

The Protection of the Legal System of Rural Drinking Water Source

【作者】 姚芬

【导师】 闫立宏;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 环境与资源保护法, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 农村饮用水源的状况关系到农村居民的生产和发展,特别是在建设社会主义法治社会的时代,如何保障农民的生命健康权、饮水权和环境权,是法治社会的必然要求。然而,我国农村饮用水源保护的法律、法规及规章,只能说是从大体上保证了广大农村地区饮用水的供给平衡。由于大多数的法律规范性文件的制定时间较早,部分内容已在立法理念、立法技术、法律体系、规范内容、水源监管、执法力度等方面存在缺陷,不能保障农民的各项法律权利,与建设社会主义新农村的指导方针显得格格不入,无法适应和谐社会的发展趋势。为此,笔者将文章分为四部分,系统地研究了对农村饮用水源的保护,具体而言:本文的第一部分是从基本理论着手,阐述了农村饮用水源保护的基本问题,对其内涵做出了界定,区分了水源、饮用水与饮用水源之间的异同;在环境法的视野下,介绍了农村饮用水源保护法律制度的基本内容,即农村饮用水源保护区制度、水源质量保障制度、应急预警制度和生态补偿制度四方面;并详细地说明了其存在的必要性,保护农村饮用水源体现了对农民生命健康权、饮水权、环境权的重视,且也与我国提出了建设社会主义新农村息息相关;最后,说明了保护农村饮用水源的两点重要意义,一是最大程度地实现了法律所追求的公平正义,二是深化了我国的环境保护法律体系。本文的第二部介绍了我国农村饮用水源保护法律制度的现状,且对我国在保护农村饮用水源中具体存在的六个问题进行了分析,如农村饮用水源保护法律体系不健全、饮用水源的保护区划分不合理、缺乏合理的生态补偿制度等等问题。这就说明了我国农村的饮用水普遍存在隐患,例如,在攀枝花市仁和区的农村饮用水现状调查评估报告中就指出,仁和区14个乡镇的农村人口总数为近14万,全区约有5万人的饮用水存在安全问题,占居了全区农村人口的37%。其中存在的问题集中体现在饮用水水质不符合国家的标准、饮用水水量不充足、水资源短缺,按照人口比例计算,水质不达标的人口占居近总人数的一半。我们必须认真思考类似的情形,从根本上予以解决。本文的第三部分分别介绍了美国、德国、日本、以色列四个国家对饮用水源的法律保护,并总结了借鉴意义。如在应急预警制度方面,我们就应该做好水污染预防管理工作,对各种污染源进行严格管理,严格控制污染源进入饮用水之中,有效地防止和减少饮用水污染所带来的负面影响。本文的第四部分针对农村饮用水源保护法律制度中存在的问题,借鉴国外的先进经验,提出了相应的六点建议,如建立完善的保护农村饮用水源的法律体系、科学划分农村饮用水源保护区、构建合理的生态补偿机制等等措施,以彻底解决存在的问题。例如,浙江省就要求增加财政转移支付中的生态补偿的力度;强化对水资源的生态补偿;注重对污染环境行为的整合与治理,加强对水资源的税费征收。总之,在法治社会的环境中,加强对农村饮用水源的保护已经成了我国保护水资源中的一个重要方面,也是建设环境友好型社会的必然要求。

【Abstract】 The situation of rural areas of source of drinking is related to production and development ofrural residents, especially in the era of building a socialist society under the rural of law. How toprotect the right of farmers of life an health, water and environmental rights is the necessary of lawsociety.However, rural drinking water source protection laws, regulations an rules of China can onlyensure the balance of the vast rural areas of drinking water supply.The formulation of most of thelegal normative documents were earlier in the past. Most of the concept legislation, legislativetechnique, legal system, the normative content, water regulation, law enforcement and flawed cannot guarantee the legal rights of the farmers. It is also unable to adapt to the trend of development ofa harmonious society.The article is divided into four parts, a systematic study of rural drinkingwater source protection.From the basic theory, the first part of this article is to explain the basic problems of the ruraldrinking water source protection and define its connotation.And I distinguish similarities anddifferences between the water, drinking water and drinking water sources. In the vision of theenvironmental law, I introduce the basic content of the legal system of rural drinking water sourceprotection, source of drinking water in rural areas, systems of protected areas, water qualityprotection system, the emergency warning system and ecological compensation system in four areas.Then, I describe the necessity of its existence, protection source of drinking water in rural areasreflects the importance of farmers’ right to life and health, water rights an the right of environment.It is closely related with the building a new socialist countryside of the China. Lastly I illustrate twoimportant significance of the protection of rural drinking water sources: on the one hand, itmaximizes the legal pursuit of fairness and justice; on the other hand, it is to deepen Chineseenvironmental protection legal system.The second part describes the current situation of the legal system of the rural drinking watersource protection, I analyze the six questions on the concrete existence of our country in theprotection of rural drinking water sources. Such as the system of rural drinking water to protect thelegal system is not perfect, the source of drinking water protection zone is unreasonable, lacks thesystem of ecological compensation. This explains the prevalence of hidden dangers of ruraldrinking water. For example, in the city of Pan zhihua Ren he District Rural Drinking Water Surveyassessment report pointed out that Ren he District,14villages and towns of the rural population ofnearly140,000. The region about50,00drinking water had security problems, and occupied the37%of the rural population in the region. The problem is that it has a concentrated expression which does not meet the national standards in the quality of drinking water. According to theproportion of the population, water quality standards of the population occupies nearly half of thetotal number. We must seriously consider a similar situation to be resolved fundamentally.The third part of this article describes the four countries of the United States, Germany, Japan,Israel which protect the drinking water sources on the legal protection. In the emergency warningsystem, we should carry out the prevention of water pollution management, strict management ofthe various sources of pollution, control the pollution sources into the potable water in order toprevent and reduce the negative impact of the contamination of drinking water effectively.In the fourth part of this article, I suggest that we should learn the advanced experience offoreign countries to solve the problem about the rural drinking water source protection. Such as, wecan establish a sound legal system to protect drinking water sources in rural areas, devise the ruraldrinking water zones scientifically, build a reasonable measures of the ecological compensationmechanism in order to solve the problems. For example, Zhejiang Province increases financialtransfer payments to strengthen the ecological compensation for water sources. It focuses onintegration and governance on the behavior of pollution of the environment and strengthens thecollection of taxes on water resources.In short, in the rule of law and social environment, we ought to strengthen the protection of ruraldrinking water sources which has become an important aspect in the protection of water resourcesin China. It is also necessary to build environment-friendly society.


