

The Comparison of International Competitiveness for Low-carbon Context of Sino-Japanese Mechanical and Electrical Industry

【作者】 何琦

【导师】 黄景贵;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 世界经济, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化浪潮中,机电产品出口既是各国实现经济增长的重要途径也是开展经济技术合作的战略重点。在日本,以汽车、家电等为代表的机电产业国际竞争力由来已久,在高新技术产品开发尤其是循环经济与低碳技术的应用领域,日本机电产业也是全球机电创新的生力军。在我国出口产业中称冠达17年之久的机电产业,2006年出口值反超日本,国际市场占有率显著提高。但是在中日出口规模差距不断缩小的同时,我国机电产业仍然面临自主知识产权及核心技术少、国际品牌影响力缺失的困局。随着日本国内经济的不景气和“产业空洞化”现象的持续,中国机电产业贸易结构的改善和出口竞争力的增强,使得双方贸易摩擦日渐升级。两国机电产业国际竞争力的对比研究备受关注,且在一定程度上左右着中日产业政策的协调与经贸关系的发展。在低碳经济悄然兴起的大趋势中,发达国家给中国施加了前所未有的减排压力。而我国出口的主要机电产品单位增加值能耗平均约超出国外先进水平的30%,已成为我国碳排放的主要载体之一。发达国家渐已提上日程的碳关税一旦得到落实,我国机电产业出口势必受到剧烈冲击。为此,我们不得不从低碳经济的角度对机电产业国际竞争力进行新的审视,通过学习部分发达国家(日本、德国等)的低碳技术研发与应用,寻求提升其国际竞争力的可持续发展措施。本文利用多因素综合评价法,基于国际贸易理论中有关国际竞争力评价的理论和方法尝试性构建加入低碳考量的机电产业国际竞争力评价指标体系,选取变异系数法作为相关层次指标的赋权方法。通过中国与日本2000-2010年的时间序列数据,从传统竞争实力、新兴竞争潜力以及前沿低碳竞争力三个层面对两国机电产业国际竞争力进行分项对比研究与综合评价,透视出中国机电产业的成长以及中日机电产业的差距所在。研究发现,中国机电产业传统竞争实力提升明显,但即使在日本机电产业传统国际竞争力持续走弱的背景下,中国仍然与其存在显著差距,实力上的整体赶超还有待时日。新兴竞争潜力板块日本表现欠佳,中国体现出一定优势。2009年日本机电产业受金融危机冲击相对严重,中国应借助后危机时代全球经济复苏的浪潮抓紧提升机电产业的新兴竞争力。低碳竞争力双方走势各异,中国机电产业低碳能力直线提升,显示出良好发展态势;日本低碳能力保持平稳,持续高位运行。尽管中国与日本机电产业低碳竞争力之间的差距在不断缩小,但仍需持续关注低碳发展的技术与策略。鉴于此,本文针对性地为我国机电产业的勺发展提出政府、行业组织、企业以及高等院与研究机构“四位一体’共同应对低碳浪潮的对策建议。

【Abstract】 In the wave of economic globalization, the export of electromechanical products is an important way for countries to achieve economic growth as well as the strategic focus of the economic and technical cooperation. Japan’s strong international competitiveness for electrical and mechanical industry, automobiles and appliances as representatives, has had a long history, which is a global new force of high-tech product development and electrical and mechanical innovation, especially in the field of application of the circular economy and low-carbon technologies. In China, the mechanical and electrical industry has maintained the position of the first category of export commodities for17consecutive years. The China’s export value of mechanical and electrical industry overtook Japan’s in2006and its international market shares significantly increased. However, while the gap between China and Japan in the scale of exports continues to narrow, China’s mechanical and electrical industry is still faced with the predicament of less independent intellectual property rights and core technology as well as the world famous brands missing.With the domestic economic recession in Japan and the sustained "industrial hollowing-out" phenomenon, the improvement of the trade structure and enhancement of export competitiveness for China’s mechanical and electrical industry makes bilateral trade friction escalating. Comparative study of international competitiveness for the two countries’ the mechanical and electrical industries has become the focus of concern, and to some extent, affects their industrial policies and economic and trade relations. In the trend of the rise for low-carbon economy, developed countries have exerted unprecedented pressure to China’s emission reduction. The average unit energy consumption of China’s exporting electromechanical products is approximately30%higher than the foreign advanced levels, which have become one of the main carriers of China’s carbon emissions. Once the carbon tariffs of developed countries, which have gradually been put on the agenda, once implemented, China’s exports of mechanical and electrical industry is bound to suffer a dramatic impact. To this end, we have to have a new look at the international competitiveness of the mechanical and electrical industry from the perspective of a low carbon economy. Through the study of low-carbon technology development and application in some developed countries (Japan. Germany, etc.). we may seek some sustainable development measures to enhance the very international competitiveness.This paper adopted a multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method and attempted to build an international competitiveness evaluation index system for mechanical and electrical industry based on the theories and methods of evaluation of international competitiveness in international trade theory, which took low-carbon factors into consideration. We chose the variation coefficient method to give weight to indicators of relevant levels. By use of China and Japan’s time series dates from2000-2010,we took a sub-comparative study and a comprehensive evaluation on the international competitiveness of mechanical and electrical industries of the two countries from three points of view, which are respectively traditional competitive strength, emerging competitive potential as well as cutting-edge low-carbon competitiveness, so as to gain an insight into the growth of China’s mechanical and electrical industries, and the gap with Japan.The study found that traditional competitive strength of Chinese mechanical and electrical industry has been significantly improved. Yet even in the context of the continuing weakness of the traditional international competitiveness of Japan’s mechanical and electrical industry, there is still a distinct gap between the two and the overall catch up in China’s strength absolutely need more time. While Japan got a poor performance in the emerging competitive potential plate, China showed some advantages. Relatively speaking, Japan’s mechanical and electrical industry was attacked more seriously so that China should seize the chance of global economic recovery during post-crisis era to enhance the emerging competitiveness of the mechanical and electrical industries.Both parties involved went different trends in low-carbon competitiveness. China’s low-carbon capacity rose perpendicularly, showing a good momentum of development; Japan’s low-carbon capacity remained stable, continuing to run high. Although the gap of low-carbon competitiveness between Chinese and Japanese mechanical and electrical industry was shrinking, we need pay sustained attention to the techniques and strategies of low-carbon development. In view of this, targeted for the development of China’s electromechanical industries, this paper proposed a policy recommendation for "quaternity", government, industry organizations, enterprises as well as colleges and research institutes, to jointly cope with the low carbon wave.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】F416.6;F426.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】337

