

Investigation on Issues about Oversea Elites Who Returned to China in1950s

【作者】 何之君

【导师】 王玉福;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,由于种种原因,中国留学海外的知识分子人才流失严重,但回顾历史,从中我们仍然可以发现海外知识分子学成归国、报效祖国的英雄壮举。新中国成立初期,在各方面条件乏善可陈的背景下,大批的海外知识分子为了新中国的建设事业纷纷归国,并形成了一个又一个高潮,他们归国后为新中国的各项建设做出了杰出贡献。通过对归国知识分子问题的深入研究,本文旨在梳理与1950年代归国知识分子相关的一些问题,探讨中共在积极争取留学生回国工作中的政策举措,彰显当年归国知识分子在新中国各项建设中的杰出贡献。进而总结这段历史的工作经验,以为我们今天吸引海外人才,将人才强国战略落到实处提供借鉴,这无疑具有极为重要的理论价值和现实价值。文章首先尽力梳理1950年代归国知识分子的基本情况;其次简述了1950年代出现的三次归国热潮,并探寻出海外知识分子的归国途径,继而分析了这些海外知识分子归国的原因;再次从国民经济、科学教育、国防建设三个方面,分别论述归国知识分子在社会主义建设中的突出贡献;最后归纳总结出1950年代党关于归国知识分子工作的经验及启示:只有加强党对归国知识分子的领导,将争取归国与参加国家建设相结合,完善海外知识分子归国工作的举措,高度重视归国知识分子在社会主义建设中的重要作用,才能吸引海外知识分子积极踊跃归国。

【Abstract】 For various reasons, there has been an outflow of talent brain-drain ever since the publishing ofChinese Reforming and Opening-up policy. However when looking back on the history, we found that thereare still delightful deeds of intellectuals coming back from overseas and contribute to the development ofnew China. There were continuous rushes of oversea students returning to their motherland in1950s, wheneffort was severely needed in construction of the new country. They made outstanding contribution todevelopment in every field.Through investigating the change in mentality of those returned oversea students as well as theirspiritual experience when making decisions about leaving or stay, I seek to find out the encouragingpolicies from the government and also the outstanding contribution they made to the country. Bysystematically summarizing the experience of that historical period of time, we are then able to generatemore practical and applicable guidelines in attracting more successful oversea elites to launch into theconstruction of our country.In the first place, general information of the returned intellectuals was summarized. Then I try toanalyze the three “returning rushes”, including the reasons and the approach they took in order to comeback. In the next place, reason of their returning to their motherland was explored. Fourthly, theoutstanding contribution of oversea students are comprehensively collected, summarized and analyzed,including specializations such as agriculture, industry, scientific education, national defense and so forth.Last but not least, CCP’s experience in calling back the overseas intellectuals in the1950s is summarized,including the emphasis of the important role of knowledge in the process of construction and usingpatriotism as the cohesion. In the new era, more efforts need to be put on finding out what kind of measuresin order to attract more experts, such as providing utmost care and etc.

【关键词】 1950年代归国知识分子归国工作
【Key words】 1950sReturned intellectualsReturning to work
  • 【分类号】D663.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】102

