

【作者】 王曌

【导师】 范建刚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国的社会组织①出现“井喷”现象。据统计,截止2009年,社会组织已由1988年的4446个猛增到2009年的43.1万个。列入其中的慈善组织的迅速发展也引起了广泛的关注,特别是发轫于2004年的现代民间慈善基金会的迅速发展吸引了学界和政府的广泛重视。截止2011年,非公募基金会已达到了1283家,已经超过了80年代就起色的“官办”基金会的数量。慈善组织在政治、经济、文化和社会领域的发展中起到了不容忽视的作用。同时,政府也非常重视慈善事业的发展。出台和颁布了相关法律和政策支持慈善事业的发展。如2011年国务院发布的《慈善事业发展指导纲要(2011—2015年)》。《纲要》明确了此后五年我国慈善事业发展的目标:“到2015年基本形成制度完善、作用显著的慈善事业发展格局,慈善事业和慈善组织在改善人民生活、促进社会和谐、推动社会进步方面的作用突显。”我国慈善事业在迅速发展的同时,也存在着许多的问题。其中最值的重视的就是政府与慈善组织的关系问题。由于我国慈善组织发展早期受到政府的绝对控制,导致了沿用至今的双重管理体制,大大损害了慈善组织的独立性、民间性和志愿性原则,不利于慈善组织的发展和壮大。目前,随着经济的发展、社会改革的深入、公民参与意识的增强,民间的慈善事业的飞速发展,审视旧有支配型的慈善组织管理体制,重构政府与慈善组织之间的关系已经迫在眉睫。这也是本文探讨适合我国政府与慈善组织发展的关系的意义之所在。本文以政府和慈善组织之间的关系为核心,以治理理论、公民社会理论为依据追溯其历史、剖析现状、指出问题。首先,文章介绍了研究的理论依据、界定了相关概念,进而分析了政府与慈善组织关系的历史。建国前,由于我国构建了党国一体的全能型政府,“人人靠政府”是那个时代的最大特点。而政府通过取缔、停办和改组的方式替代了慈善组织,可以说真正意义上的社会慈善在那个时间段已经沉寂了,由于意识形态上对慈善冠之以“统治阶级麻痹人民的装饰品”,慈善这一说法也逐渐淡出了人们的脑海。建国后,我国的慈善组织与政府关系经历了绝对依赖、相对自主,到现在的“政府支配”模式,这一模式的核心就是政府对慈善组织的权力支配。在此基础上,本文运用路径依赖原理分析了我国政府与慈善组织关系现状形成的历史原因和现实原因,指出政府对慈善组织过渡干预,影响慈善组织的自主性等问题。接着,文章分析了英、美两国政府与慈善组织之间的关系模式,总结了对我国有借鉴意义的方面。最后,在此基础上提出了改善我国政府与慈善组织关系的建议,即:从“权力支配”向“政府支持合作”型的转变,并从分别从政府和慈善组织两方面给出了具体的可操作性的建议。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and open policy, social organizations in our country appear "piping" phenomenon. According to statistics, by the year2009, social organization has surged from4446in1988to431000. The charity’s rapid development also caused wide concern. Especially the rapid development of modern folk charity started in2004attracts attention from the government and academia broadly. By the year2011, non-public foundation has reached1283, has much more than the "official" ones started in80’s. Charities play a very significant role in the field of political, economic, cultural and social development. The government also attaches great importance to the development of charity. It has promulgated relevant laws and policies to support the development of charity. As in2011, the state council issued in the charity development guidelines (2011-2015)". The outline figured out the goal of charity development in China after five years:"to2015, formed basic charity development frame with perfect system structure and the role of charity well played. And also, charity paly a prominent role in improving people’s life, promoting social harmony, and social advance.With rapid development of charity organization in China, there are also many problems. One of the most valuable problems is the relationship between the government and the charity organization. Because that charity organization in our country earlier developed in the way of absolute control by the government, lead to double management system today, greatly harm the charity’s independence, folk and voluntary principles; go against the development of charity. At present, with the development of economy and society, and the deepening of the reform, the increase of the consciousness on participation of citizens, the rapid development of the folk charity, look at the old controlling type charity organization management system, reconstruction the relationship between the government and the charities is imminent. This is also the meaning of why this paper discussed the relationship between the government of China and the charity organization。This paper, based on theory of civil society and the management theory, the relationship between the government and the charity organization, trace their history as the core, analyzes present situation, points out problems. First, this paper introduces the theoretical basis of research and basic concept, and then analyzes the relationship between the government and the history of charity. Before the setting of our country, it build the one-party state perimeter government, everyone depends on government is the biggest characteristic at that time. The government by clamp down shut up and reorganization replaced the charitable organization, in another way; we can say that the real social charity in that time did not exist. Because the ideology idea of "the ruling class paralysis of the people decoration", the idea of charity has pulled out of the people’s mind gradually. After the founding of the nation, the relationship between the government and the charity organization has gone through the period of absolutely dependent on government, the relatively independent, to present "government authority over" mode. The core of this model is the government’s control to the charities. On this basis, this paper analyzed the principle of path dependence in China charity organization the government and the present situation of the historical reason and the real reason that the government of charitable organization transition intervention, influence the autonomy of charity. Then, the paper analyzes the English and the U.S. government and the relationship between the charity organization models, make the great significance to our country. Finally, based on the former analysis, it puts out the suggestions to improve the relationship between China’s government and charity organization, namely:from "authority over" to "the government support" type. And give a specific and feasibility proposal from two aspects of the government and charity organization.

【关键词】 慈善组织政府关系
【Key words】 Charity organizationgovernmentrelationship

