

【作者】 张建胜

【导师】 邓世昆;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 计算机技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,社会不断朝着信息化方向发展,各种网络技术不断涌现。信息化管理逐渐大众所接受,越来越多的企业将信息化管理应用到生产、业务谈判、采购、员工管理等领域,因此,如何建立起高效、安全的网络成了当务之急。企业把大量数据部署在内网的服务器上实现与外界的沟通,如果边界网络出现无法防御的攻击或者内部网络出现管理不善,势必给企业造成无法挽回的经济损失。因此,企业需要整体部署一套行之有效的网络方案来适应未来的发展。本文以江苏中烟有限公司下辖烟厂项目为背景,由于现有网络不能满足日益壮大的业务需求,本人从企业网需求及未来发展考虑,大致分析了网络现状,并提出了新企业网的需求,将原有网络进行改进设计。首先,研究了当前企业网所需的一些关键技术的原理。然后根据需求分析,从基础网络设计部署、整体网络设计部署等方面进行详细说明。在设计中主要分内网设计,边界网设计和网络整体管理设计。内网的设计主要考虑的是交换网络的层次设计,边界网络的设计主要考虑如何通过防火墙、IDS、IPS、VPN、安全审计、内容管理方面等保障边界网络和远程通信的安全,网络整体管理设计主要考虑IP地址划分、VLAN划分和建立身份认证体系等内容。通过本文所设计的整体解决方案,可以大大改善该烟厂的网络环境,为员工提供稳定先进的信息平台,间接提高员工的工作效率,以促使企业获得更大的经济收入。

【Abstract】 At present, a variety of network technologies emerge with the development of the direction of information technology in the society. Information management is gradually being accepted by the public on more and more corporate information management applications to the field of production, business negotiations, purchasing, staff management. Therefore, how to build efficient and secure network has become a priority. A large amount of data is storage on severs to communicate with the outside world. If the boundary network is no defense against attack or internal network mismanagement, it can bound to cause irreparable economic loss to the enterprise. So it is necessary to design an overall plan of effective network solution which is accommodated in future development.This thesis is based the background of a small cigarette factory project. Due to the existing network can not meet the growing demand for business needs and future development of the enterprise network. I consider that generally analysis of network situation and raise the needs of the new enterprise network in order to redesign the original network.Firstly, I study the principle of some of the key technologies required for enterprise network. Then I make a detailed description from basic web design and boundary network design and other fields according to the requirement of analysis. And also purpose the views about IPv6technology in how to play a role in the future development. Mainly since the beginning of the design is about switch network design,border network design and overall network management design. The switch network design is mainly considered in the hierarchical design of switch network and the border network is mainly considered in how to build the security of perimeter network and remote communication by firewall, IDS, IPS, security audit system, content management systems, VPN and other equipment, the management design is mainly considered in how to devide IP address and VLAN and how to build the authentication system.Through the design of the overall solution can greatly improve the enterprise’s network environment and to provide a stable and state-of-the-art information platform for enterprise employees, and also indirectly improve the efficiency of the staff, to promote greater economic income.

【关键词】 企业网VPNIPv6网络安全
【Key words】 Enterprise networkIPv6VPNNetwork security
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【下载频次】144

