

Process Optimization on Power Coal of Panyi Coal Preparation Plant

【作者】 吴文华

【导师】 范肖南;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 选煤工艺的优化在生产中常被忽视,但却极具应用前景。论文通过对潘一选煤厂的三种分选设备(重介质浅槽分选机、重介质旋流器和螺旋分选机)实际生产的单机检测数据进行运算处理,分别对每个分选工艺系统分配曲线进行建模,采用分配曲线模型进行预测计算,得到实际原煤,为了减少预测误差,对于原煤及实际原煤数据均采取数学方法进行加密细化处理,结合Matlab数学软件建立了基元灰分与精煤产率、精煤灰分及分选密度之间的插值函数关系模型,在保持综合精煤灰分与实际生产灰分相同的前提条件下,按照实际的生产要求对工艺参数进行优化,得出最终的优化结果,优化后综合精煤产率增加了1.11%,产量增加6.66万吨。研究得到了可人机交互的Matlab GUI界面,具有操作性强,方便、准确、快捷的特点,在生产要求发生变化后,可迅速调整生产参数,满足生产要求,使经济效益最大化,能够为选煤厂的实际生产提供生产决策和理论指导。论文的最后还提出了本研究尚未解决的问题并对课题进行了展望,便于其他研究者继续深入研究。

【Abstract】 Ignored by many people generally, the subject of coal cleaning process optimization has a bright application prospects. Through the data handling of three preparation equipments(Heavy medium shallow groove sorting machine, medium cyclone and spiral separator), the paper worked out the cleaned coal yield and cleans ash of each equipment,draw the partition curve,modeled it and got the separation density and the Ep and I. In this case, the raw coal data was detailed. Then the actual washability curve was drawn by the actual raw coal detailing data obtained by the translation of partition curve. Finally, the interpolation relation between synthetic coal and separation density was modeled. Combined with math software Matlab, the human-computer interface with good operability was founded. Under the precondition with the ash of synthetic coal the same as the ash in actual production, the structure of craft was optimized according to the actual production. The optimization result showed that the clean coal yiled was increased1.11%and the mount of clean coal was increased666thousand ton. Giving the the production decision and theoretical guidance, the creation of Matlab GUI was not only can adjust parameter to meet the demand when the quality requirements were changed but also maximize the economic benefit. Ultimately, for the deep research by othters, the problem unsolved and the prospect was proposed.


