

Effectiveness Research of the High School Political Lesson Teaching

【作者】 任高杰

【导师】 暴元;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的到来,教育作为人类有目的的培养人的一种社会活动,国家对其提出了更高的要求。课堂教学是教育活动的中心环节,课堂教学有效性更加注重学生的学习效果,课堂教学有效性的高低直接影响教育质量的高低。高中政治课作为一门中学生的必修课,同时具有德育的性质,其重要性不言而喻。一堂课包括教师、学生、教学内容、教学手段、教学环境等环节,任何一个环节出现问题都会对课堂教学的有效性产生影响。学生的成长总要受到来自社会、学校、家庭方面的影响,从这些方面寻找影响高中政治课堂教学有效性的因素,并重点分析了课堂教学的两大主体----学生和教师,以寻求应对策略。由于多种因素的影响,当前高中政治课课堂教学有效性不高甚至很低,通过对高中政治课堂当前的现状的研究和分析,找出了当前高中政治课课堂教学中存在的问题,并有针对性的提出了改善对策。本文研究主要采用了观察法、文献法、经验总结法等,本人在校外实习期间通过观察高中政治课堂教学情境以及询问专家型教师的教学经验,学生意见的参考,大量文献资料的查阅,在此基础上提出了相应对策。本文主要有四个部分组成。第一部分是引言,引言中简介研究的背景与意义及此课题来源,国内外研究现状,研究思路与方法。第二部分对相关概念课堂教学、课堂教学有效性做出解释得出什么样的课堂教学是有效的,并阐述高中政治课的性质、任务、地位。第三部分通过访谈、观察、实践等方式总结出当前高中政治课课堂教学的现状、存在问题,并指出了高中政治课堂教学有效性提高的重要意义。第四部分是影响高中政治课堂教学有效性的因素分析,结合高中生的心理特点从五个方面即从社会、学校、家庭、教师、学生方面进行分析,重点分析了教师和学生方面的影响因素。第五部分也是本文的研究重点。即结合具体的高中政治课课堂教学,提出提高高中政治课课堂教学有效性的策略,也是从社会、家庭、学校、教师、学生五个方面找出应对策略。最后是结语部分。

【Abstract】 With the advent of knowledge economy, education as a human purpose of training people a kind ofsocial activity, the country puts forward the higher request. Classroom teaching is the central link ofeducational activities. the effectiveness of classroom teaching pays more attention to the students’ learningeffect. The effectiveness of classroom teaching will directly affect the quality of education. High schoolpolitical course as a compulsory course for middle school students, and has the nature of moral education,its importance is self-evident. A classroom teacher, student, including teaching contents, teaching means,teaching environment etc, any link occurrence problem will be on the effectiveness of classroom teachingeffect. The growth of the students is always affected by the society, school, family.from these aspects ofclassroom teaching high school political effectiveness factors, and analyzed the two main classroomteaching, students and teachers, to seek countermeasures.Due to the influence of various factors, the current high school politics classroom teachingeffectiveness is not high or even very low, through to the senior politics teaching the current status ofresearch and analysis, identify the current high school politics classroom teaching problems, and putforward improving countermeasures. This study mainly adopted the observation method, literature method,experience summary, I in the internship period through the observation of classroom teaching high schoolpolitical situation and ask the expert teachers teaching experience, students’ views of reference, a largeamount of references and materials, on the basis of the corresponding countermeasures. This paper consistsof four parts mainly. The first part is the introduction. The introduction of the research background andsignificance and the task。Research present situation at home and abroad, research ideas and methods. Thesecond part of the related concept of classroom teaching, classroom teaching effectiveness of explanationand definition of what kind of classroom teaching is effective, the high school thought political lessonnature, task, position third through interviews, observation, practice part, summed up the current seniorhigh school thought political lesson teaching inefficient status, existing problems, and the pointed out thatthe high school politics class teaching effectiveness to improve the significance. The fourth part is the effectof classroom teaching high school political validity by factor analysis, combined with the psychological characteristics of high school students from five aspects: society, school, family, teachers, students wereanalyzed focusing on teachers and students. The fifth part is the focus of this paper. Combined with specificclassroom teaching of Ideological and political course, put forward to improve the ideological and politicaleducation strategies for the effectiveness of classroom teaching, but also from the society, family, school,teacher, the student five aspects to identify coping strategies. The final part is the conclusion.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】296

