

【作者】 陈风焕

【导师】 井正平;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 艺术学理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 高等职业教育是高等教育和高等技术教育的总称,是高等教育发展中的一个类型,主要培养面向生产、管理、建设和服务等第一线需要的高技能型人才,在加快我国社会主义现代化建设上起着不可替代的作用。我国的高等职业教育截止2009年,独立设置的各类高职院校已经达到1125所,招生人数达313万人,在校生达965万人。这些数据都表明高等职业教育已经成为培养高等技术类人才的主力军。但是,在我国整个高等教育的发展体系中高职教育与普通高等教育相比仍处于弱势地位。随着高职院校规模和学生人数的不断扩大,其在迅猛发展的同时教育教学质量方面的问题和矛盾也日益突出,这严重影响了高等职业院校的可持续发展。伴随着社会经济的发展,人们对生活环境的要求也越来越高,环境艺术设计专业应势发展起来。越来越多的设计公司、企业需要大量一线的技术人员能够掌握计算机辅助设计技术,而且需求量也不断加大,为适应这一社会需求,高等职业院校加强了这类技术人才的培训。但是,由于环境艺术设计专业是新兴专业,在教学上没有其他专业(如机械类)发展的更加成熟,这也就决定了与之相关的环艺课程在高职院校中的教育教学方式及灵活性上有很大的局限性,在短时间内较难形成自己的特色。部分高职院校沿袭普通高等教育学校的教学模式,或者在相关应用型课程如计算机辅助课程的教学过程中单纯重视技能的培训,把学生培养成熟练的制图人员,忽视了学生的创新能力、对知识的探索能力及自学能力的发展,这些很显然不利于高职学生的综合能力培养。21世纪是知识经济的时代,需求具有高度创新意识、高度发展创造力、丰富的科学知识、很强的自学能力,同时对社会负责的高素质技能型人才。相应的,那些缺乏创新意识能力、自我学习能力、社会责任感的人是难以适应当今社会发展需求的,作为蓬勃发展的高职院校更应该认识到这一点。高职院校不只是在培养具有熟练专业技能的技术人员,更重要的是要积极的进行课程改革和实践,培养具有高度创新能力、自主探索能力、合作能力及社会责任感的高素质技能型人才针对以上普遍存在的问题,本文在对我国高等职业教育及其培养目标、发展趋势等进行分析的基础上,以高职院校环境艺术设计专业方向下设的计算机辅助设计课程教学为研究对象,依据我国高等职业教育培养高素质技能型人才的目标,对计算机辅助设计课程进行教学改革的研究和实践。

【Abstract】 Higher vocational education is the higher education and higher education the floorboard of the technology, is the higher education in the development of a type, the main training for production, management, construction and service the first line need the talent of high technical ability, to speed up the socialist modernization of our country plays an irreplaceable role. China’s higher vocational education by the year2009, set up independently of all kinds of higher vocational colleges has reached1125; recruit students number3.13million,9.65million students. These data show that the higher vocational education has become the main force of higher technical talents training. But, the whole higher education in our country the development of higher vocational education and ordinary in the system of higher education is still at a disadvantage compared. With the size and the number of students in higher vocational colleges continues to expand, the rapid development of the education and teaching quality problems and contradictions are also increasingly outstanding, it seriously affected the sustainable development of higher vocational colleges.With the development of social economy, the people to the requirements of the living environment more and more is also high, environmental art design professionals should potential developed. More and more design company, enterprise needs a large number of a line of the technical personnel can master the computer aided design technology, and increasing demand, in order to adapt to the needs of society, higher vocational colleges, strengthen the related technical personnel training. But, due to the environmental art design specialty is emerging professional, in the teaching the no other professional (such as mechanical) development of more mature, which has also decided the related art courses in higher vocational colleges ring the education teaching mode and the flexibility of great limitations, in a short time, more difficult to form their own characteristics. Part of the higher vocational colleges common higher education followed the teaching mode, or applied in related courses, such as computer aided curriculum teaching process simple attention skills training, and to training students to be skilled drafters, ignore students’ innovation ability, the search for knowledge, ability and self-educated ability of development, these obviously unfavorable to higher vocational students’ comprehensive development.21century is the era of knowledge economy, demand highly innovative consciousness and the height of the development of creativity, rich knowledge of science, strong ability of self-study and be responsible for the society of the high quality of skilled talents. Accordingly, the lack of innovation ability, self learning ability, and social sense of responsibility person is difficult to adapt to the requirements of social development, and as the prosperous development of the higher vocational colleges should be more realize this. Not just in higher vocational colleges to develop a skilled professional skills of the technical personnel, the more important is positive for the curriculum reform and practice, training highly innovative ability, independent exploration ability, work ability and social responsibility of the high quality of skilled talents.According to the common problems, this article in higher vocational education of our country and the training objectives, and the trend of development on the basis of the analysis of higher vocational colleges in the environmental art design professional direction under the computer aided design course teaching as the research target, according to our country’s higher vocational education training high quality skilled talents objectives, the computer aided design courses of study and practice of the teaching reform..


