

A Textual Criticism and Exploration of Wang Wei’s Life and Work

【作者】 谭庄

【导师】 陈忻;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 論文所研究者爲王維之行實與詩文,析作五章:第一章爲《王維生年駁異》。王維生年,史籍無載,諸家所考雖甚紛紜,要以長安元年說爲最善。然有學者不以爲然,另作新考,爰有延載元年、久視元年兩說。延載元年說所據者爲“唐代及第進士必須守選三年方能釋褐授官”之守選制,久視元年說則以王維《與魏居士書》與薛用弱《集異記》相關語句爲憑。論文認爲,前者之守選制不合初盛唐時史實,蓋王維進士及第在開元初,不受守選制之限囿,故其生年不可據此而斷,後者對相關語句之解讀有誤,故其所考亦不可信。第二章爲《王維卒年析疑》。王維卒年,史載有乾元二年與上元二年之異,清人據其上元元年所撰詩文以及《謝弟縉新授左散騎常侍狀》繫尾年月“上元二年五月四日”,考以上元二年爲是。今有學者謂此謝狀所署官銜“通議大夫守尚書右丞”與唐官制之“官階相當,無行無守”相背,且所涉其弟王縉事跡亦與學術界之研究不合,故疑其不出王維之手筆,難證上元二年說之韙。論文認爲,唐官制之“官階相當,無行無守”在具體施用時甚雜亂,不宜因之而疑作者是否王維,且學術界對王縉事跡之稽考不盡確,故上元二年說仍可採信。第三章爲《王維行實證僞》。有學者據宋人集內“王維遊雲門山有題句”以及地方志內“有福祐廟祀唐右丞尚書王侯”,推考王維曾轉官至浙江一帶。論文通過對史源之抉發與地書之核驗認爲,題句係人望文生義,誤將王維詩文與地方山川聯繫起來,祀廟則爲唐人因靈異事而置,實與王維行止無涉。第四章爲《王維集異文釋例》。異文研究,既有利於校讎,亦有助於訓詁。論文針對王維集之異文作了初步探究,且大體上分爲六種類型:後人不曉原文之意而妄改,從而造成了異文;爲同義詞或近義詞替代,從而造成了異文;爲音同字或音近字替代,從而造成了異文;形近訛誤,從而造成了異文;異文之雙方爲異體字;異文爲同一聯綿詞之不同變體。第五章爲《王維詩繫年辨詰》。王維詩之繫年,大多在學術界已有定讞,但有學者謂之不確,乃破舊而立新,對王維詩另作繫年。論文認爲,新繫年內有因盲目破舊、一味立新而轉致訛誤及偏頗處,撮舉《送李睢陽》、《酬郭給事》諸例與之商榷。論文附錄《裴迪事跡訂訛》一章,考辨王維乃友裴迪之事跡,且對其家世及籍貫有所補正。

【Abstract】 This thesis is research of the conduct and poetic creation of Wang Wei.It is dividedinto five chapters,summarized as follows:The first chapter discusses Wang Wei’s birth date. Aiming at some errors andbiased opinions in the researches of Wang Wei’s Birth Date in some books publishedrecently,this paper provides some new testimonies and arguments.The second chapterdiscusses Wang Wei’s death date.Some researchers doubted about the universalconclusion in the academic circles that Wang Wei died in July,the2nd Year ofShangyuan.This paper refutes this opinion by convincing arguments and investigates theaccuracy of Wang Wei’s death time.The third chapter discusses Wang Wei’s life. Someresearchers said Wang Wei had being transferred to Wu Yue,and it was an importantoccasion in his official career.This paper,according to relevant records in literature andon the basis of historical evidence,carries out a systematic investigation into the life ofWang Wei,he had not been transferred to Wu Yue.The fourth chapter discusses thedifferent words in Wang Wei’s poetry anthology. There are lots of various versions of atext in classical Chinese poetries,and research on the variations is helpful to understandthe meaning profoundly.This paper proofreads and corrects some items of variationsaccording to logical meaning,sound and graph,etc,during the study,six types of methodsare used.The fifth chapter discusses the annalistic years of Wang Wei’s severalpoems.There are many researches on studying the writing years of some poems byWang Wei,many of them are worthy of praising and they deserve using as a referencewhile fewer of them have faults and mistakes.The paper provides several annalisticmistakes about Wang Wei’s poems in some articles,aiming to make the academic issueclear.There is an appendix at the back of this thesis.It makes a textual research intoinformation about Pei Di.After studying his family, nationality, year of birth, life story,author of this paper presents his own opinion.

【关键词】 王維行實詩文
【Key words】 Wang WeiLifeWork

