
2001年~2010年《International Journal of Science Education》期刊论文的文献计量学分析

Bibliometrics Analysis on 《International Journal of Science Education》 from2001to2010

【作者】 李娜

【导师】 林长春;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 文献计量学是以文献体系和文献计量特征为研究对象,采用数学、统计学等计量方法,研究文献情报的分布结构、数量关系、变化规律和定量管理,并进而探讨科学技术的某些结构、特征和规律的一门学科,这门学科正处于发展和逐渐成熟阶段。利用文献计量学对专业期刊进行分析研究在国内已经有近三十年的时间了,利用这种方法对专业期刊进行分析研究,其成效显著。目前对科学教育的研究现状,有多种方式和多种角度,运用定性的研究仍是研究成果的评价的主要方式。本文选择文献计量学方法做出评价的原因是:文献计量学是情报学、图书馆学的一个重要分支,目前它正广泛地被运用到各个学科领域。科学教育论文的形成、交流过程中伴随着各种文献计量指标的形成,运用这些指标可以对科学教育现状和发展趋势做出科学的评价。本文主要运用文献计量学方法,通过对英国2001-2010年《International Journal ofScience Education》期刊中的915篇论文的研究,从文献的载文情况、论文主题、著者情况、引文情况等方面进行了统计,分析了其主要特征与规律,对该期刊10年科学教育学术研究的现状进行客观分析与评价,找出其存在的问题及发展规律,为我国科学教育的研究与发展提供国际比较的视角。相关研究结果如下:(1)从2004年以来,《International Journal of Science Education》刊登出的论文和研究报告大幅上升,表明该刊加大了信息量,缩短了论文发表的周期,加快了论文的时效性、新颖性。(2)本研究对检索的915篇论文内容进行了分析,得到主题关键词;将主题关键词进行排列在归纳和综合的基础上获得一级主题和二级主题。经统计分析,呈现以下特征:一是,一级主题中科学教与学主题论文篇数最多,为285篇;二是,是科学素养主题,论文为148篇;科学教育研究方法主题,论文108篇;这表明科学教与学、科学素养和科学教育研究方法主题广泛受到科学教育研究人员的关注,成为科学教育研究的重要热点问题。三是,二级主题中教师主题、学生主题和科学教学主题,这3个二级主题已较大的优势超过其他二级主题。(3)该期刊上的论文以合作方式发表的现象突出。经统计分析发现,发表的论文中合作论文占总发文的68.31%,篇均合作作者数为1.63人,说明作者之间的合作程度较高。其中约有十分之七的论文由X≥2位作者合著完成的。(4)该刊发表的915篇论文中被引载文中被引用1次的论文最多,占总数的24.05%,被引用5次以下的论文占到总数的63.51%;被引用10次以上的论文占12.17%。被引论文687篇,占总发文量的75.08%,总被引4760次,每篇被引论文平均被引6.93次。单篇论文最多被引76次,表明该期刊发表的论文学术价值较高,反映了科学教育研究的热点。

【Abstract】 Bibliometrics is a discipline of basing on literature system and bibliometriccharacteristics as the research object, which uses measurement methods of the mathematics,statistics and so on, and researches the distribution structure、quantity relationship、variationrule and quantitative management of document information, and thus explore some of thestructures of science and technology, features and laws, which is in development and therising phase. Bibliometric analysis of professional journals is for nearly three decades years inChina, which effect is remarkable to using this method to study professional journals.At present, there are a variety of ways and various angles about situation of the study ofScience Education, which evaluation of the research result is more qualitative research. Thisarticle was chosen bibliometric methods to make evaluations: bibliometrics is an importantbranch of information science, library science, which analyzes laws of literature from aquantitative point of view, and evaluate the effects and forecasting about literature.Bibliometrics is a discipline of basing on the literature, which uses the methods ofmathematics, computer science, system science and so on, and researches on the law andscientific management of literature, and science and technology dynamic characteristics,which is now widely applied to various disciplines. the formation on Paper of ScienceEducation, the exchange process accompanied by the formation of a variety of bibliometricindicators, which of these indicators can be used to make scientific evaluation.about presentsituation and development trend of Science Education.Bibliometric methods are more suitable for using In this paper, researching on915thesisof Science Education in 《International Journal of Science Education》 from2001to2010about the United Kingdom, and from the Papers of the literature, topic of the thesis, author,citation etc., which carries on the statistical analysis and analyzes on main features of the law,and the research status of Science Education academic about the journal during10years,which carries on objective analysis and evaluation and finds out its problems and development rules, and provide comparisons perspective of Science Education research andinternational development. The research results are as follows:(1) Since2004, articles and research reports have been published in《InternationalJournal of Science Education》 and which is increasingly by rising. These results show thatincreasing the amount of information, and shorten the cycle of papers published, and toaccelerate the timeliness of the paper, novelty.(2) This study on the retrieval of915papers content theme keywords; theme keywordsarranged in the induction and on the basis of a theme and secondary themes. After statisticalanalysis, showing the following characteristics: First, a theme in science teaching and learningtheme number of papers up to285; Second, a theme of "scientific literacy", paper up to148;theme of "science teaching reseaching’method", paper up to108; This indicates that "scienceteaching and learning "and" scientific literacy "and "science teachingreseaching’method"widely concerned about the hot issues and topics by science educationresearchers. Third, in secondary theme, the theme of "teacher", the theme of "students" andtheme of "scientific teaching", the three secondary theme has a greater advantage over theother two themes.(3) It is to highlight the phenomenon of cooperative manner. in the journal paper, Afterstatistical analysis, the articles of Co-authors are total68.31%.Co-authors of the issued adocument is1.63, which shows a higher degree of cooperation between the author. Of whichabout seven out of ten papers together completed by X≥2authors.(4) There are referenced one paper on915papers in 《International Journal of ScienceEducation》, of accounting for24.05%; which references5papers is accounted for63.51%;cited more than10times the papers accounted for12.17%, which are referenced687papers,accounting for75.08%; cited a total of4760times, which was averagely each6.93times inevery paper. Single papers most cited76times, revealing the high academic value of the paper,reflecting on the research hot point of Science Education.


