

【作者】 金菁

【导师】 陈新力;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济快速发展和工业化日益推进,许多环境问题也愈发严重。旧的经济发展模式逐渐受到学者质疑与反思,人们开始更多的关注兼顾经济发展与环境保护的新经济发展模式,在这一背景下,生态经济的概念逐渐被人们关注和研究,生态经济区的建设也在理论和实践上得到探索。鄱阳湖是我国最大的淡水湖,对于江西,乃至全国来说,都具有重要的生态功能。2009年12月,国务院正式批复《鄱阳湖生态经济区规划》,标志着建设鄱阳湖生态经济区正式上升为国家战略。鄱阳湖生态经济区的建设,在科学、低碳发展的新阶段,它担负探索江西省经济社会发展新模式,促进中部崛起、促进鄱阳湖地区生态建设和经济建设有机结合的历史重任。在生态经济区建设和发展的内容中,产业的生态化改造和现有生态产业的发展,是生态经济发展的重要内容。因此,发展生态经济,推进生态产业繁荣,是当前鄱阳湖生态经济区建设的重要内容之一。本文在对生态经济及生态经济区、生态产业相关研究进行综述的基础上,依托可持续发展理论、循环经济理论、生态价值理论、交易费用等理论,梳理了部分典型发达国家和地区进行流域生态经济开发、生态产业发展的经验;分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区生态产业(分别主要分析了生态农业、生态工业和生态服务业及生态旅游业)的发展现状、存在问题和面临问题,选取典型案例,分别重点分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区内三地生态农业、生态工业及生态旅游业发展的经验;综合搜集相关数据,借鉴相关成果,改进运用了区域经济和产业生态化耦合度评价模型,分析评价了鄱阳湖生态经济区各地发展产业生态化发展进程和区域经济发展现状及其相关关系;在综合分析的基础上,结合鄱阳湖生态经济区三次产业发展现状,提出针对三类生态产业发展的战略思路;最后,本文分析提出鄱阳湖生态经济区发展生态产业的相关配套政策建议。通过本研究,得出如下主要结论:第一,通过模型对鄱阳湖生态经济区代表市县区域经济发展与产业生态化分析,表明鄱阳湖生态经济区内产业生态化系统的耦合度及产业生态化与区域经济系统之间的协调度水平六年来不断提高,但总体水平仍然处于较低的耦合阶段;第二,在生态产业发展经验上,不同的生态产业具有不同的模式适应性。鉴于鄱阳湖生态经济区地理及经济发展现状和特点,湖区发展生态农业宜重点借鉴赣南的“猪—沼—果”模式,同时大力推进农业产业化经营、在湖区加大农用技术的推广力度、建设完善农业服务体系,提高生态农业的市场竞争力;生态工业方面,湖区宜整合现有零散、无序的工业园区,新建、改造生态工业园区,推进循环工业园区的发展,以生态工业园区、循环工业园区为支撑推进湖区整体工业生态化改造的进程;在生态服务业方面,湖区的劣势在于原有服务产业的基础薄弱,产业发展起点低,但生态经济的发展是湖区服务业跨越发展的重要契机,宜选择性发展能助推生态经济区建设的服务产业,如金融业、信息服务业、商贸物流业等,明确各区域战略定位,整合优势资源,以点带面,实现跨越发展。在全球低碳经济、绿色经济快速发展的当下,生态环境和经济的协调发展越来越成为各国发展的共识。保护生态、促进经济可持续发展,探索适合在工业化发展过程中生态经济发展的路子,探索生态产业支撑区域生态经济发展的有效模式,是当下经济发展的重要课题。本文研究试图从一个区域的层面探讨这一问题,从产业的角度窥探生态经济的内在发展动力,以点带面,期望能为鄱阳湖生态经济区的建设和发展提供具有价值的理论观点,因此,本文的研究具有较为典型的现实和理论意义。本文研究有两点创新:一是在选题上,本文较为系统全面地分析了当前生态经济、生态产业发展的现状,深入结合鄱阳湖生态经济区经济、产业发展状况,定性、定量分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区生态经济发展现状;二是在方法上,本文改进了区域经济和产业生态化耦合度评价模型,更为准确和客观地分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区经济发展和产业生态化协调发展的情况。

【Abstract】 With the sustainable and fast development of Chinese economy andindustrialization, a throng of environmental problems are becomingprogressively worse. The new model of economy development which givesequal consideration to both economy development and environmentalprotection is given increasingly concern while the traditional model ismore frequently questioned and reassessed by scholars. The Eco-economic(Ecological economic) and the construction of Eco-economic regions isgradually concerned&researched under the background. Poyang Lake is ofvital importance to Jiangxi and even to China in ecological functions as itis the largest freshwater lake in China. It marks the Poyang LakeEco-economic region was officially become a national-strategy with theapproval of Poyang Lake ecological economic region planning by the StateCouncil in December2009. In the era of scientific&low-carbon economicdevelopment, the construction of Poyang Lake Eco-economic region isEntailed the history responsibility of exploring new development model forJiangxi and Seeking new way for economic development&environmentprotection in Poyang Lake region. The development of ecologicalindustries and the ecologically transformation of traditional industries areboth the significant contents in eco-economic development. Accordingly,booming of ecological industries and eco-economic should be taken intoconsiderable account for Poyang Lake eco-economic region.A peck of related issues were studded In this paper. Firstly, theexperiences of developing the eco-economic region and eco-economicindustries in some typical countries and regions were summarized on thebasis of explanation of some interrelated conceptions and theories.Secondly, the present state&problems of eco-industries in Poyang lakewere analyzed and the experiences in three typical eco-industriesdevelopment areas in Poyang lake region were intensively studied. Thirdly,the state&interrelationship of ecological development of industries andregional economics were evaluated with the modified appraisal model.Moreover, a development strategy for three industries was suggested on thebasis of the researching work above. Finally, some policy proposals forfurther development of ecological industries in Poyang lake region were suggested.The main conclusions in the paper are summarized as: Firstly, theoverall degree of coupling between industry ecological tendency andregional economy development is low though it was improving graduallythese years. Secondly, different industries are endowed with differentmodel adaptability when it comes to ecological industry developmentexperiences. For ecological agriculture, it was advised that popularizingthe Pig-Methane-Fruit model of Gannan all across Poyang Lake District ismeaningful. For ecological industry, switching to a cyclic economy andconstructing eco-industrial parks is a possible way to ecological industrydevelopment. For ecological service industry, as the industry infrastructureis weak, the ecological service industry needs to fit into a accurate industrypositioning for the well development.The coordinated and balanced development of ecological environmentand economics are increasingly become a common view all across theworld in the low-carbon and green economic era. To protect theenvironment while pursuing a sustainable development model in process ofindustrialization is key task nowadays. To probe into the issue from aregional perspective and to investigate the inner-dynamic of eco-economicdevelopment from a industrial view, the research is expected to bringforward some valuable viewpoints for the construction of Poyang lakeeco-economic region.Two aspects were innovated in this paper. The first innovation is in theselection of the subject. The eco-economic and the eco-industriesdevelopment state in a certain region were comprehensively andsystematically analyzed in this paper, which in other researches were notdiscovered yet. The development state of eco-industries and eco-economicin Poyang lake were qualitatively&quantitatively studied in this paper.The second innovation is the techniques for analyzing. The CoupledEvaluation Model for regional economic development and industryecological tendency is modified and used in this paper for a more accurateand objective analysis in Poyang lake eco-economic region.


