

The Water Control Structural Characteristics of Taochang Anhydrite Mine and Water Disaster Prevention in Hanshan Country

【作者】 张影

【导师】 胡宝林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的发展,对石膏等非金属自然资源的需求量越来越大,我国石膏开采量大致以10%的速度增长。安徽省含山县陶厂石膏矿属于国内特大型石膏矿,石膏质量较好,矿体控制厚度347.27-562.35m,平均468.60m,矿体上部覆盖着一层溶蚀现象明显,呈盐溶角砾岩,溶蚀后呈蜂窝状,厚度100余米灰岩层。该层溶蚀灰岩富水性强,虽然矿井生产过程中,留设100多米的岩柱,但采掘过程中遇到导水断层时,将带来重大灾害。因此,对矿井建设及生产时期的构造资料进行整理、统计、分析,结合井下观测资料,物探资料,分析矿井构造特征,控制边界断层空间展布,并在含水层水文地质特征研究的基础上,合理留设防水岩柱,对矿井安全生产具有重要意义。另文中介绍了可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT)利用人工场源激发地下岩石,接收不同供电频率形成的一次场电位。由于不同频率的场在地层中的传播深度不同,所反映深度与频率构成一个数学关系,不同电导率的岩石在电流流过时所产生的电位和磁场是不同的,CSAMT方法也就是利用不同岩石的电导率差异观测一次场电位和磁场强度变化的一种电磁勘探方法。

【Abstract】 More and more Gypsum and other nonmetal natural resources have been demanded along with the development of national economy, the gypsum yield grows roughly by10%in our country. Taochang Gypsum Mine belongs to super-huge type gypsum mine inland in Hanshan county Anhui province, which has high quality gypsum and468.60m ore body controlling of thickness on the average, ranging from347.27m and562.35m.A stratum of limestone about100m thick carpeted with the upper of the orebody, which corrosion is obviously, appearing evaporite solution breccia and soon become honeycomb structure after corroding. Although there have rock pillar of more than100m high remaining in the mine production, once water-transmissible fault be caught in mining process vital disaster would be taken palace as this stratum corroded limestone has well structure. It has very important significance to mine safety in production to tidy, statistics, analysis structure data in mine construction and manufacture period. So analysing mine structure feature and controlling the space spread of boundary fault by combining observational data and leaving water-proof pillar reasonable on the base of researching aquifer hydrogeology feature.This paper also present CSAMT which arouse underground rock by artificial source of field to receive once field potential shaping from different supply frequency. As the different frequency field spread different deepness in the stratum that both of them make up mathematical relation, rock with different conductivity generated different potential and magnetic field when current flowing past. CSAMT is an electromagnet exploration method of using the different conductivity to observe once field potential and magnetic field intensity transformation.


