

The Research of Liu Yin

【作者】 沈莹

【导师】 李道和; 曾莹;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究对象为元初集名儒、隐士及诗人身份于一体的刘因。由于刘因所处时代意义非常,所以本文在对刘因其人展开讨论前,首先将对元初社会概况以及元初文人心态试做小探,力求从时代背景、群体特征两个方面入眼,能够更为全面的解读刘因。而刘因之所以在七百年间都未曾被世人所忘记,乃是因为:首先,从他开始阐发理学义理之时,就因其论述独到得当,开始逐渐受到时人关注。其次,因其治学有方饱受赞誉,故得以受征召入朝为官。这在元初这样一个科举不兴的时代已足以让人称羡和瞩目;但他不久却以母疾辞归,并以教书为业——如果这样的举动尚显无奈和被动的话,那么之后的第二次拒绝元世祖忽必烈的征召,直到去世都未再踏上仕途,则让世人多少以为有“高蹈不仕”的亮节,再加上他创作为数不少的和陶诗,于是,他的“隐士”身份也成为几百年来人们讨论不息的话题。以上,是他一直以来备受关注的两个主要原因。但本文除了对这两点进行讨论之外,更是着重于对他的诗人身份,作主要论述,意在阐明:一、在元初北方诗坛上,刘因所起到的作用及其地位;二、刘因所作诗歌的内容特点及其艺术风格。力图在对刘因诗歌的分析中,能够对深入的解读刘因,这个处于非常年代,又具备非常身份的儒学名家,有所帮助。另外,因为本文是对元初诗人刘因的专人研究,所以在对刘因所作的诗歌内容和艺术风格进行论述后,亦对刘因那些一直以来都鲜少人关注的词、散曲和文赋展开讨论,争取对刘因理学家、隐士身份外的文学家身份,做一个更深入和直观的了解和理解刘因。最后,因刘因对后世的影响,不管是从儒学还是诗歌方面来看,一直都未曾停息,所以还将在附录部分附上后世对刘因的接受和批评。意在通过这一爬梳,能够使刘因面目更清晰,形象更丰满。

【Abstract】 This paper will focus on the study of Liu Yin, who is a distinguished scholar, a hermit and a poet of the Early Yuan Dynasty.Since the epochal significance of Liu Yin’s day is remarkable, the paper will start with a brief discussion of the general society and literati mentality of Early Yuan Dynasty, so as to analyze Liu Yin more comprehensively from both era background and community characteristics. The reason why Liu Yin leaves a name in history is that, first, he had attracted great attention with his unique and reasonable articulation since he first presented the argumentation of Neo-Confucianism, and then, he was summoned as a court official due to his highly praised scholarly research idea. Considering the declined imperial examinations, which made it difficult for general literators to pursue official advancement, the story of Liu should have been quite admirable and noticeable. However, Liu soon resigned with the excuse that his mother was badly ill, and began his teaching career. Passive though it may seem to be, his later refuse to Kublai Khan’s call and his forever ceased official career after that impressed the world with his upright character. Together with his numerous poems in reply to Tao Yuanming, he as a hermit has always been a popular topic among people for hundreds of years.Apart from the two main reasons above, which account for Liu’s long being concerned, the paper will also make a detailed interpretation of Liu’s another role, poet, with the intention to present first, Liu’s status in and impact on the northern poetic circles of Early Yuan, and second, the contents and characteristics of Liu’s poems and their artistic styles. This paper intends to make an in-depth research on Liu Yin, the scholar with an unordinary identity living in an unordinary time, through the analysis of his poems. In addition, as the paper specifically studies Liu Yin the poet of Early Yuan Dynasty, some attentions will be paid to those hardly noticed poems, Sanqu Songs, Essay,as well as Fu, so as to highlight Liu as a literator other than a scholar of Neo-Confucianism and a hermit, and to achieve a further and more intuitive understanding of him as well.Finally, the appendix will cover the perceiving of later generations towards Liu, for he does have an immortal influence on both the areas of Confucianism and poetry, hopefully this will make Liu’s image clearer and relatively authentic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

