

【作者】 姜昱霞

【导师】 张光平;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 国际关系, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国的崛起和对世界经济参与程度的加深,中国与世界各地区的经济、政治、外交等关系日益密切。尤其是近些年中国与非洲国家之间,在经济、贸易和国际经济合作方面的关系日渐加强,交往日盛。所以,作为联系中非贸易往来的交通,特别是海上交通航线的安全和作用应受到广泛的关注。从中非贸易结构及货运结构来看,自非洲进口的原材料及能源是满足中国经济发展的基础性需求;中国出口到非洲的工业制成品及援助物资也是满足非洲人民生活需求和提升人民生活品质的主要物质产品。所以,保证中非贸易稳定发展是促进双方经济发展和满足人民生活需要的客观需求。而在与交易国关系稳定的前提下,要保证一国对外贸易的安全,运输线的安全则是一项不容忽视的因素,中非贸易亦不例外。目前,作为中非贸易最主要的运输方式——海运,中非海上运输线的安全着实令人担忧。中国——非洲航线途经区域范围大,敏感地区多,争端海域及各国利益交汇点错综复杂,使得整条运输线的安全面临着诸多现实和潜在的危险。按照贸易依赖型海权进行分类的中国——非洲航线内的两大地缘政治分区的稳定及货运安全皆存在着现实和潜在的安全隐患。南海地缘政治分区,内部主权归属问题纷争不断,导致各国海军、军备发展建设暗潮汹涌,加之外部大国的干预,使得地区双边问题呈现出扩大化、国际化趋势,严重影响到整个区域的安全和稳定。印度洋地缘政治分区内,印度的印度洋战略使得区内面临着区域大国势力挑战和排挤外部势力的威胁,地区主导权的争夺使得整个区域也面临着政治格局的不稳定隐患。而以海上战略通道为中心的马六甲海峡及曼德海峡一一红海——苏伊士运河地缘战略分区又属于世界性大国全球海权战略的海军部署重点监控区域,航运安全主导权皆掌握别国控制之下。所以,按照当前的国际政治、军事格局,我国对中国——非洲航线的安全明显缺乏有力的保障。我认为,要更好的保障我国国家利益,保障海上运输线尤其是中国——非洲航线的安全,就必须从地缘战略角度出发,树立具有时代特征的全球海权观,建设强大的海军力量作为后盾,并有针对性的处理相关国家间关系,同时努力提升本国海上货运能力,多管齐下,构建全球范围内的中国海权。

【Abstract】 With the rise of China and its deepened degree of participation in the world economy, China has been developing an increasingly close economic, political and diplomatic relationship with nations throughout the world. Especially in recent years, China has strengthened its economic, trade and international economic cooperation with African countries. There has been an increasing communication between China and African countries. Therefore, transportation, as a link between China and Africa trade, especially the security and function of maritime traffic route draws much more attention.Seen from the trade structure and cargo transportation structure between China and Africa, the raw materials and energy imported from Africa satisfy the basic demand of China economic development. While the finished products that are exported from China to Africa and the aid from China satisfy African people’s life needs and improve the quality of their life. So it is the objective demand to ensure the steady trade development between China and Africa in order to promote mutual economic development and satisfy people’s life needs. Based upon the stable relationship with trading countries, the security of traffic routes is a factor that cannot be ignored in order to protect the security of a country’s foreign trade. China-Africa trade is of no exception. As sea transport is the most important mode of transport in China-Africa trade, the security of China-Africa maritime traffic route should be taken into account. There are various realistic and potential risks in the security of the whole maritime traffic route, because China-Africa route covers large range of areas, many of which belong to sensitive areas. Besides, the disputing sea areas and national interests meeting points are rather complicated. There are realistic and potential safety hazards in the stability and cargo transportation of the two geopolitical divisions which are classified according to the sea power based on international trade. There have been constant disputes over Sovereignty in South Sea division, which results in the fierce construction of navy and armament development in all countries. Besides, external power intervention has enlarged the bilateral problem and makes it become an international problem. These problems have seriously influenced the security and stability of the whole region. In the area of Indian Ocean geopolitical division, India’s Indian Ocean strategy makes it face challenges from regional powers and threat of crowding out external forces. The fights for dominant power over the whole region present this region with hidden trouble of political instability. The Malacca Strait and Mandela Strait---ed Sea---uez Canal geopolitical division, with sea strategic channel as its center, is the key surveillance area of the world giants’global sea power strategy naval deployment. The dominant power over shipping security is under the control of other countries. So, according to the current international political and military situation, China cannot protect the security of China--Africa route effectively. In my opinion, to better safeguard our national interests and security of maritime traffic routes, especially China-Africa route, China must set up a modern global sea power view; construct a powerful navy on the basis of geopolitical strategy. Besides, China must deal with relations among relevant countries skillfully in different circumstances. At the same time, China should try its best to improve its capability of cargo transportation by sea. By all means, China should set up its sea power in a global scale.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】F562;F564
  • 【下载频次】326

