

Theimpact of Internet Word of Mouth to the College Students’ Purchasing wish

【作者】 杨光

【导师】 李桂陵;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪以来互联网技术在推动社会进步、经济繁荣和丰富人类生活等多方面的影响日益凸显和深远,同时互联网的快速发展也深刻影响着人们的消费决策,由于互联网传播可以快速和广泛的传播信息,并且传播成本低廉和能够较好的保护信息传播者和接收者的个人隐私,因此传统的商业口碑信息的传播和接收也从现实生活中逐步转移到了互联网上,消费者和企业主以及政府相关职能部门也更加注重网络口碑的影响,在校大学生是互联网络的弄潮儿,他们不仅是接触网络口碑做多的群体而且在校大学生本身也蕴藏着巨大的消费潜能,本研究旨在探索网络口碑对在校大学生购买意愿的影响。在国内外相关研究成果的基础上,笔者构建了“网络口碑→大学生感知价值→大学生购买意愿”的模型,通过这一模型的传递作用来研究网络口碑对大学生购买意愿的影响。此外,笔者在研究中还考虑到了网络口碑的传播的方式可能对大学生感知价值的影响。研究模型分为以下5个部分:(1)网络口碑为自变量,从大学生对各种产品或服务所传播的网络口碑的亲身感受的角度提出,用来分析影响大学生购买意愿的因素。它拥有网络依赖度、网络口碑的关系强度、网络口碑的可信度、网络口碑的专业性、网络口碑的视觉效果、网络口碑的传播语调、网络口碑的传播数量七个维度衡量。(2)大学生感知价值是中介变量,指的是大学生消费者对所接收的产品或服务的网络口碑信息的价值评价,分为安全价值、品牌价值、功能价值、流行价值、情感价值五个维度。(3)网络口碑的传播方式为控制变量,用来衡量网络口碑的传播和接收的载体对于大学生感知价值的影响,采用了微博传播、视频传播和植入式传播(植入传播是指在网络上向消费者推荐产品的时候会将大量的网络口碑植入其中,以便消费者能够更加真实和全面的了解该产品和服务,以下都简称植入传播)三个维度。(4)大学生购买意愿是用来衡量大学生是否会通过模型前端的影响产生购买意愿,是大学生消费者对网络口碑的综合反应作为一个维度。本次研究以在校学生为主体调查对象,回收有效问卷316份。通过SPSS17.0对数据进行处理、分析,验证研究模型和假设,得到研究结论如下:(1)口碑接收者的网络依赖度对大学生的感知价值影响并不明显(2)大学生的感知价值在研究网络口碑对大学生购买意愿的作用过程中起中介作用。(3)新兴的网络口碑传播方式对大学生感知价值作用明显。根据研究结论对企业经营者提出的营销建议:企业如果想通过网络口碑获得大学生消费者的青睐,根据本研究的分析应该从两个方面入手,一方面要牢牢把握住网络口碑传播的关键因素即网络传播者与接收者之间的关系强度,网络口碑的视觉效果,网络口碑的专业性和可信度,另一方面要与时俱进利用新兴和流行的信息传播方式微博和视频传播,同时将其他消费者对于该产品的评价巧妙的植入到该产品的宣传当中有助于引起消费者对于该产品的兴趣和增加其信息的可信度。

【Abstract】 In the21st century, the Internet technology has greatly promoted social progress,economic development and human life, and its rapid development has made a profoundimpact on people’s purchasing decisions. The Internet, protecting communicator’spersonal privacy, spreads information quickly and widely and costs low;therefore, thespread and reception of traditional business have gradually shifted from real life to theInternet. In addition, consumers, enterprises and relevant government departments alsopay a lot of attention to the impact of IWOM (Internet Word of Mouth). As the majorgroup of the Internet users, college students are not only the major group to distributeand spread the Internet, but also they are the groups who have the tremendous potentialof purchasing. The purpose of this study is going to explore how IWOM affects collegestudents’ purchasing behavior.On the basis of relevant researches abroad, a model is built in this paper as “IWOM→Quality perception of students→students’ purchasing behavior”. The model helps tofind the role of IWOM that plays on college students purchasing behavior. In addition,this paper takes into consideration the possible impacts on the college students’perceived value by spreading IWOM.The model is divided into following five parts:(1) IWOM is the independentvariable to analyze the connection between IWOM and college perceived value from theperspective of college students’ purchasing experience. It has seven dimensions:network dependence, the strength of IWOM, the credibility of IWOM, the expertise ofIWOM, the visual effects of IWOM, the tone of spreading IWOM, and the number ofthe spreading IWOM.(2) College students’ perceived value is the intermediary variable,which refers the students’ attitude towards the products and services from the Internet. Itincludes five dimensions: security value, brand value, functional value, popular valueand sentimental value.(3) The way of spreading is the controllable variable used tomeasure how the carrier of IWOM impact the college students’ perceived value. Itadopts three dimensions: micro-blog transmission, video transmission, and implantationtransmission (implantation transmission refers to when products or services are recommended to consumers by networks, a lot of IWOM will be implanted so thatconsumers can be comprehensively understood).(4) College students’ purchasingbehavior is a dimension used to measure whether the front of the model will lead to aconsumption,which is a comprehensive reflection of college students’ attitude towardsIWOM.The subjects of this study are college students.316valid questionnaires are received.Through SPSS17.0, three conclusions are made acoording to the data analysis, theevidence of the research model and hypothesis as well:(1) IWOM receivers’ Network dependence dose not have obvious effects on collegestudents’ perceived value.(2) College students’ perceived value plays an intermediary role in studying IWOMand students’ purchasing behavior.(3) The emerging way of spreading IWOM has obvious effects on the perceived valueof college students.Based on the research, some suggestions are given for business marketing:Companies should make efforts to make student consumers purchase their products orservices through IWOM. On the one hand, key factors--the relationship between thetransmitters and receivers, the visual effects of IWOM, the professional reputation andcredibility of IWOM--should be held; on the other hand, popular micro-blog and videoforms should be taken good advantage, as well as implant other consumer’s goodevaluation into the IWOM of products, which will help to arouse the interest ofpotential consumers on their products and increase the credibility of their products’information.

  • 【分类号】F49;F274;G649.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1153
  • 攻读期成果

