

The Resources and Feeding Value of Cyperaceae in Hainan

【作者】 虞道耿

【导师】 罗丽娟; 刘国道;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 植物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 对海南岛18个市县以及周边岛屿分布的莎草科植物资源进行了野外调查、收集与鉴定,研究其种、属的分布格局,并对野外采集的莎草科植物样品进行常规养分分析和热值测定,综合评定莎草科植物的饲用价值。研究结果如下:1.经全面考察海南岛18个市县,以及周边岛屿,共搜集海南莎草科植物资源23属、129种、1亚种、3变种和2变型。2.本次调查海南植物志未记载但收集到的共有5种,分别是水蜈蚣、密穗莎草、类头状花序蔗草、复序飘拂草、截鳞苔草。3.对海南莎草科植物94种101份资源进行营养价值分析,结果表明成熟期的木贼状荸荠粗蛋白含量最高,为12.80%,其次是营养期的莎草砖子苗和迭穗莎草,分别为10.36%和9.91%。而测定的莎草科植物资源的粗纤维含量中,成熟期的畦畔莎草粗纤维含量最低,为14.31%,其次是成熟期的矮扁莎、成熟期的球柱草和开花期的少穗飘拂草,分别是16.16%、16.46%和16.62%。应加强对这几种植物资源的开发利用。4.利用隶属函数值对海南莎草科植物资源的评价,通过营养价值的5项指标作为判断依据。综合评价表明,长穗赤箭莎(营养期)的隶属函数值最高,品质最好,其次是球柱草(成熟期)、石果珍珠茅(营养期)和绿穗莎草(成熟期),以上莎草科物种饲用价值较高。5.对莎草科植物资源的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、有机物、无氮浸出物作为判断指标,根据类平均法(UPGMA)进行评价。可将101份种质聚为3类:高营养价值(24份)、中营养价值(38份)、低营养价值(39份)。6.莎草科不同属植物资源的热值和灰分含量比较分析,结果表明黑莎草属的干重热值最高,为15.23kJ/g,除了珍珠茅属和海滨莎属外,与其他各属均存在显著性差异;珍珠茅属的去灰分热值最高,为16.08KJ/g,除了割鸡芒属、黑莎草属和海滨莎草属外,与其他各属均存在显著性差异。擂鼓芳属的灰分含量最高,为9.82%,其次是异花草属,为9.74%,这两属与其他属间存在显著性差异。7.不同种及生育期植物资源的干重热值比较分析,结果表明营养期的越南珍珠茅的干重热值和去灰分热值最高,分别为23.13kJ/g和24.42kJ/g,其次是成熟期的高秆珍珠茅,为16.26kJ/g和18.27kJ/g,说明越南珍珠茅的生长状况比较好,饲用价值高。开花期的起绒飘拂草灰分最高为15.86%,说明其矿质元素含量最高。

【Abstract】 The distribution of Cyperaceae in Hainan was studied by the methods field investigation, plant collection and identification. The nutrient content, calorific value and other character were analyzed to assess the feeding value of Cyperaceae resources comprehensively. The results are as follows:1. After a comprehensive survey in18cities and counties in Hainan Island, including in the neighboring islands, up to23genera,129species,1subspecies、3variety and2forma of Cyperaceae were collected.2. One genus that was undocumented in Hainan Flora was collected, It includes5speecies:Kyllinga polyphylla、Cyperus eragrostis. Scirpus subcapitatus、Fimbristylis bisumbellata、Carex truncatigluma。3. According to the nutritional value analysis of101samples of plants from94species, it was found that Eleocharis equisetina (mature) had the highest crude protein content of12.80%, followed by Mariscus cyperinus (vegetative phase) and Cyperus imbricatus (vegetative phase),10.36%and9.91%respectively. Cyperus haspan (mature) had the lowest crude fiber content of14.31%, followed by Pycreus pumilus (maturity), the Bulbostylis barbata (mature) and Fimbristylis schoenoides (flowering stage), which was16.16%,16.46%and16.62%respectively. It was recommended to strengthen the development and utilization of the above plant resources.4. Based on the five indicators of the nutritional value, the membership function value of Hainan Cyperaceae resources were calculated. Results showed that Schoenus calostachyus (vegetative phase) had the highest membership function value, indicating it had the best quality, followed by the Bulbostylis barbata (mature), Scleria lithosperma (vegetative phase) and Cyperus diffusus (mature).5. Using the CP, EF, CF,OC and NFC as the judging indicators, the Cyperaceae in Hainan were evaluated with UPGMA method. According to the results, the101samples can be classified into3groups:24samples belong to high nutritional value group,38samples belong to moderate nutritional value group and39samples belong to low nutritional value group.6. The calorific value and ash content in different genera in Hainan Cyperaceae were analyzed. The results showed that the Gahnia J.R. Forster et G. Forster had the highest calorific value (15.23kJ/g). Significant differences were found in different genera, except Scleria P.J. Bergius and Remirea Aublet. The highest ash content value (16.08kJ/g) was founed in Scleria P.J. Bergius. The different genera showed significant differences, except Hypolytrum Persoon, Gahnia and Remirea. Mapania Aublet had the highest ash content(9.82%) followed by the Fuirena Rottboll (9.74%). These two genera had significant higher ash when compared with other genera.7. An comparative analysis of the calorific values in different kinds and different growth periods showed that the calorific value of dry weight and the ash free caloric value in Scleria tonkinensis (vegetative phase) were highest, which was23.13kJ/g and24.42kJ/g, respectively, indicating the better growth conditions and higher feeding value in Scleria tonkinensis. While the highest ash content (15.86%) in Fimbristylis dipsacea (flowering period) indicated its highest mineral element content.

【关键词】 海南莎草科植物资源饲用价值
【Key words】 HainanCyperaceaeResourcesFeeding Value
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

