

The Design and Research of Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage Device for Vehicle Based on QFD and TRIZ

【作者】 曹冬

【导师】 王兰美;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 机械工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的不断发展,我国汽车的保有量逐年剧增,汽车的增多在为人们提供方便的同时也带来了一些负面的问题。其一,汽车的主要燃料是汽油,其排放物对我们周围的环境造成了越来越严重的污染;其二,由于石油储量的日益减少,汽油的价格一路攀升,人们使用汽车的负担再在不断增大。相对于汽油来所,天然气价格便宜,对环境的污染也小很多。因此,开发合适的车用天然气储存系统,将天然气代替汽油作为汽车燃料具有很大的经济效益和环保效益。通过分析对比压缩天然气、液化天然气和吸附天然气三种储存方式后发现,吸附天然气具有储量足够大、储存压力小等特点,比其它两种方式在车用方面更具优势。但目前吸附天然气的储存装置大多仍然采用压缩天然气的普通钢瓶,不能解决吸附天然气作为汽车燃料的一些弊端问题,限制了吸附天然气在车用方面的发展。为了开发一种新的车用吸附天然气储存装置,本文引进了质量功能展开(QFD)技术和发明问题解决理论(TRIZ)两种技术方法。QFD技术是一种以满足顾客需求为依据,以提高产品质量和市场竞争力为目标的管理式设计方法。其设计理念是使用规范化的质量屋分析模型为依托,先后对产品的概念设计进行需求分析、质量展开、零件展开、工艺展开和生产计划几个阶段的管理设计,以使产品达到一次性设计成功。产品的创新势必引起矛盾的产生,QFD能够良好的指导设计过程,但不能解决设计过程中出现的各种矛盾问题,而TRIZ正是基于定义分析矛盾、解决矛盾来达到创新设计的一种发明创新方法。两种方法各有其优缺点,集成它们的优点进行产品的概念设计正是现代设计理论与方法中较为热门的研究方向之一本文即是在结合QFD与TRIZ优点的基础上,提出了集成两种方法的产品概念设计模型。利用此设计模型,控制本次产品的设计质量,指导产品的稳健性、创新性设计过程。在概念设计成型的基础上利用三维实体建模软件SolidWorks对车用吸附天然气的储存装置进行了实体建模,并运用该软件对天然气储存装置主体部分做了应力有限元分析,以确定其性能指标达到安全要求。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of our national economy, the possession of the vehicle in our country is sharply increasing year by year. Although the number of vehicle growing provides people more convenience, it also brings some negative problems. Firstly, the vehicle’s main fuel is gasoline, whose emissions lead to more and more serious pollution to our environment. Secondly, because of the oil reserves decrease, the price of gasoline is always soaring, which imposes more burden on people who use the vehicle. Comparing to the gasoline, natural gas’s prices is cheaper, and brings less environmental pollution. Therefore, the development of natural gas storage system for vehicle and replacing gasoline as vehicle fuel gas will bring great economic benefits and environmental benefits.Through comparing and analyzing compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas and adsorped natural gas three storage solutions, found absorbed natural gas is the best storage solutions which characterized by enough adsorption, low pressure and so on compared with the other two ways. But at present natural gas adsorption storage device mostly still use ordinary compressed natural gas cylinder, which can’t solve some disadvantages of adsorption natural gas as fuel for vehicles, limiting in the development of the adsorption natural gas to vehicles.In order to develop a new adsorption natural gas storage device for vehicle, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) design methods are introduced in this paper. QFD technology is a kind of management-type design method to meet customer demand, which taking improvement of product quality and market competitiveness as goals. Its design concept is the use of standardized house of quality analysis model to rely on, successively in the concept design requirement analysis, quality development, development, technology development and parts production planning several stages of the design management, in order to make products to one-off design success. The innovation of the product cannot leave the generation of contradiction. QFD can guide the design process, but can’t solve various contradictions problems in the design process, While TRIZ is one innovative design method, which based on defining, analyzing and solving contradiction to realize innovative design Two methods each have their advantages and disadvantages, integration of their advantages in product design is one hot research branch of modern concept design theory and method.In this paper, based on combining the merits of the two methods, product concept design model integrated QFD and TRIZ is put forward. Use this design model to control the quality of product design, to guide product robustness and innovative guide design process. Based on this concept design model, establish solid model of natural gas reserve devices by using3D entity modeling software, and conduct finite element analysis on this solid model to determine properties can be satisfied.

  • 【分类号】U463
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】166

