

Based on the Traiditioiral Culture of the Ceramic Bottle Itiodelling Design and Empirical Research

【作者】 黄文丽

【导师】 许开强;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 酒瓶这个以往只是简单的装酒容器,曾经是那么的让人不屑一顾,但如今发展迅速、种类繁多、让人几乎目不暇接,其中更是增添了不少艺术、思想性和科学性,小小的酒瓶早已超出了容器的概念。从茅台、五粮液、剑南春、泸州老窖、洋河、酒鬼到地方一线品牌,就是这个小小的酒瓶,承载着无数企业的品牌梦想以及文化诉求。酒瓶也从简单的容器变身成为一种高层面的酒文化载体。陶瓷制作成的酒瓶,高贵典雅,色泽丰润。不仅是一种酒容器,也是中国酒文化的一个重要部分,诸多的经典之作,作为陶瓷艺术品被人们收藏。随着中国消费水平的提高,一些高端品牌甚至开始打造艺术酒瓶。舍得、茅台、国窖等等,开始制作具有收藏价值的陶瓷艺术酒瓶,艺术观赏性高,价值不菲,受到艺术收藏家和白酒收藏家的追捧。在这方面,陶瓷艺术酒瓶因奇异造型,具有中国传统特色,很多厂家已经把它的造型看成是自己的品牌标志。全国白酒行业在市场竞争中拼杀的广告战、价格战、包装战、促销战就应经初见端倪。也有一些品牌,为打造超高端白酒,为彰显消费者身份,开始为客户“定制”陶瓷酒瓶,让酒瓶更具有价值和收藏意义。根据目前市场的调研情况来看,已经有很多厂家争相采用陶瓷酒具包装。因为酒与陶瓷艺术代表着两种不同的文化,把这两种文化巧妙的融合在一起,更能深切地描绘出酒文化的厚重感和多种性。总而言之,不管是从消费文化趋势,还是陶瓷酒外在的包装身价分析,又或者是从国内外潜在的市场分析,以文化商品位的传统陶瓷酒具(瓶)必将迎来发展的春天,因此对传统酒包装进行改革不可避免。

【Abstract】 For thousands year the wine-bottle, known as a container for wine, has been too simple and normalto be noticed. Nevertheless the wine-bottle culture has developed into a multi-variant, literary, andtechnologic art, other than a little container. Considering Maotai, Wuliangye, Jiannanchun,Luzhoulaojiao, Yanghe, Jiugui and some native brands, the design of little wine-bottles demonstratesits band dream and culture. Nowadays, the wine-bottle has transformed form normal containers tosymble of wine culture.The ceramic wine-bottle with graceful color is dignified, elegant. Numerous greatworks are treasured as ceramic art, and cherished as an important part of Chinese wineculture other than a liquid container. Some top brands began to produce high artisticbottles, as Chinese consumer price index is increasing continuously for several years.This artistic wine-bottles with desirable outlook and high value are popular withinartists and wine collectors. The ceramic are normal used in the wine-bottle design bymost famous wine brands, as ceramic demonstrates Chinese culture and its shapes arepeculiar and singular. This idea can be found in the battles of advertisement, price, andoutlook within most expansive wine companies. Some special cases show thatcompanies design personal ceramic wine-bottles for dignified customers in order toenhance company elegance and to demonstrate respect to special customers. In this way,wine-bottle become more and more valuable and treasurable.Nowadays, the rate of ceramic wine-bottle is relatively low. However more andmore began to adopt ceramic into bottle design. The combination of wine and ceramiccultures deeply describes the dignity and diversity of wine culture.Above all, the ceramic with culture is going to be domain design of wine-bottle,considering the trend analysis of consume culture, the packaging value analysis ofceramic, and the analysis of potential native and international market.

  • 【分类号】J527
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】194

