

【作者】 梁芳

【导师】 段塔丽;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 社会学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 本文选取秦巴山贫困区一个已脱贫的农村---T村---进行实地调查,探索贫困地区农户家庭经济发展的模式,为该地区的发展提供借鉴作用。本文属于理论指导下的实证研究。资料的收集分两个阶段进行,2011年1月份在该村做初步的探索调查;2011年10月份进行第二阶段的入户访谈。第一阶段的问卷资料主要了解了当地农户家庭主要的收入和支出来源;第二阶段的访谈资料进一步明确了地理位置对农户家庭经济发展的影响,地理位置和家庭收入途径决定了农户家庭经济的发展模式。根据两个阶段的资料,得出以下结论:第一、T村的发展模式主要有三种:以打工和种植为主要收入来源的农户家庭发展模式;以打工收入作为家庭主要收入来源的农户家庭经济发展模式;以农业种植为主要收入来源的农户家庭经济发展模式。第二、T村农户家庭处于脱贫后的发展起始阶段,该阶段需要依靠政府的投资加强基础设施建设,为农户家庭的发展提供必不可少的外部条件;通过政府提供的促进发展的项目来改善生存条件,提高生存质量。第三、以打工收入作为家庭主要收入来源的农户家庭所面临的主要问题是:外出打工与照顾子女之间的矛盾,外出务工增加了收入,但是父母没有足够的时间照顾子女。第四、把农户家庭近期的具体目标与政府的长远目标统一起来是地方政府和农户家庭共同面临的问题。只有这样,才能真正发挥农户家庭在当地发展的主体作用,在提高农户家庭收入的同时,促进该村的发展,避免农村的衰落。

【Abstract】 This article is an empirical research report under the theoretical guidance. The field investigation has been conducted in T vilage in Qin-Ba Mountain poverty area Shaanxi Provence. T vilage has been out of proverty. The aim of this article is to explore the mode of household economic development in this region.The resources were obtained in two stages.In the first stage,the preliminary exploration survey was done in T village in January2011. In the second stage, the interview data were collected in October2011.The following conclusions were drawn according to these two types of material.First, T village has three main development patterns according to defferent income channels:one way is to plant acrops and tabacos, another way is to become migrant workers,and the other way is the intigration of two former ways. Second, T village farmers need to rely on the government’s investment to strengthen the construction of infrastructure, which is the necessary external conditions. The famers would improve the conditions of the life and the quality of survival through the government promotion projects. Third,a major problem exists in those families whose main income channel is to become migerant workers. It is that parents have not enough time to take care of children in order to increase family evenues. Fourth, the farmers and the local government have to meet a challenge that they need collaberate the recent specific target and government’s long-term goal. Only in this way,can we improve household income, promote the development of the village, and avoid the decline of rural areas at the same time.


