

The Revelation of Contemporary American Patriotic Educatlbn to the Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 孙露

【导师】 朱正亮;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 爱国主义及爱国主义教育历年来都是世界各国在道德教育方面的重要内容之一。中国的历史源远流长,有着丰富的国家历史文物遗产,形成了较早的爱国主义文化意识形态,给我们今天的爱国主义教育提供了丰富的理论基础和实践的经验。美国作为当今世界上第一号强国,仅具有200多年历史,但其在经济、政治、军事都走在世界的前列。虽然中国与美国的政治体制、社会体制及文化体制都不同,但是两个国家在对爱国主义教育的重视程度上都是一致的,它没有像我们国家几千百年的悠久历史,但是其爱国主义教育在整个国家中的巨大影响更值得我们探究。本人2009年6月至2011年6月在美国纽约市上西区勤工俭学。本文结合自己在美国纽约市参与的社会实践活动和所见所闻对美国爱国主义教育的现状及启示进行了深入地探讨。透析纽约市的爱国主义教育活动,可以清晰地看到美国的爱国主义教育在目标、内容、途经等方面具有许多鲜明的特点。我国的爱国主义教育可以从中得到许多有益启迪:构建家庭、学校、社会相结合的教育体系,显性教育和隐形教育相结合互为补充,在环境的熏陶、感化和影响下增强爱国主义教育的合力;重视大众传媒的作用,通过以报刊、杂志等传统的传媒手段和以网络、电视等新兴的媒介传播相结合进行爱国主义教育,来扩大爱国主义教育的受众群体;充分发挥山姆大叔、历任总统等榜样力量,提升爱国主义教育的境界;加强社会科学教育,提升爱国主义教育的理性;利用现代信息网络科学技术,占领爱国主义教育的新阵地;发掘社会性教育途径,拓展爱国主义教育的空间;突出爱国主义教育主题,凝练和践行中国精神。

【Abstract】 Patriotism and patriotic education has always been an important part of the worldin the moral education. China is a long history and rich cultural heritage of country,which patriotism cultural patterns formed earlier. It also has a wealth of theoreticalachievements and practical role model, which is a great asset for today’s China. TheUnited States is a very young country in the world. However, it created brilliantachievements in the short span of200years of history. The United States is the mostdeveloped economies in the world’s most powerful military strength and politicalstatus in the world is extremely significant. Although the political system, socialsystem and cultural system of China and the U.S. are different from each other, butthese two countries are consistent with the emphasis on patriotic education. TheUnited States as the first number of the power in the world today, it does not like thehistory of our country has thousands of centuries, but the huge impact of patrioticeducation in the country as a whole we should explore. This article is from the macroup study of U.S. education in patriotism, especially in terms of the concept ofpatriotism and the characteristics of the patriotic education.From June2009to June2011, I was a student in the work–study program in NewYork city. According to what I saw and heard to discussion on the status of educationin patriotism and revelation in this paper. You can clearly see the patriotic education inthe United States in terms of objectives and content by dialysis patriotic educationactivities in New York City. China’s patriotic education can gain a lot of usefulenlightenment to build the school of community which combining education systemand enhance the joint force of patriotic education. Great importance of the role ofmass media is that expand the audience of patriotic education or play an example ofthe power to enhance the education in strengthen social science education forimproving the rationality of patriotic education.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】382

