

【作者】 黄璐

【导师】 古永继;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 明清时期的永昌地区,民族众多,民族文化丰富多彩,形式多样。当地民族有罗罗(彝族)、百夷(或摆夷,即傣族)、白人(白族)、蒲蛮(布朗族)、哈刺(佤族)、峨昌(阿昌族)、崩龙(德昂族)、力些(傈僳族)、野人(景颇族),以及外来的汉族、回回(回族)、苗族、满族等,各自分布在不同地区,或聚族而居,或混杂而处。随着明初大量外地汉人的迁入,民族构成上逐渐以汉族为主,但原来世居的每个民族都有着自己独特的文化,不同民族间相互吸收、渗透、融合形成独具特色的民族文化资源。对此资源的研究、挖掘和利用,不仅可以补充和拓展今保山地区的多元文化,也将增添其历史文化名城的内涵和魅力,为现代旅游活动提供丰富的内容和形式。本文由以下部分组成:前言。指出本文的选题缘由,对论文的研究对象、涉及的范围、研究现状,以及本文的研究目的、意义和价值等进行简要介绍。第一章,元代以前永昌地区的民族构成。按秦汉、魏晋南北朝、唐宋以及元代各时期,分阶段论述永昌地区的民族状况。第二章,明清时永昌地区的民族构成。分别论述明清两代永昌地区民族的分布和发展,以及外来移民进入永昌地区的情况。第三章,明清时永昌地区的多元文化。不同的民族文字、服饰、饮食及习俗构成了永昌多元的民族文化;明清时外地移民的进入加速了汉文化的传播和交流,不同生产生活习俗及宗教信仰的共处,形成了多元的民族文化。第四章,明清时期永昌地区的特色景观。《徐霞客游记》中的永昌风土及史籍中的“永昌八景”、宗教景观,从不同角度展示了永昌地区独特的地域文化。第五章,永昌地区民族文化资源在现代旅游中的价值。主要结合现代旅游学学科知识,分析明清时期永昌民族文化资源的旅游价值,并对开发今保山地区的民族文化旅游,提出作者的一些思考和建议。

【Abstract】 There are many ethnic groups at Yongchang area, which have formed the multi-ethnical cultures during Ming and Qing Dynasties. The immigrants, like Han, Miao, Manchu, etc, and local nationalities have co-existed and co-worked in peace there, for example, LuoLuo(Yi), BaiYi(Dai), White (Bai), PoMan(Bulang), Hala(Wa), Echang(AChang), Hui (Hui), Ponglong (Deang), Lixie(Lisu), Yeren (Jingpo). With the migration of large number of Han people into Yongchang in the Early Ming Dynasty, the ethnic composition mainly has established to be the Han, although, the local ethnic groups also had their own unique and distinct culture. It is true that it has formed a unique national cultural resources between different ethnic groups’ diverse promotion, multiple influence and mutual fusion. Therefore, according to the research of this text, it cannot be only supplements and development of the cultural diversity of the modern Baoshan, but will also provide the connotation and enchantment of Baoshan and the fullness of modern tourism activities.This text is formed by foreword and five chapters:The preface mainly concerns the objects, contents, goals, significances and statuses, as well as foreland about the problems.The first chapter explains before the Yuan Dynasty, the ethnic composition of Yongchang area and the nationality conditions in every period from the Qin and Han Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty.In chapter2has been discussed during Ming and Qing Dynasties, the ethnic group distribution, the formation, the development, and the composition and distribution of nationalities, as well as how the immigrants into Yongchang in Ming and Qing Dynasty.Part3analyzes the minority cultural features in Yongchang with many minority languages, dressing, food, and other local customs. Meanwhile, with many immigrants to Yunnan in the Dynasties of Ming and Qing, the Han culture was spreaded and exchanged. And various productions, lifestyles, and the different religious believes which have formed the multi-ethnical cultures in Yongchang.Part four analyzes the historical works,"Travels of XU Xia-ke", recorded the "Eight Sights"as the special religious landscape and culture connotation of Yongchang from unique geographical and cultural different angles.In the last chapter of this paper, based on the study of tourism science, makes an analysis of the value of ethnic cultural resources in the modern tourism and put forward some thoughts and suggestions about the tourism development in Baoshan today.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】K248;F592.7
  • 【下载频次】213

