

Chinese Medicine with the Magic Lamp Through Skin Lingering in Adjuvant Treating Pneumonia Clinical Observation

【作者】 李健

【导师】 李立新;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 中医儿科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过中药加神灯透皮治疗与单纯常规治疗小儿迁延性肺炎的疗效比较,观察中药加神灯透皮佐治小儿迁延性肺炎的临床疗效,以利于临床推广。方法:把符合纳入标准的患儿60例,采用随机分组形式,分为两组,治疗组30例,对照组30例。对照组:给予常规治疗,五天一疗程,一般观察2-3个疗程。治疗组:常规治疗+中药加神灯透皮治疗,中药药物组成:蛤蚧一对、丹参、桃仁、大黄、刘寄奴、白芥子、冰片按一定比例,将上药研磨成细末,用生姜汁调成糊状,外敷于背部肩胛间区或肺部听诊湿罗音密集处或者辅助检查如影像学检查阴影明显处,外用神灯即特定电磁波治疗器照射(型号:龙泉牌LQ2008AH,立式单头TDP灯,电源220V,功率280W,频率50-60HZ,贵阳龙泉医疗器械有限公司)。0.5~3岁每次10-15min,4~6岁每次15-20min,7~14岁每次15-25min,每日1次。5天为1疗程。可观察2-3个疗程。结果:对照组30例总有效率83.3%,治疗组30例,总有效率为96.7%,经过统计学分析后,两组对比具有显著性差异(P<0.05),结果表明:治疗组优于对照组。结论:针对于小儿迁延性肺炎病程长,病情迁延,肺部炎症吸收慢的特点,在常规治疗基础上,将中医特色外治(中药透皮)与现代仪器(神灯特定电磁波治疗器)有机结合,加快肺部啰音吸收,在改善症状,缩短疗程等方面明显优于常规治疗(对照组)。本课题研究为临床提供了简洁、高效、安全的新型疗法,丰富及扩展了小儿迁移性肺炎的治疗手段,值得临床推广。

【Abstract】 Purpose: By comparing the curative effect between Chinese medicine throughing skinwith the magic lamp and routine therapy in children with protracted pneumonia, we observethe clinical curative effect of Chinese medicine throughing skin with the magic lamp treatingpediatric protracted pneumonia in order to promote the therapy.Method:60cases meeting the criteria were randomly divided into two groups: treatmentgroup of30cases and control group of the left30cases. Control group: give the routinetreatment, five days as a period, generally observe1-2periods.The treatment group: conventional treatment+Chinese medicine with the magic lamptransdermal therapy,the composition of the Chinese traditional medicine: a pair of Gecko,salvia, peach, rhubarb, siphonostegia, mustard seed, borneol.Grind the medicine aboveaccording to a certain proportion into powder, mixed with Ginger juice into paste, apply inback shoulder district or the area of the lung auscultation of wet rales or obvious shadowplaces of the chest radiograph, the magic lamp was the thermal design power herapeuticequipment (model: longquan brand LQ2008AH, vertical single head TDP lamp,220V powersupply, power280W, frequency50-60hz, guiyang longquan medical equipment Co., LTD).1~3years old:10-15min each time,4~6years old:15to20min each time,7-14years:15-25min each time, once a day. Five days for a period of treatment. Observe1-2periods.Result: the effective rate of the control group was83.3%, the effective rate of thetreatment group was96.7%, with a significant difference (P <0.05) of the statistical analysis,,the treatment group was more effective than control group.Conclusion: The protracted pneumonia in children is characterised as longer duration,protracted illness and the slow absorption of the lung inflammation. According to thecharacteristics above, based on the routine treatments, combining the external treatment ofTCM (traditional Chinese medicine transdermal) with modern equipment (lamp-specificelectromagnetic therapy devices) could accelerate the absorption of pulmonary rales,andwould be much better than conventional treatment (control group) in improving the symptomsand shortening the course of treatment. This clinical study provides an efficient, simple andsafe new therapy, enriches the content of treatment of the protracted pneumonia in children, is worthy promotion.

  • 【分类号】R272
  • 【下载频次】59

