

Studies of Abalone Viscera Oil Extracted by Pulsed Electric Field(PEF), Its Refining and Antioxidation

【作者】 于真真

【导师】 陈锦权;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 食品科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着鲍鱼等贝类产业的不断发展,如何充分利用其下脚料,减少环境污染急需解决办法,脏器作为主要的下脚料,其含有大量油脂、蛋白质、多糖、微量元素及维生素等,可再利用价值非常高,如果能有效提取此类活性物质,带来巨大经济效益的同时还能解决废弃带来的环境问题。本课题根据前人对高新技术高压脉冲电场(Pulsed Electric Field,PEF)的研究,探索出一种全新的海产品油脂提取技术:利用高压脉冲电场技术提取鲍鱼脏器油脂,旨在研究并探索出一种解决鲍鱼等贝类产品下脚料的综合利用问题的高效低能技术。本论文首先对高压脉冲电场提取鲍鱼脏器油脂的工艺进行了研究,通过分析油脂得率与细胞破碎系数(Zp),进行PEF提取工艺的单因素分析确定出每个单因素实验的最优区间,然后经正交分析,PEF提取鲍鱼脏器油脂中的三个参数对提取效果的影响依次为:水料比>电场强度>处理时间,其最佳提取工艺为:水料比为2:1、电场强度为22.5,处理时间为40μs。然后结合各项理化指标的分析,比较高压脉冲电场提取法与Bligh-dyer法所得鲍鱼脏器油脂,得出前者其过氧化值、酸值、茴香胺值较Bligh-dyer法都低很多,而碘值较之Bligh-dyer法要高;此外前者SFA比后者低15.40%,而MUFA与PUFA分别比后者多7.42%与7.98%,说明高压脉冲电场提取的油脂较Bligh-dyer法提取的油脂其氧化程度低,不饱和程度高,油脂品质优良。最后将PEF提取的鲍鱼脏器油脂进行精炼,观察其各项理化指标的变化结合最后得率,确定出精炼的最佳工艺条件:脱胶工艺中80%(v/v)的磷酸的添加量为1.5%,脱酸工艺中使用浓度为5%NaOH,脱色时采用的脱色剂为“2%活性炭+1%活性白土”,脱腥时间为60min。得到最后的鲍鱼油脂产品为酸值为0.98,碘值为133.8,微腥,颜色为浅绿色的初级鱼油制品。针对鲍鱼脏器油脂容易氧化的问题,研究了维生素E、茶多酚和迷迭香三种天然抗氧化剂在鲍鱼脏器中的抗氧化效果,结果表明迷迭香的抗氧化效果最优;分别比较了迷迭香和维生素E不同添加量的抗氧化效果,认为0.03%迷迭香和0.2%维生素E对鲍鱼脏器油脂具有良好的抗氧化效果;按不同添加量将两者复合使用后发现添加“0.2%维生素E+0.02%迷迭香”于鲍鱼脏器油脂中具有显著的抗氧化效果。

【Abstract】 With the development of Abalone and other shellfish industry, how to make useof the by-products and reduce the pollution becomes badly in need of resolving. Theby-products contain oil, protein, polysaccharide, microelement and vitamin, and thosebioactive substances can be fully utilized which will make economic benefits andreduce environmental pollution.This paper explored a new oil extraction technology from seafood--extraction ofabalone viscera oil with PEF.Firstly, the process parameters of PEF on oil extraction were studied. The yieldand disintegration index (Zp) were analyzed, then the best scope of each parameterwere determined by single factor analysis. The optimal technical parameters weredetermined by orthogonal analysis as follows: cement ratio was2:1, PEF strength was22.5kV/cm and processing time was40μs.Secondly, the PEF extraction was compared with Bligh-dyer method byanalyzing the physic-chemistry of the abalone viscera oil respectively. The resultshowed that the peroxide value, acid value and anisidine value in former were higherthan the later, and the iodine value was lower than later. The SFA was15.4%less,MUFA7.42%and PUFA7.98%more than later. The results showed that the PEF oilwas lower oxidation, higher degree of unsaturation and more excellent quality.Thirdly, the abalone viscera oil by PEF was refined. The processing parameterswere determined according to the physic-chemistry and the last yield. The result was:1.5%H3PO4(80%,v/v) in degumming,5%NaOH in neutralized,2%actived coal and1%actived earth as adsorbent in bleaching,60min/90℃in deodorization. Therefining steps were all carried out in a vacuum of approximately0.85MPa. Theprimary oil products were obtained, with acid value0.98and iodine value133.8.Finally, three different antioxidants (vitamin E, tea polyphenols and rosemary) were studied in this paper. The rosemary was proved to be the best antioxidant forabalone viscera oil, and the optimal addition was0.03%in the oil. Besides,0.2%VEwas effective in abalone viscera oil antioxidation. At last, complex naturalantioxidant “0.2%VE+0.02%rosemary” was proved to be the best effective inabalone viscera oil antioxidation.

  • 【分类号】TS225.24
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】238

