

Research of String Vibration Type Mine Pressure Detecting System Based on ARM7

【作者】 孙超

【导师】 周孟然;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 电路与系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,伴随着单片机技术的快速发展,嵌入式系统技术以其自身结构简单、稳定、高效等众多优点成为了当今最热门的技术之一。而μ C/OS-Ⅱ具有结构小巧、性能稳定、代码开源等优点,从而得到广泛的应用。煤矿安全生产中,顶板冒落造成的塌陷事故在所占的重要地位极其重要,一旦出现此类事故不仅造成事后救援工作十分困难,严重危及井下工作人员的生命安全,也会造成重大的经济损失。因此,构建了一种基于ARM7振弦式矿山压力的检测系统来预防此类安全事故的发生尤为必要。本文在分析国内外矿压检测技术的发展情况下,以检测矿山压力为出发点,结合当前市场矿压检测产品及经典理论对系统进行深入研究分析。针对传统设备成本高、安装复杂、测量精度低、可扩展性能弱、实时性差等缺点进行改造,从而设计了一种基于ARM7振弦式矿山压力的检测系统。该系统采用飞利浦ARM7TDMI-S内核处理器LPC2129,处理器内嵌比较稳定的μ C/OS-Ⅱ作为系统软件核心部分,同时采用高稳定性的振弦式压力传感器检测压力数据,系统主要实现了对振弦式压力传感器对压力值的采集、补偿、CAN传输以及报警等功能,并在保证检测压力值的高精确度的前提下,综合考虑(软件和硬件)如何减少检测过程中背景的干扰,提高系统运行的灵敏度和稳定性。本系统分别从成本、安装、测量精度、抗干扰、扩张性、实时性等方面考虑,采用软、硬件结合的处理模式,极大地提高了矿压检测系统的运行性能:一方面系统有效地提高了压力的测量精度;另一方面系统具备实时性等优点。图[53]表[5]参[63]

【Abstract】 In recent years, along with the rapid development of the single chip microcomputer, the embedded system technology has become one of the most popular technology for its simple structure, stability and efficience. UC/OS-II, the embedded RTOS, is widely used for its advantages of structure compact, performance stable and source open. In coal mine safety production, collapse accident caused by collapse of stope roofs occupies a very important position. Rescue operation for such accident is hard to be proceeded. So this kind of accident will not only endanger the workers’ life security, but also Caused significant economic loss. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to build an ARM7-based vibrating wire force detection system for preventing such accidents.In this paper, we have analyzed the development of domestic and foreign rock pressure detection technology, as a starting point, we detected the mine pressure, and combined with the current market mine pressure testing products and the classical theory making a further research to this system. To transform the high cost, complex in installation, low accuracy, weak in scalability and poor real-time, etc of the traditional facilities, we designed a vibrating detecting system of mine pressure which is based on ARM7. The system uses Philips ARM7TDMI-S core processor LPC2129which is embedded in relatively stable μ C/OS-Ⅱ as a core part of the system, while we uses the vibrating wire pressure sensor which is high stable. The main achievements of this system are vibrating wire pressure sensor pressure value acquisition, compensation, CAN transmission and alarm functions, and to ensure the high accuracy of the detected pressure value of the premise, considering the(software and hardware) how to reduce the detection process of background interference and improve the sensitivity and stability of the system in running.This system respected from the cost, installation, measurement accuracy, interference, expansion and the real-time into consideration, we use a processing mode, combining the software and hardware, which greatly improved the rock pressure of the operating performance of the detection system:on the one hand, the effective pressure measurement accuracy; the other hand, the system with real-time advantages.Figure [53] table [5] reference [63]


