

Study on the Quality Promotion of the Competitive Selection of Cadres

【作者】 张雷

【导师】 李德芳;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 竞争性选拔干部,是选贤任能的有效途径。竞争性选拔干部质量是竞争性选拔工作的生命线,事关选人用人的公信度和人民群众的认可度。全面掌握竞争性选拔干部质量情况,深入比较分析其制度设计优劣,对进一步改进和完善竞争性选拔工作,逐步实现经常化、制度化和规范化,提高选人用人科学化水平,具有十分重要的意义。本文以近年来海南省竞争性选拔干部实践为主要研究样本,以比较分析为主要研究方式,以问卷调查为主要研究手段,深入剖析竞争性选拔干部工作,并在此基础上,探索提升竞争性选拔干部质量的有效途径。全文共分六部分。第一部分,导论。对论文涉及的竞争性选拔干部质量问题进行背景说明,提出问题,详细介绍现阶段理论现状,提出竞争性选拔干部的定义,并对本文的研究思路和方法进行说明。第二部分,介绍我国新时期竞争性选拔干部的发展历程。按时间分起步推广、制度规范、创新提高三个阶段,总结分析我国新时期竞争性选拔干部的发展历程和特点。第三部分,介绍海南省竞争性选拔干部的探索和成效。从整体上归纳总结海南省近年来竞争性选拔干部的实践探索、创新亮点和主要成效。第四部分,海南省竞争性选拔干部质量的比较分析。主要选取海南省1999-2003年间副厅、副处、副科三个职级的竞争性选拔干部作为样本,以非竞争性选拔干部为参照,从干部的任职门槛、综合素质、实际能力、现实表现、成长状况五方面进行对比分析,并对影响干部质量的竞争性选拔方式与非竞争性选拔方式进行比较研究。第五部分,探索提升竞争性选拔干部质量的思路。从提高完善竞争性选拔干部工作的认识,完善竞争性选拔干部工作的基本路径,健全竞争性选拔干部工作的配套制度体系,搭建竞争性选拔与非竞争性选拔有机融合的平台等四个方面,探索提升竞争性选拔干部质量的思路。第六部分,结束语。对本论文的主要观点及解决问题的措施进行归纳和总结。

【Abstract】 The competitive selection of cadres is an effective way of selecting eligible candidates. The quality of the competitive selection of cadres, related to the public trust and the people’s acceptance of election and employment, is the lifeblood of the competitive selection. It is of important significance to have a complete control of the quality of the competitive selection of cadres and an in-depth comparative analysis of the pros and cons of the system design to the further improvement and refinement of the selection of competitive and progressive realization of regulation, institutionalization and standardization, as well as the improvement of the scientific level of the appointment of personnel selection. This paper takes the competitive selection of cadres practice in Hainan in recent years as the main study sample, the comparative analysis the main research method, the questionnaire the main research tool to profoundly analyze the competitive selection of cadres, on which basis, to explore effective ways of enhancing the competitive selection of the quality of cadres.This paper is divided into six parts.Part I: The introduction to the background of the quality of the competitive selection of cadres and the description of the research ideas and methods of this paper: the raising of questions, the details of the theoretical status quo at current stage and the definition of the competitive selection of cadres.Part II: The course of the competitive selection of cadres in new era, of which the development and characteristics are analyzed accordingly to the three stages of time: the initial promotion, the institutional norms, and the innovation and improvement.Part III: The exploration and effectiveness of the competitive selection of cadres in Hainan, which is a comprehensive analysis of the overall practice, exploration, and innovative highlights as well as the effectiveness of the competitive selection of cadres in Hainan in recent-years.Part IV: The comparative analysis of the quality of the competitive selection of cadres in Hainan, which mainly comparatively analyzes the five growth conditions:the threshold, the overall quality, the actual capacity and actual performance of cadres service by taking the competitive selection of cadres on the three ranks of Deputy Director, Deputy Division Chief and Vice Section Chief in Hainan from1999to2003as a sample and the non-competitive selection of cadres a reference. Also, a comparative study on the influence of the quality between the competitive selection of cadres and non-competitive selection is stated..Part V: The ideas to explore and improve the quality of the competitive selection of cadres, which focus on four aspects of the competitive selection: the improvable understanding, the basic path, the supporting system and the set up of the platform of the integration with non-competitive selection.Part VI:The conclusion and summary on main ideas and solutions to problems of this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

