助其国际传播方面的天然优势,成为新时期国际传播最有效载体之一;第二节描述了传统国际传播格局下信息流动失衡的现状及其对我国的不利影响。第二部分主要是阐释提升中国互联网国际传播力的必然性:第一节描述不断增强的中国国际影响力和中国互联网的高速发展为其提供了可能性;第二节从互联网的国际传播现状小调查出发,探析国际传播力疲软的现状及其原因。第三部分探讨的是中国互联网提升国际传播力的战略实践与探索:第一节对比了中、美、英、日和韩等国在提升互联网国际传播力的国家战略;第二节主要关注的是中国主流网络媒体在提升国际传播力方面的新举措;第三节拟在资本全球化背景下,对比分析谷歌与百度,FACEBOOK与人人网,TWIITER与新浪微博,YOUTUBE与优酷的资本运作情况。第四部分旨在探讨全球化语境下提升中国互联网国际传播力的策略分析。总体目标是创建独具中国特色的中国互联网传播体系,主要从制度改革、内容把关、人才建设、技术创新和资本运作等方面进行构建。在此基础上,强调不断突出发展新兴媒体,抢占全球传播制高点。本论文结语部分总结全文,中国的国际传播应借助互联网全球共享、互动优势,从“防御型国际传播模式”到“主动型国际传播模式”逐渐转换。

【Abstract】 Although there is a booming economy, the improvement of China’s ability of internationalcommunication is still way lagging that of the international status and international influence. Yet Chinahas explored the use of Internet greatly, which could serve as a historic opportunity to enhance China’sability of international commutation. It has been high on China’s agenda to improve its ability ofinternational communication through Internet and to make China’s voice stronger, changing the presentwestern-dominated structure of global communication. In this thesis, the author tries to study pointedlyon this issue, hoping to be useful to further this study.There are altogether five parts in the introduction, those are: origin of the study; literature review;framework of the study and research method. There are four chapters included in the body of this thesis.The first chapter gives a background introduction to the globalised world. There are two parts in thischapter, which respectively introduces the proliferation and development of the Internet, which laterdeveloped into one of the main carrier of international communication, and then the imbalance of theflow of international information in the present framework of international communication, whichresults in a lot of troubles to China.The second chapter argues the necessity to improve China’s ability of international communicationthrough the Internet. The first part states the possibility to improve China’s ability of internationalcommunication from a perspective of the fast developed influence and the Internet of China; the secondpart shows a questionnaire research, which explores the reasons for China’s weak ability ofinternational communication.The third chapter discusses the strategies and measures taken by China. The first part makes acomparison among the strategies practiced by China, the USA, the UK, Japan and South Korea; thesecond part focuses on the development of China’s main Internet-based media; the third part makes acomparison again between the commercialized portal webs from China and abroad, with a perspectiveof capital.The fourth chapter tries to explore some strategies of enhancing China’s ability of internationalcommunication in a globalised context. The goal is to construct a Internet-based communication systemwith Chinese characteristics, focusing mainly on institution reform, content gate-keeping, talentsconstruction, technology innovation and capital operation etc.The conclusion summarizes the whole thesis, that is China should employ the advantage of mutualsharing and interaction of Internet, and proactively transmit from “defensive model” to “active model”of international communication.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【下载频次】628

