

AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Applied in Third Party Logistics Project Bidding Appraisal Research

【作者】 时耀敏

【导师】 田盈;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 系统理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 物流项目的招投标是物流服务客户需找合作伙伴最常见的做法之一。物流项目的招投标本身是物流客户优化自身资源配置,在最短的时间内以最合理的成本采购自己满意的物流服务的一种有效方法。本文详细阐述第三方物流项目和招投标理论、在理论分析基础上提出第三方物流项目招投标评标模型,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合,在对各投标单位提供的资信标和商务标进行定性分析基础上,采用AHP—模糊综合评标模型对相关投标企业综合实力进行定量分析。本文根据第三方物流项目招投标相关知识,制定了评标指标:商务标、技术标和资信标,根据这些标准和相关规定,制定改进评标方法。在最初标书审查时候,利用商务标和资信标,从投标企业中选出3-5个候选企业。然后引入层次分析法和模糊综合评判理论建立一个AHP-模糊综合评标模型,该模型多层次指标体系是参考国家标准和相关文选来设计的,一共分为三层,准则有24个,第一层指标有五个,分别为价格水平、客户服务、工作效率、物流质量、稳定性。每个一级指标下面又设有二级指标。之后,运用评标模型,举例说明评标过程,运用模糊层次综合评标法对投标技术标进行评标,从而推出最佳中标企业。

【Abstract】 Logistics project bidding is the logistics services customers need to find partners tothe common practice of. Logistics project bidding is logistics customers optimize theirallocation of resources, in the shortest possible time to the most reasonable cost topurchase their own satisfaction with the logistics service is an effective method. This article elaborated in the third party logistics project and bidding theory, onthe basis of theoretical analysis of the third party logistics project bidding evaluationmodel, using the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, in a bidto each of the data units to provide beacons and business standard was based onqualitative analysis, using AHP-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of bidding theenterprise comprehensive strength to undertake quantitative analysis.In this paper, according to the third party logistics project bidding relatedknowledge, developed the evaluation indicators: business standard, technologystandard and the beacon, according to these standards and regulations, developed toimprove evaluation methods. In the initial proposal review time, the business standardand the beacon, from the bidding enterprises in the selected3-5candidate enterprises.Then introduce the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluationtheory to establish a AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, the model ofmulti-level index system is the reference to national standards and designed by WenXuanlai, is divided into three layers, the first layer of criterion24, index five,respectively, the price level, customer service, work efficiency logistics, quality,stability. Each level indicators below with two indicators. Then, using the evaluationmodel, for example the evaluation process, using the fuzzy hierarchy comprehensiveevaluation method on bid technical standard for evaluation, thus promotes the bestwinning enterprises.


