

Analysis and Research on Sports Dissertation of Graduate Students between2000-2009in China

【作者】 胡丹丹

【导师】 罗艳蕊;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用文献资料法、内容分析法、比较分析法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法、词频分析法等研究方法,对2000—2009年在中国知网收录的体育类优秀硕士学位论文进行调查分析,对学位的论文选题、研究方法、参考文献等进行分析研究,研究结果表明:1.体育类硕士论文数量增加速度较快;论文分布地域较为广泛但是比较集中,边远和不发达地区的体育硕士学位论文较少;一些著名院校的硕士学位论文的不公开性给研究者们造成一些不必要的麻烦;硕士研究生对体育学科的研究更加细致和深入,选题研究领域广泛,研究热点集中,但是选题重复较多、但缺乏创造性;应用性研究硕士学位论文最多,基础性研究、应用性研究和开发性研究硕士学位论文比例失衡。2.体育类硕士学位论文研究方法中虽然综合性的、定性定量相结合的方法开始出现,但以文献法、调查法常见研究方法居多,对于一些前沿的科学方法在体育类硕士学位论文中几乎没有运用。3.体育类硕士学位论文引文量较高,表明作者的科研水平、利用参考文献资源水平较高,但是与国外水平相比,我国体育类硕士学位引文量还有一定的差距;在参考文献引文语种中,引用最多的是中文引文;在体育类硕士学位论文引文时间分布中发现被引频繁的是2-9年,最大引文年限一般在3年;在例举的民族传统体育专业硕士学位论文的高频引用中,发现期刊和学术著作是引文的主要来源,其中高频期刊也多是我国体育类的核心期刊,说明体育类硕士研究生获取文献资料渠道的单一性。4.体育类硕士学位论文引文中格式存在着不规范的现象。

【Abstract】 This paper,by using the method of documentary, content analysis,comparative analysis, logic analysis, mathematical statistics, for2000-2009published on the CNKI of physical education in our country outstandingprofessional master’s degree thesis. research makes an analytical study on thepaper topics, the methods used, the problems of the bibligraphical parts andothers factors. The results show that:1. The increase in the number of China’s sports master thesis is fast; thesethesises’s distribution region are more widely than remote and undevelopedareas, but more concentrated; Some famous colleges of master degree thesisesaren’t open to the researchers,which caused some unnecessary trouble; In thefield of research and study areas: Master graduate student in sports disciplineresearch shows more detailed, in-depth, comprehensive, topic research fieldwidely but repeated, lack of creative subject; Applied research in the majority,basic research, applied research and developmental research ratio imbalance.2. Sports master degree thesises of study methods are comprehensive,whilequalitative combined with quantitative,but literature method and the surveyresearch method may be seen in the majority, in sports master’s degree thesisfrontier scientific method is almost nothing to use.3.Quoted in the literature:sports master degree thesises’s citation is higher in the article writing process which show that the writer and the use of referenceresource level are high,but compared with foreign level there is a still gap; theChinese literature is the most-cited citaation type; Thesis citation timedistribution cited frequently is found in second to the ninth year period, thebiggest quotations is the third year; the high frequency reference In thetraditional sports study master’s degree thesis, is found that journals andacademic works is the main source of quatations, and the high frequencyjournals is our country sports type of core journals, while sports kind of mastergraduate student get literature information channel is single.4.In sports master degree thesis of citations’s format, there is some errorsphenomenon.

  • 【分类号】G80-3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】206

