

Investigation on Countermeasures of the Government Targeting Crisis of Public Opinion on Network Media

【作者】 蒋腾飞

【导师】 林兴发;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网的发展,给传统政治带来了新的机遇和挑战。公众在网络上发声、政府从网络上问政,已经逐渐发展为常态,网民的思想和举动变得举足轻重。目前,我国正处于经济转轨和社会转型期,危机事件发生的领域多、频率高、规模大,来势猛,破环力更强。各类危机事件也借助于网络舆论媒介迅速传播,危机事件的影响不断增加,给政府及时处理危机提出了更高的要求。因此,如何有效的应对网络舆论危机已经成为政府亟待解决的问题之一。本文阐释了网络舆论危机的相关概念及理论。对政府、媒体、公众在应对危机的行为特征方面进行了详细的剖析,探讨了网络舆论危机形成的过程和机制。研究指出,目前我国政府在应对危机的过程中完全处于被动的局面,政府要想在危机中掌握主动权,必须重构政府、媒体、公众的关系,使三者的关系在应对危机的过程中实现动态的平衡。通过动车事件典型案例分析,总结了政府、媒体、公众在网络舆论危机应对中所表现出的不同行为特征和存在的问题,指出政府部门反应迟缓、媒体权威信息缺失、群众危机意识缺乏是主要原因。总结了我国政府应对网络舆论危机的现存机制和存在的误区。最后结合国内网络舆论的特点,探讨了我国政府在网络舆论危机中应秉承的原则,它包括责任原则、快速应对原则、信息公开、真诚对话原则。并提出要构建危机事务发言人制度,确保危机信息一致连续;制定法律法规,维护公民知情权,规范媒体的报道行为,打造自由负责新媒体;严格责任追究,完善激励约束机制;统一的信息采集,注重舆情调查分析;构建网络伦理道德,增强国民应对危机的素质;重构政府、媒体、公众的关系。本文尝试性地界定了网络舆论危机的定义,描绘出了网络舆论危机的生成过程。从政府应对的视角分析网络舆论危机的对策,系统审视了政府、媒体、公众在应对网络舆论危机中存在的不足,提出了有效的原则与对策。

【Abstract】 The development of internet bring new challenge and chance to politics in traditionpattern. It becomes a common phenomenon that depending on the internet, the publicgive their opinion, the government implements vertical politics management.Consequently, thoughts and behavior of the netizen weigh a lot. Currently, China is insocial and economic transition period. Crisis incidents, which happen in multi fields andvast scale, of high frequency, become overwhelming and devasting. Relying on thenetwork media of public opinion,crisis incidents of kinds take a greater impact, withwhich demand the capability of the government to cope. As a result, it has already beenan urgent problem for the government to solve.This essay adopt such a pattern that is raising problems, analyzing problems andthen solving problems. Based on reviewing situation of current network and virtualsociety, this essay raise the problem emerged in network supervisement. Throughexpounding cause, attribute and communication paths of the crisis of public opinion onnetwork, connecting with the measures the government take in network supervisement,comparing with supervisement system of typical foreign countries, utilizing theories ofPolitics, science of public management Public policy analysis, Journalism, combinedwith social investigation, this essay try to establish a countermeasure system targetingcrisis on network suitable for the national conditions of our country.This essay comprise four parts.First, expound relative concepts and theories of crisis of public opinion on network.Second, a detailed examination in behavior features how the government, the massmedia、the public deal with crisis is given. And the process and mechanism of crisis ofpublic opinion on network are explored. Researches indicate that our government isutterly in a passive position, if it want to take charge, it should rebuild the relationshipof the government、mass media and the public in order to achieve dynamic balance ofthe three.Third, through typical case analysis, the differences of behavior feature marked incountermeasures of the three are summarized. Researches indicate that governmentsectors lag in response, the mass media are deficient in information and the public lackcrisis consciousness.Fourth,relating features of domestic public opinion on network, explore the ruleour government should abide by in countermeasures targeting crisis of public opinionon network, including the rule of duty,the rule of quick response、the rule of availableinformation and sincere dialogue. Research indicates that spokesman institution is inneed so as to insure consistency of crisis information,relative laws and regulations arenecessary so as to protect the public’s right to know,specificate the reporting behaviorof the mass media and establish a freely responsible new media; strict liability andexcitation mechanism are both of vital importance;acquisition of information should be unified, emphasize investigation of public opinion. It’s time to structure networkmorality, to enhance the citizen’s quality for facing the crisis, and to rebuild therelationship of the government、mass media and the public.As current lack of relative investigation, this essay tentative defines the crisis ofpublic opinion on network; depict the yielding process of it. From the angle ofgovernment, this essay analyze the countermeasures it takes targeting crisis of publicopinion on network, systematically review the deficiency of the government, the publicand the mass media when dealing with crisis, give effective rules and countermeasures,widen the train of thought. This essay comes to a conclusion that achieving the balanceof relationship of the three so as to initiatively defuse risks. May this essay provideuseful experience for countermeasures of the government targeting crisis of publicopinion on network.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】328

