

Research on the Inspection and Management of Vegetables Quality Safety in Chaoyang District

【作者】 马晓川

【导师】 钱永忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会的进步和经济的大力发展,人民生活水平的稳步提高,人们对农产品的消费要求不再是简单的数量问题,已经提高到质量安全问题。农产品质量安全问题也逐渐成为各级政府领导最关注的问题之一。而《中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法》、《中华人民共和国食品安全法》等一系列法律的颁布和实施,也为农产品质量安全监管提供了法律依据。加强蔬菜质量安全的监管,提高蔬菜质量安全,能够保障人民吃上“放心菜”,有利于保障人民的人身安全,能够提升人民对农产品食品安全的预期,有利于社会稳定,也有利于农业环境的安全;能够促使生产者合理的使用农药,减少农药使用量,从而减少对环境的污染;能够促进朝阳区农业企业的发展和品牌的提升,也能够促进都市农业长期、健康的发展,从而优化朝阳区农业结构。论文分为五章,结合实际监管工作,介绍朝阳区蔬菜质量安全监管现状,针对朝阳区在蔬菜质量安全监管过程中面临的问题进行分析研究,并提出如何更好地进行蔬菜质量安全监管的建议。第一章主要是说明蔬菜质量安全监管的背景和意义,论文写作的思路和研究方法,发达国家和我国对农产品质量安全的相关研究。第二章主要内容是介绍朝阳区相关情况,包括朝阳区基本信息,朝阳区蔬菜生产和销售的情况以及农业的特点,同时对这些特点进行一些分析。第三章内容是通过参加朝阳区蔬菜质量安全监管工作,总结朝阳区蔬菜质量安全监督管理现状,包括朝阳区蔬菜质量安全监管机构和人员设置,朝阳区蔬菜质量安全监管的原则,以及朝阳区蔬菜质量安全监管中实施的措施和所取得的效果。第四章分析朝阳区蔬菜质量安全监督管理存在的问题和这些问题存在的因素,包括对蔬菜质量安全认识程度不高、蔬菜质量安全检测技术水平不高、监管部门之间联系不密切等问题。最后一章内容针对监管工作中存在的问题提出相对应的解决方法,以便更好的完成蔬菜质量安全监管工作。包括:加强蔬菜质量安全监管,加强法律宣传、加强蔬菜质量安全的监管力度、提高技术人员检测能力、改善检测技术和设备,加强部门之间横向联系,建立合作共享机制、加强标准化基地建设、加强蔬菜流通领域和生产源头的监管力度等对策。

【Abstract】 As social economy is developed rapidly and people’s living standard is improved steadily, people’sconcern for the agricultural products has been raised to the scope of quality, not only for the quantity,and the safety of agricultural products has become one of the most concerned issues to governments atall levels. The promulgation and implementation of a series of laws, like “Law of the People’s Republicof China on Agricultural Products Quality Safety” and “PRC Food Safety Law”, provided legal basis tothe inspection and management of agricultural products quality safety.It is of great significance to strengthen the supervision on vegetables quality safety and providepeople with safe vegetables, since it may guarantee personal safety, increase people’s expectations to thesafety of agricultural products, maintain social stability. At the same time, it can urge the growers to usepesticides rationally, thus reduce the environmental pollution and keep a safe agricultural environment.It also can improve the development of agricultural enterprises in Chaoyang and improve their brandimages, help the urban agriculture develop durativity and steadily, as well as better the agriculturalstructure of Chaoyang District.This thesis is divided into five parts. Combined with the actual work, the author introduces thepresent situation of inspection and management on vegetables quality safety in Chaoyang District, raisesand analyzes the problems, and then gives suggestions on how to improve the inspection andmanagement system. The first part mainly introduces the background and meaning of vegetables qualitysafety inspection and management, the writing framework and research methods, as well as the researchprogress about agricultural products quality safety in China and abroad. The second part introducesrelevant circumstances of Chaoyang District, including basic situation, features of agricultural industry,the situation and features of growing and selling vegetables in Chaoyang District. The third partsummarizes the present situation of vegetables quality safety inspection and management system inChaoyang, including the present regulatory authority and personnel configuration, regulatory policiesand measures, as well as the implementation and effects of the system. The forth part points out thecurrent problems in Chaoyang vegetables quality safety inspection and management system, andanalyses the causes. The causes mainly include lack of cognition on vegetables quality safety,unadvanced detection techniques, lack of cooperation between different departments,etc. The last partraises the relative solutions to the remaining problems, for example, strengthening the promotion oflegal knowledge, improving the inspection and management system, increasing technicians’ detectionability, improving detection techniques and equipments, strengthening coordination between differentdepartments through building sharing mechanism, enhancing the construction of standard bases,reinforcing supervision on the growing and circulation links of vegetables, thus the inspection andmanagement system of vegetables quality safety in Chaoyang District may be improved.

【关键词】 蔬菜质量安全监管对策
【Key words】 VegetablesQuality SafetyInspection and ManagementSolutions
  • 【分类号】F322;F326.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】140

