

Studies on Purify Indoor Environment Effect of Four Kinds of Flowers Plant and Detecting Methods

【作者】 赖玉珊

【导师】 薛秋华; 刘用凯;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 现代社会生活环境污染越来越严重,室内污染气体种类繁多,包括甲醛、苯、二甲苯、氡、CO、CO2、SO2等。其中甲醛是现代建筑装修后最常见的室内污染物,因其毒害作用大、污染时间长,已被世界卫生组织认定为可疑致癌物。目前已出现各种物理的、化学的气体污染控制措施,但是这些措施不仅成本高,而且容易产生二次污染。因此,很有必要对植物净化室内环境效果进行实验研究。本实验以甲醛作为实验污染气体,用选定的四种花卉植物来进行植物对室内空气中污染气体的去除和净化实验。通过模拟室内环境,对植物进行熏蒸处理,实际测定置入四种花卉植物后密闭环境中的甲醛浓度变化,来分析植物对甲醛的吸收效果;通过统计实验后的植物叶片损伤情况,植物叶绿素含量变化来反映植物对甲醛的抗性;并且在自身及前人的实验基础上提出相关实验的方案设计和净化效果的评价方法。实验研究的结果表明:(1)12h内,在不同甲醛浓度条件下四种植物均有一定的吸收能力,并且不同种植物在相同浓度条件下的甲醛吸收量有显著差异,其中红豆杉在各个浓度条件下均表现出较强的吸收能力,在低浓度下美人蕉吸收效果最差,在中等浓度和高浓度下,美人蕉、八角金盘和茉莉都表现出较接近的吸收能力。综合考虑认为,12h内红豆杉吸收效果最好,美人蕉吸收效果最差。(2)四种植物在不同时间段对甲醛的吸收能力也各不相同。其中美人蕉在低浓度条件下各时间段对甲醛的吸收量没有显著差异,其他各种植物在3种浓度下各时间段的吸收量均具有显著差异,都在实验初期吸收大量甲醛,并随时间推移,单位时间甲醛吸收量逐渐下降。(3)单位叶面积植物对甲醛的吸收量与甲醛浓度大部分呈正相关。低浓度下单位叶面积吸收甲醛量最大的为八角金盘,最小为美人蕉;中等浓度下单位叶面积吸收甲醛量最大为红豆杉,最小为茉莉;高浓度下单位叶面积吸收甲醛量最大为茉莉,最小为美人蕉。(4)四种植物在实验结束后的一周内均发生部分叶片损伤的情况,损伤程度随实验浓度的加深而加重。(5)四种植物经甲醛熏蒸后植株叶绿素含量均有不同程度的下降,下降程度随实验浓度的加大而增大。最后,通过实验及前人的研究方法,发现前人及本实验过程中的不足之处,总结出相关的实验方案设计。主要包括密闭循环系统的建立,污染气体的检测方法,以及植物对污染气体吸收效果的评价方法,为今后相关实验提供了参考依据。

【Abstract】 Modern social life environmental pollution is more and more serious, indoor pollution of gas ofvarious kinds, including formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, radon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfurdioxide, etc. Formaldehyde is the most common indoor pollutant in modern architectural decoration.Because of its serious poisonous effect and long time pollution, it has been recognized as suspiciouscarcinogens by the world health organization. At present all sorts of physical and chemical gas pollutioncontrol measures already appeared, but these measures not only expensive, but easy to produce thesecondary pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to research the effects of the plants purifies indoorenvironment by experiments.This experiment use formaldehyde as experiment pollution gas, with a selected four flowers plant toproceed the experiment of indoor air pollution removal and purification. Through the simulation of indoorenvironment and the fumigation of the plants, measuring formaldehyde concentration change of puttingfour kinds of flowers plant in closed environment, in order to analyzing the plants to formaldehydeabsorption effect; Through the statistics of the plant leaves and chlorophyll content change after injured toreflect the plant resistance to formaldehyde; And putting forward the related experimental design andpurifying effect evaluation method based on our own and previous experiments. The result of theexperiment shows that:(1)In12hours, four kinds of flowers plant have certain absorb formaldehyde ability in differentformaldehyde concentration conditions, and different kinds of plants in the same conditions of theformaldehyde concentration can absorb a significant difference, among them Taxus Chinensis shows astrong absorption capacity in the various concentration conditions, and Canna absorption effect is the worstin the low concentrations. In moderate level and high level concentrations, Canna, Fatsia and Jasminehave similar absorption ability. Considering that, within12hours, Taxus absorption effect is the best,Canna absorption effect is the worst.(2)Four kinds of plants in different period of absorbing ability of formaldehyde also has significantdifference, there was no significant difference between the uptake of formaldehyde by Canna under thecondition of different time, while there was a significant difference between each time periods by the otherthree kinds of plants. They absorbed large amounts of formaldehyde in the experiment early, and over time,per unit of time the formaldehyde absorption gradually decreased.(3)Absorptive amount of unit leaf area of formaldehyde was almost all positively Associated withformaldehyde concentration, Fatsia has a largest amount of unit leaf area absorption of formaldehyde in low concentration, while Canna has a minimum amount. In condition of moderate concentration, Taxus hasa largest amount of unit leaf area absorption of formaldehyde while Jasmine has a minimum amount. Incondition of high concentration, Jasmine has a largest amount of unit leaf area absorption of formaldehydewhile Canna has a minimum amount.(4)Within one week after injured, all the plants have part of damage. The degree of injury isaggravated withthe deepening of the experimental concentration.(5)After the formaldehyde fumigation, chlorophyll content of four kinds of plants are different degree ofdecline. The degree of decline is aggravated with the deepening of the experimental concentration.Finally, through the experiment and previous research methods, finding the deficiency from theprocess of previous experiments, summarize related experiment scheme design. Including the closed cyclesystem establishment, polluting gas detection methods, and plants for the pollution of the evaluationmethod in gas absorption effect, providing the reference for the related experiments in future.

  • 【分类号】X51;X173;S68
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】474

