

Study of Shen Zhou’s Poetry

【作者】 吉增芳

【导师】 李永贤;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 沈周,生活在明代中期政治相对稳定的时期,虽不乏有仕途进取的机会,他却甘愿选择隐逸一生,他是那个时代少有的自我精神追求的觉醒者。他精通儒释道文化,绘画、诗歌造诣更是后人无可比拟。在绘画上他有明代第一人之称,是明代“吴门画派”的领袖,与文徵明、唐寅、仇英并称“明四家”;他的诗也是有明一绝,他最早提出“吴中诗派”的说法,其诗对吴中诗坛影响巨大;同时沈周也是有明一代的著名藏书家,博学多才;他一生阅览群书“书过目即能默识,凡经传、子史百家、山经地志、医方卜筮、稗官传奇,下至浮屠老子,亦皆涉其要,掇其英华”。①他一生的著述有名可考查者十五种,但保存下来的只有九种。本篇探讨的是沈周的诗歌部分,并以文渊阁四库全书收集的《石田诗选》十卷为底本。作者希望通过对沈周诗歌系统的解读,以此可以更深刻的了解其诗歌全貌及当时的社会面貌,以丰富我们的诗歌史。本文试从以下五个部分对沈周及其诗歌进行探讨。绪论部分一方面着重介绍沈周研究综述。在综述方面主要结合明清人对沈周的重视和当代人对沈周研究的关注两部分谈起,并简要对沈周诗歌研究的单篇论著做一说明。另一方面介绍对沈周诗歌研究的意义与现状及本文研究的重难点。总的来讲,对沈周诗歌的研究现在还比较薄弱,整体的关注还没见到,对沈周多方面的研究还有待继续深入。第一章沈周的生平及对其隐逸原因的探讨。沈周的成长环境不知道羡煞多少人,他的家族地位显赫,从小深受祖辈父辈的熏陶,在一个具有浓烈书香气息的家族中成长。他少有名望,成年后诗歌绘画双绝。他遵循儒教信义,深受时人赞同,多次受人举荐却选择了远离官场。本章试图通过探讨他隐逸的原因,借此可以更深入地了解沈周其人,以及他身处的政治、经济、家庭环境,从这些方面我们可以对沈周有个全面的理解。第二章沈周诗歌的分类和特点。这是本文的主题,该部分主要探讨两个问题:一是围绕沈周诗歌的分类展开,重点介绍其题画诗、纪游诗、唱和诗、咏物诗、社会写实诗等几个方面。题画诗发展到沈周这里,可以说是一个转折点,自沈周后,题画诗开始大量涌现,并且都带有题跋。二是介绍沈周诗歌的特点。诗歌特点分为总写和具体来写两部分,沈周诗歌的总体特征:自然拔俗和日常生活化,这些是沈周诗歌的常态,具体表现则分三方面来说:(一)、随事缘情,透露着本真;(二)、遣兴移怀,物我合一;(三)、个性化人物的塑造。第三章介绍沈周的诗歌主张、影响及后人对其诗歌的诟病。这是本文的难点,主要是沈周的诗论不多,而且受收集的资料的限制,这部分的写的较为笼统,只是从宏观上对沈周的诗歌做了解说。对于沈周的诗学主张主要从三方面来说:一、于其人推其言知其诗;二、不标宗立派,兼取各家之长;三、抒发真性情,反对造作伪饰。至于沈周诗歌的影响及后人对其诗歌的诟病,本章主要从三方面:一、在吴中宗唐的风气下,沈周首先发起写宋诗的倡议,并师法多宗;二、沈周的诗歌抒发性情,形成一种清新淡雅的诗风;三、在沈周这里,诗歌不在是一味高雅化的艺术,它随着俗文学的发展,也呈现俗的一面。对于后人对沈周诗歌的诟病,主要是他多写生活琐事,并以俚词俗语入诗。

【Abstract】 Shen Zhou, who lived in the middle of Ming dynasty which the political relative is stable and theopportunity to the official is not lacked but he is willing to choose the hermit life, is one of the fewawakened that in pursuit of self-spiritual. He learnt Confucianism, Buddhism Daoism, and in the fields ofpainting and poetry he is incomparable later generations. In painting he, as the leader of the painting systemWU, was named the first person of painting in the Ming dynasty. Weng Zhengming, Tang Yin, Qiu Yingand he were said "the four most important painter in Ming"; His poetry is also special skill, he firstsuggested "wuzhong poetry" view, his great influence to WuZhongPai; At the same time Shen Zhou isMing dynasty famous CangShuGu, learned; All his life he reading group of book "book to look over thatcan be silent know, every unknown, the son of history, ShanJingDeZhi, BuShi jotting prescriptions) well,the legend, down to FuTu Lao zi, is also in its to the acs, Duo". All his life he the writings of famousexamines15kinds of the can, but survived only nine. This discussion is part of the Shen Zhou poetry, andto WenYuanGe encyclopedia of the imperial collection "ShiTian poems of ten volumes for dibon. Theauthor hopes that through to the system Shen Zhou poetry readings, take this can be a profoundunderstanding of the whole scene and poetry of the society at that time face, to enrich our poetry history.This paper tries to from the following five parts of Shen Zhou and poetry are discussed.The introduction section of the paper should briefly introduced to the Shen Zhou poetry to meaningand current situation, in this paper mainly from the aspects of the Ming and qing dynasties person ShenZhou attention and to Shen Zhou research reveals the neglect of two parts, and briefly to Shen Zhou poetrystudy ChanPian do a show of works. Overall speaking, Shen Zhou poetry to the research now is stillrelatively weak, whole attention have not seen that need to be further.The first chapter of the life Shen Zhou and its hermit may this because, Shen Zhou family grandeur,since he was a child of parents by grandparents influence, and in a has powerful elegant flavor of the familygrowth. He little fame as adults, poetry painting double rejected. He followed Confucianism faith, bypeople agree with, many people had chosen to commend by far from officialdom. This chapter attempts todiscuss the reason he hermit, take this can learn more about Shen Zhou the person, and he was in the political, economic, family environment, from these aspects we can Shen Zhou comprehensively to theunderstanding.The second chapter of Shen Zhou poetry of research, this part mainly discusses two problems: a ShenZhou around the classification of poetry is open, the paper focuses on the TiHuaShi, JiYouShi, singing andthe poems, singing from poetry, social realism poetry, etc. TiHuaShi development to ShenZhou here, andperhaps a turning point, since Shen Zhou, TiHuaShi began to emerge in a large amount, and with hiscomments inscribed.2it is introduced the characteristics of Shen Zhou poetry. Poetry writing and specificcharacteristics into total to write two parts, Shen Zhou the general characteristics of poetry: natural BaSuand daily life, specifically:(a), cage forms as margin of feeling, that true.;(2), sent the move bosom, thething I unity;(3), and individual character molding.The third chapter of poetry Shen Zhou claims and poetry characteristics, to Shen Zhou for poeticmainly from three ways: one, to the person push know his first; Second, not standard inneglectable pie, andtake their long; Three, to express a true disposition, against artificial dis-guised.The fourth chapter Shen Zhou and the influence of the poetry of the poetry for posterity, this chapterfrom three aspects: one, in the WuZhong zong tang of custom, Shen Zhou first song poetry written by theinitiative, and imitate the; Second, Shen Zhou poetry express temperament, form a kind pure and freshquietly elegant of poetic style; Three, in Shen Zhou here, poetry is not the art of elegant is blindly high, italong with the development of literature, and also presents the common side. For later generations to ShenZhou poetry, radmanovic mainly his writing life trivial, and slang word saying to enter the poem.

【关键词】 沈周生平诗歌分类特点主张影响诟病
【Key words】 Shen Zhoulifepoetryclassificationfeatureclaims for influence

