

Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Pinella Pedatisecta Schott and the Quality Control of Arisaematis Rhizoma

【作者】 满薇

【导师】 刘大有; 关树宏;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 中药化学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 天南星Arisaematis rhizoma系《中国药典》收载品种,具有消肿散结的功效。虎掌南星Pinella pedatisecta Schott又名掌叶半夏,系属天南星科半夏属植物,具有祛风定惊、化痰散结的功效,并未收载于《中国药典》。虎掌南星与天南星属同科不同属植物,但市场上却多以虎掌南星混淆为天南星入药。本文针对虎掌南星与天南星的差异成分进行了研究,分离得到5个化合物,并用各种光谱技术鉴定了结构,分别为异落叶木脂素、桉叶素(木脂素类)、2-羟基-5-甲氧基苯田酸、对羟基苯甲醛和邻羟基苯甲酸。制天南星Arisaematis rhizoma preparatum具有燥湿化痰、祛风止痛、散结消肿功效。目前对其质量标准研究缺乏量化指标.本文对制南星的质量控制方法进行了研究。建立了制南星中指标性成分的定量方法,并进行了系统的方法学考察研究,同时测定了13批不同产地制南星饮片中腺嘌呤的含量。天南星目前临床常用疗效为抗惊厥及抗肿瘤。天南星含有多种类型的化学成分,其中核苷类及脂肪酸类成分的含量较高,药效学试验表明嘌呤核苷可调节中枢神经系统,并具有细胞毒活性;亚油酸具有降低血脂、软化血管、降低血压、促进微循环等作用,并具有细胞毒活性,因此上述两类成分是与天南星抗惊厥及抗肿瘤药效相关联的成分。本文通过HPLC法同时测定了天南星中腺昔、腺嘌呤的含量,并测定了其亚油酸的含量,方法准确快速,重现性好,为2015版《中国药典》天南星的质量控制标准提升提供了参考。

【Abstract】 Arisaematis rhizoma is recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia, having function of eliminating stagnation and detumescence. Pinella pedatisecta belongs to genus Pinellia (family Araceae). It is claimed that the rhizome of Pinella pedatisecta can dispel wind, relieve convulsion, dissipate phlegm and eliminate stagnation. Although Pinella rhizoma is not recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia, it is commonly used in the market as Arisaematis rhizoma.In the present study, the different chemical constituents between Pinella pedatisecta and Arisaematis rhizoma have been investigated. Five compounds were isolated using various chromatographic methods from the extract of the rhizome of Pinella pedatisecic. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of their MS.’H-NMR, and13C-NMR data. Thev are [(+)-isolariciresinol]. salicylic acid. eudesrmn.p-hydroxy benzaldehyde, and5-methoxysalicvlic acid.Arisaematis rhizoma preparatum has the function of depriving the evil wetness, dissipating phlegm and eliminating wind, can be used for treatment of circumgyration and apoplexy. However, its quality control method is still inadequate to evaluate the overall quality of the herb and its related products. In this study, the quality control method has been established, and the method is validated. Using the established method,13batches of samples purchased from different regions were quantitated.Nowadays, Arisaematis rhizoma have common clinical curative effects are anti-convulsant and anti-tumor. In our study, the nucleotide and linoleic acid types compounds were proved to be the main constituents of Arisaematis rhizoma. Pharmacodynamic experiments indicated that nucleotides could mediate central nervous system and had cytotoxicity. Linoleic acid could soften blood vessel, promote microcirculatory, prevent angiocardiopathy, and also possessed cytotoxicity. Therefore nucleotides and linoleic acid closely related to the clinical curative effects of Arisaematis rhizoma. Using HPLC-DAD method, the experiments of simultaneous determination of adenosine and adenine, Quantitative determination of linoleic acid in Arisaematis rhizoma were carried out. The developed HPLC method was simple, accurate, precise and sensitive, could be readily utilized for the quality control of Arisaematis rhizoma.

  • 【分类号】R284
  • 【下载频次】242

