

Research on10Coal Seam’s Occurrence Characteristics and Block Selection for Comprehensive Mechanization Mining of Liu Dian Coal Mine

【作者】 张郑伟

【导师】 吴基文;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 煤层沉积环境是煤层赋存状态的先决条件,它不仅直接控制着煤的形成与分布,而且对煤层厚度、结构、顶底板岩性等有重要影响。煤形成后,由于地壳运动与河流的冲刷作用,煤层的原生结构遭到破坏,即煤层的厚度、结构发生变化,由于岩浆的侵蚀作用,局部煤层变质为天然焦。本文从沉积环境和后期构造两个方面来研究刘店煤矿10煤层的赋存特征;用综合模糊评价法对煤层构造复杂程度进行定量评价;用等性块段指数法评价综采地质条件,具体原理方法及取得的成果如下:1.运用沉积学和岩相古地理学方法对刘店煤矿10煤层沉积环境进行分析,得出本区为三角洲平原环境;采用煤厚变异系数和可采指数对煤层稳定性进行评价,得到10煤层为较稳定煤层。2.见煤钻孔显示的煤层厚度比较均一,煤层较稳定;通过采探对比,勘探和生产两个时期发现的断层产状、分布有一定的出入;尽管单一见煤点煤层厚度比较稳定,但是由于煤层受到断层的切割作用,煤层不连续。3.井田内断层较发育,断层走向以北东、北北东为主,倾向以北西、北北西为主,勘探和生产揭露出的正断层较多,逆断层较少,大小断层错综复杂,大中型断层控制着次级中小型断层;褶皱发育次之,井田整体上为倾向北北西、向南东仰起的单斜构造,区内发育有多个次级背斜和次级向斜;岩浆岩对10煤层有局部影响,造成煤层厚度变薄,甚至变质为天然焦;通过钻孔测井曲线对煤体结构进行解译,得出10煤层构造煤较发育的结论。4.运用灰色模糊综合评价法,采用断层密度、断层强度、断裂分维值、平面变形系数和岩浆岩影响强度指数为指标对10煤层构造发育复杂程度进行定量评价,得出10煤层属于构造复杂—极复杂类型。5.运用等性块段指数法,采用构造指数和煤层指数对井田西部块段10煤层进行综采地质条件评价,得出了综采适宜性较差的结论。图[67]表[34]参考文献[77]

【Abstract】 Sedimentary environment is prerequisite of coal seam’s occurrence state.It not only directly control the formation and distribution of the coal,but aslo significant effect the coal’s thickness,structure and top-floor rock.after the coal is formed. Because of crustal movement and the river flushing action, the primary structure of the coal seam destroyed,that is thickness and structure of the coal seam changed. Because lava erosion action, so that the coal metamorphism for natural focus inlocality.In this paper,we study the occurrence characteristics of10coal seam in Liu Dian coal mine from sedimentary environment and later structure aspects;Use grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to quantitative evaluate10coal seam’s structure development level;Use Equi-block indexation method to evaluate10coal seam’s geological conditions of Fully Mechanized Mining, the specific methods and the results obtained as follows:1. Use sedimentation and lithofacies ancient geography method to analysis10coal seam’s sedimentary environment in Liu Dian coal mine,and come to a conclusion that this area used to be delta plain environment; Using the coal thickness variation coefficient and recoverable index to evaluate the stability of coal seam,and draw a conclusion that10coal seam is stable.2. Thickness of see coal drilling are more uniform. coal seam is stable. through exploration and exploitation comparison.there’s a discrepancy in faults’s status and distribution at exploration and production two times; Despite the coal seam’s thickness of the single see coal point is relatively stable. But as a result of the coal seam under the function of fault cutting, seam is not continuous.3. The faults in mine field are very development. the faults’s strike is to the north-east and north-north-east mainly,it’s tend to the north-west and north-north-west mainly. More normal faults are exposed through exploration and production, reverse faults rarely. Big faults and small faults intricate, The large-medium-sized faults control subprime small-medium faults; next is the flods development. mine field is a inclined structure whose strike is north-north-west and up to south east, The zone development with some subsidiary anticline and syncline; The influence of magmatic rocks to10coal seam inlocality, caused coal thickness thin and even metamorphic for nature focus mainly; Through the drilling logging curve to interpret coal body structure, come to the conclusion that tectonic coal of10coal seam is very development.4. Use grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and select fault density, fault strength, fractal dimension, planar deformation coefficients and magmatic rock impact intensity index for evaluation index to quantitative evaluate10coal seam’s structure development level, and come to the conclusion that10coal seam’s structure belongs to complex-extremely complex type.5. Use Equi-block indexation method and select structural index and coal seam index for evaluation index to evaluate10coal seam’s geological conditions of Fully Mechanized Mining at western Liu Dian coal mine,come to the conclusion that the condition of Fully Mechanized Mining is bad. Figure [67] table [34] reference [77]


