

【作者】 吕纪凤

【导师】 韩星;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 西周的建立并未改变夏商以来的国家形态,而是以损益之道继承原有制度,以宗法制度和分封制度相结合,统治天下万邦,于是构成天子、诸侯、大夫、士的权力等级体系。公子作为诸侯之子,以宗法制度确立政治身份,但是春秋时期宗法和分封制度都难以为继而新制度又未确立。因此,在这一过程中,公子的命运也随着各种政治势力的升降而沉浮。本文试以春秋国家形态为背景,以宗法和分封制度为线索,分析影响春秋公子命运的诸多因素。本文共分为四部分:第一部分主要叙述西周的分封制度和宗法制度的简单内容。西周建立后的国家形态和政治惯性是分封制度和分封制度实施必不可少条件。第二部分主要论述春秋公子的范围、嫡庶身份的确立及由此而产生的在家、国方面的待遇差别和政治分化。春秋公子嫡庶有别,因此在命名、教育、居住、服饰、政治上的待遇也泾渭分明。但是春秋之际,春秋公子的政治分化因人而异,体现了春秋宗法和分封制度的崩溃。第三部分主要论述影响春秋公子命运的因素。春秋之际,宗法和分封制度瓦解,春秋公子已不能按照嫡长子继承、余子分封制度取得相应的政治经济待遇,而是通过权力斗争来取得自己的前途,因此个人的素质在决定命运上起着重要作用。但是宗法因素并未完全退出历史舞台,还在发生作用。笔者认为影响春秋公子命运的因素如下:宗法观念的强弱、国内执政的态度、公子自身的素质、公子配从人员、诸侯的援助。第四部分简单叙述了春秋之际公子的历史作用。他们凭借自己的宗法地位而处于政治上的有利地位,从而在塑造政治格局、促进民族交流和地域的局部统一等方面发挥了重要作用。本文主要运用了历史方法和比较法。首先,叙述西周立国后实行的宗法和分封制度,这是春秋公子这一群体产生的前提条件。其次,讲述在宗法制度下春秋公子嫡庶身份的确立及由此而来的在家国中的地位差别。再次,分析影响春秋公子命运分化的各种因素。最后,阐述春秋公子的历史作用。

【Abstract】 The foundation of The Western Zhou Dynasty didn’t change the national formation. It reformed and inherited social system in existence formerly, and combined the patriarchal clan system and the feudal system to rule the united state by tens of thousands of nations. Whereupon it constructed a hierarchy of power——from top to bottom:the Son of Heaven, prince, high official and bachelor. The identity politics of the sons of the feudal princes depended on the patriarchal clan system. But in the Spring and Autumn Period the patriarchal clan system and feudal system were hard to continue, but the new system was still not established. Therefore, in the process, fates of sons of a feudal prince changed with the ups and downs of various political forces. Therefore, based on the national formation this paper tries to analyse the factors of fates of sons of a feudal prince in the Spring and Autumn.This paper is divided into four parts:The first part mainly describes the main content of patriarchal clan system and feudal system After the establishment of The Western Zhou Dynasty, the national formation and political inertia are factors of the implementation of patriarchal clan system and feudal system.The second part mainly discusses the scope of sons of a feudal prince, rules of patriarchal identity which result in the discrimination and political differentiation in home and country. In the Spring and Autumn Period sons of a feudal prince had different patriarchal identities, so they had different rights in name, education, housing, clothing, political treatment.The differences of these rights were also quite distinctly obeyed. But during The Spring and Autumn Period, political differentiation of sons of a feudal prince differed from man to man. It just showed that patriarchal system and feudal system collapsed.The third part mainly discusses the factors of fate of sons of a feudal prince. The Spring and Autumn Period, patriarchal clan system and feudal system collapsed, the wife’s eldest son and other sons couldn’t obtain the corresponding political and economic benefits as before, and they got their own future by the struggle. Therefore personal qualities played an important role in the fate of sons of a feudal prince but the patriarchal factors did not completely quit the stage of history. The author thinks that the fate of sons of a feudal prince are affected by the following factors:domestic patriarchal power, attitudes of home ministers, qualities of sons of a feudal prince, vassalages of sons of a feudal prince, aids of feudal princes.The forth part mainly narrates the historical influences of sons of a feudal prince in the Spring and Autumn. They played an important role in the shape of the political pattern, cultural exchange of different nations and unification of regions by their political position.In this paper, the author mainly apply the history research method and comparison method.First the author describes the patriarchal clan system and the feudal system, which are precondition of birth of sons of a feudal prince.Secondly the author narrates establishment of patriarchal identity of sons of a feudal prince and different rights of sons of a feudal prince in home and country based on the patriarchal clan system.Thirdly,in comparison with the reality of the spring and autumn, the author analyses the various factors affecting the fate of sons of a feudal prince. Finally the author narrates the historical influences of sons of a feudal prince in the Spring and Autumn.


