

Study on the Foamed Concrete Insulation Material with Rosin Rubber Foaming Agent

【作者】 竺万发

【导师】 苏英;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济社会的发展,建筑节能材料的开发和应用受到了广泛的重视。泡沫混凝土凭借其轻质、保温、隔热、耐火及隔音的优良性能,在建筑工程领域得到了越来越多的应用。泡沫混凝土的性能受诸多因素的影响,如作为原材料的水泥、发泡剂和其他辅助材料的性能,还有泡沫混凝土的配合比等。因此,非常有必要对发泡剂和泡沫混凝土进行深入研究。本文主要针对松香胶发泡剂的制备工艺以及材料配合比、外加剂对泡沫混凝土性能的影响进行了一系列的试验研究,并探讨了泡沫混凝土气孔结构与其性能之间的关系。具体研究内容如下:(1)通过控制温度、碱纯度、浓度以及掺加十二烷基硫酸钠对松香胶发泡剂进行性能评价,探索了发泡剂的合成工艺。试验表明:在松香胶发泡剂配制过程中,松香和碱用量对皂化反应起着决定性作用,皂化反应温度在100℃沸腾状态下最佳;碱的纯度在80%以上时,碱纯度对发泡剂泡沫性能无明显影响;在发泡剂泡沫搅拌设备一定的条件下,发泡剂原液与水以1:20的质量比稀释,发泡剂的起泡性和泡沫稳定性均较为理想;在加入十二烷基硫酸钠进行稳定性改性时,以500ml发泡原液为基准,其最佳用量为4.5g。(2)通过本文试验分析确定出了制备泡沫混凝土的最佳原料配合比:水料比为0.45、泡沫掺量为750ml、掺加30%的粉煤灰、0.5%的聚乙烯醇、1.0%的聚丙烯纤维以及0.6%的憎水剂。其中,上述几种因素均会对泡沫混凝土的28d抗压强度产生一定影响,尤其是聚丙烯纤维对泡沫混凝土具有明显的增强作用,影响最大;水料比、泡沫掺量和粉煤灰掺量对泡沫混凝土的干容重影响相对较大;水料比、泡沫掺量和憎水剂对泡沫混凝土的吸水率有着直接影响。(3)分析了泡沫微结构与泡沫混凝土性能关系,探讨了泡沫混凝土气孔结构对其力学性能和热工性能的影响,并归纳出了泡沫混凝土的最佳气孔结构特征。

【Abstract】 It’s more important to pay attention to development and application of energy-efficient building materials, with the development of economic and social in our country.The foamed concrete with good performance of light weight, thermal insulation, heatinsulation, refractory and sound insulation have got more and more applications in theconstruction industry. The performance of foamed concrete is influenced by variousfactors, such as the raw material of the cement, foaming agent and other supplementarymaterial, foam concrete mix, etc. Therefore, an in-depth study of the blowing agents, aswell as foamed concrete is necessary.This article mainly has done a series of experimental research on preparation ofrosin glue foaming agent technology, the relation between the the mixing ratio, theadmixture and the performance of foamed concrete, and also made a simple analysisbetween the pore structure and the performances of the foamed concrete. This papercarries out a detailed study from the following:(1) Explore the synthetic process of the rosin rubber foaming agent throughcontrolling the temperature, alkali purity, concentration and sodium dodecyl sulfate. Theresults show that, rosin and alkali content paly a decisive role on saponification reactionand the best temperature is100℃in the preparation process of rosin rubber foamingagent. Alkali purity above80%has no obvious influence on the foam performance.When the foaming agent and water is mass ratio of1:20dilution, the performances offoam and foamed concrete all are good with mixing equipment in certain condition. Thebest dosage of Sodium dodecyl sulfate is4.5g every500ml foaming agent that cangreatly improve the stability of foam.(2) The best raw materials mix for madding foamed concrete through experiment is:the feed ratio of water was0.54, the foam dosage was750ml, adding30%fly ash,0.5%polyvinyl alcohol,1.0%polypropylene fiber and0.6%water repellent. Amongthem, the above several factors both influence the28days compressive strength offoamed concrete, especially the polypropylene fiber having the obvious enhancementeffect. Relatively the feed ratio of water, the foam and fly ash dosage greater influencethe dry density of foamed concrete.The feed ratio of wate, the foam and water repellentdosage have a direct effect for the water absorption of foamed concrete.(3) This paper analyzes the relation between the foam microstructure and foamedconcrete, discussing the effects between pore structure and mechanical properties andThermal behavior of the foam concrete, summarizing the best pore structurecharacteristic of foamed concrete.


