Modern Book Design in the New Trend
【作者】 岳夏梦;
【导师】 许培光;
【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 美术学, 2012, 硕士
【摘要】 书籍是人类文明的主要标志之一,是转载信息的重要方式,同时也是文明的载体和象征。随着社会的不断进步与发展,人类的书籍已经走过了数千年的历史,其设计水平也随着社会经济文化的发展而提高,而材料不管是原始形态书籍,手工形态书籍,还是流水线生产的书籍始终起着关键性的作用。材料是一种非常强有力的设计语言,是设计者进行书籍设计的构想介质,材料作为单位审美客体,书籍设计的创作与创新中材料为其注入了新鲜的血液。随着经济的发展,书籍材料也在不断的更新,对材料进行选择和论证是我们在书籍设计工作过程中必须予以重视的。在书籍设计中,重视对材料多样性的运用是提升书籍设计整体水平的基础。虽然材料在书籍设计中起着至关重要的作用,但大多数设计者对于材料在书籍设计中的重要性认识不够,从而在设计中把材料和书籍设计当成两个独立的个体分割开来,从而造成了很大的局限性。在很多相关的书籍设计中或多或少都有书籍设计中材料的研究,并对其进行了一定的叙述,这些理论大多是一些概念的理论化,或过于抽象,或偏重原理,对书籍设计者的时间把握和感性认知产生一定的影响。书籍材料的不断更新发展推动与成就了几千年的书籍艺术发展史,可以说离开材料便没有书籍。材料是把设计意图物化为书籍形态的重要环节。书籍设计的物质基础是材料,材料可以把书籍内容和设计转换成物化形态的书籍。想象的艺术要靠材料这一沟通媒介实施物化造型,是书籍从创作构想转换为真实物质形态的载体,材料是书籍设计师和阅读者的沟通平台。因此在书籍设计中重视材料自身的审美属性显得尤为重要。在设计过程中,艺术家对材料的选择具有能动性,材料具有特殊的自然美感,设计者要做到发现并把握和遵从其的特殊美感,最恰当的组合与联系材料与设计思想,最终取得材料特性和设计的完美结合,就应该重视材料在书籍中的作用,并对各种物质材料的自然属性进行了解,并对其特殊美进行深入的理解和研究,从而更好的在实现运用材料服务于书籍的设计这一主题思想。
【Abstract】 The books are humanity’s magnificent civilization, is the information carrier, is the symbol of humancivilization. With the rapid development of economy, the book design a level to rise ceaselessly, thematerial in the book design has been the importance began to be concerned about. Material is a kind ofpowerful design language, each material is a unit of aesthetic object, with its wealth of form to the booksdesign creation of an injection of new blood, as designers of book design conception medium. Booksmaterials with economic development constantly updated, we should pay more attention in the booksdesign process of material selection and demonstration. The diversity of the book design to a newdevelopment space.As the carrier of culture and the symbol, the human books has gone through a history of thousands ofyears. From the primitive form of books to the manual form book to modern industrial background lines toproduce books, material in book design in the process of development has played a key role. However,most designers tend to put the books on design and material separated, for materials in book design in theimportance of understanding. The book design in materials research, many related books are more or lesscertain narration, the majority of lay particular stress on theoretical principle, concept, too abstract, is notconducive to the designers on the design of books cognitive and perceptual timing.Material is the material basis for the design of books, take material seriously its aesthetic attribute inthe books design is particularly important. Throughout thousands of years of books on art history, is thebook materials continually updated development process. No matter how good design and content of thebook through to the material can be converted into a physical form of books. If no material of thiscommunication of subjective understanding and objective realization of the media, art can only beimagined, but cannot be converted into the corresponding physical modeling. Material is the design intentinto book form important link, therefore, to leave the material without books. The material is not onlybooks from the creation of conversion is true is the material shape of the carrier, its natural attribute ofmaterial with special aesthetic for the book designer and reading structures between a silent communicationplatform. Material in the books design is the application of artists dynamic choice results, in the design process,designers find materials natural beauty, compliance and materials grasp the special aesthetic, design ideasand materials to establish the most appropriate contact, in order to obtain the design and the perfectcombination of material properties. To do this, the designer must take material form of beauty as books andimportant factors and give enough attention, and a variety of material nature in-depth knowledge andunderstanding. Only in this way, the designer can better in book design in the use of materials, control anduse of materials services to the books design theme.