

【作者】 马兰

【导师】 段小梅;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,两岸海协会和海基会的恢复协商以及ECFA的签订等一系列突破性举措的进展为台商投资祖国大陆创造了良好的条件,掀起了另一波台资投资大陆的热潮。台商投资在我国区域分布差异明显,从台资大陆布局来看,在台商投资形态由加工出口型转向市场占领型后,中部空间区位对台资的制约力已开始逐步下降,台资在中部阶段性缺位后呈现的将是较长时期的大规模投资浪潮,投资主体将是先期投资东部的劳动密集型制造业。对劳动密集型的台资企业来说,“入世”缓冲期后区域优惠差别将逐步消除,借助中央政府的区域开发战略探寻新的利润空间,创造产业新生命周期并搜寻与产业承受力相适宜的资源要素价格,规避新投资产业空间挤压产生的利润下降是必然选择。因此,在国家政策指导,地区经济发展需要的现实背景下,基于产业转移的现实需要,研究该背景下产业转移承接方的台资利用问题是关系到我国地区经济协调发展、缩小区域差距的重要课题,同时也对我国利用外商直接投资、积极承接国际产业转移、合理地引导其流向的重要任务具有探索示范意义。本文通过文献查阅、比较分析,获取论文研究的基础资料以及统计分析等方法,最后得出如下结论:随着产业转移的深入和中部崛起,沿海地区劳动密集型产业向中部转移的幅度和强度会逐渐加强,逐渐形成中部区域产业特色、品牌特色、技术特色和区域产业集群。在承接转移过程中,既积极争取国家宏观的政策支持,同时把更多精力放到区域自身的产业链培育和产业环境构建上,同步完善产业园区生产性配套设施和生活性配套设施;加快推进园区产业布局,努力做到园区产业布局合理、产业链向园区集中、园区之间错位发展;加强服务型政府建设,改变政府服务意识和态度,通过良好的政府服务来改善中部地区的投资环境;依据本地资源察赋及优势制定本地产业政策,创新机制,做到规划建设一片、配套完善一片、开工投产一片,建设好招商引资、发展开放型经济、承接东部发达省区产业转移的载体平台。

【Abstract】 Considering the current imbalance situation of FDI’s huge impact on China’s economicdevelopment and its regional distribution in China, many scholars in mainland has madeuseful explorations and has achieved a series of valuable research findings. Under thecircumstances of current unbalanced regional economic development in the middle and westand parts industrial transfer in developed coastal areas, as a primary form of industry transfer,foreign direct investment and its location, impact factors analysis is of apparently significantly.Therefore, under the background of national policy guidance and macro-economicdevelopment needs, studies of industrial transfer of undertaking in the context of Taiwan’scapital utilization have the following points:1、The topic relates to the coordinated development of regional economy in China whichmeets the important issues and strategy layout of regional disparity;2、The topic was chosen giving the consideration of speeding up economic and tradecooperation across the Taiwan Strait in the past two years which shows its timeliness andpertinence;3、As a refinement of an in-depth study on the background of macro entry point, theexploration of the issues on China’s foreign direct investment is of experimental significance.This hot topics focus on current cross-strait economic development problems combinedwith the mainland coastal industrial transfer of dynamic economic development as thebackground, while by applying the theory of foreign direct investment and industrial regionaltransferring theory and based on the eastern, central and western situation of unevendistribution in three regions of Taiwan’s capital, this article finally reach the followingconclusion through the literature review, comparison analysis and thesis research data.With the depth of industry transfer and the rise of central China, the transfer rate of labour-intensive industries in the coastal areas to the central will gradually strengthen. And it willgradually formed the central characteristics of regional characteristics of the industry, brand,technical characteristics, regional industry cluster, upgrading of industrial structure andtechnological upgrading. In undertaking the transfer process, be positive for national macro-policy support while focus more on regional industry chain cultivation and industry whichwill enables it to a virtuous industry transfer.

【关键词】 产业转移中部地区台商投资
【Key words】 Industry transferCentral regionTaiwan investment

