

Research on Coloring and Quality of Fruit Bagging of Nanguoli Pear in Western Liao Ning

【作者】 董敬超

【导师】 李俊才;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 南果梨果实套袋是促进果实着色和品质的重要措施,由于所处微域环境的改变,对果实品质尤其是果实着色产生了极大的影响。本试验以南果梨为试材,在辽西阜新地区研究了不同纸袋类型、不同套袋时间、不同摘袋时间对南果梨着色和品质的影响。试验结果如下:1、辽西阜新地区适宜的纸袋类型为3号袋(太山内外疏水袋)和5号袋(黄油纸内疏水果袋),此两种袋着色效果较好。最佳套袋时间为7月1日左右(盛花后55~60d),最佳摘袋时间为9月5日左右(采前15d)。7月1日套袋和9月5日摘袋处理花青苷与叶绿素比值最大,着色面积最大,着色效果最好,品质最佳。2、不同纸袋类型套袋后均显著提高南果梨着色指数。不同纸袋类型对果实大小、果形指数影响差异不显著,不同纸袋类型对硬度、可溶性固形物、总糖、总酸、Vc含量影响差异均不显著。3、不同套袋时间套袋后均显著提高果实着色指数。不同套袋时间对果实大小、果形指数影响差异不显著。套袋后果实单果重均低于对照,套袋越早,果个越小,但不同套袋时间对果实大小影响差异并不显著。不同套袋时间对果实硬度影响差异显著,套袋后果实硬度变大,且套袋时间越早,硬度越大。不同套袋时间对可溶性固形物、总糖、总酸、Vc含量影响差异均不显著。4、不同摘袋时间摘袋后着色指数均显著高于对照。适时摘袋花青苷与叶绿素比值最大,着色效果最好。摘袋后果实单果重均小于对照,摘袋越晚,果个越小,但与对照相比差异不显著。不同摘袋时间对果形指数影响差异也不显著,不同摘袋时间对果实硬度影响差异显著。摘袋越晚,硬度越大。不同摘袋时间对可溶性固形物、总糖、总酸、Vc含量影响差异均不显著。5、南果梨套袋是通过改变花青苷的显色背景,通过叶绿素的下降来削减对花青苷的抑制作用,提高花青苷/叶绿素的比例来促进着色。色素的合成都与光照有关,套袋后由于光照少,果皮叶绿素含量和类胡萝卜素含量下降明显,花青苷也有下降的趋势,而且套袋越早下降越多。而摘袋后叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量迅速增加,花青苷含量增加不明显。但三种色素含量均低于对照。摘袋过早,果实有返绿现象,摘袋过晚,不易上色。摘袋后15d采收最佳。

【Abstract】 Nanguoli pear fruit bagging is measure to promote fruit coloring and quality.Due to changing inthe environment in which the micro-domain, the impact on fruit quality is a tremendous, especiallyon fruit coloring. This experiment, uses the as test materials, different bag types, different baggingperiod, pick bags of time on the Nanguoli pear fruit coloring and quality in the west of liaoningregion of Fuxin. The results are as follows:1、The suitable paper bag type is the3rd bag (the inside and outside hydrophobic pocket of theTaishan) and the5th bags (butter paper bags) in the west of liaoning region of Fuxin.The bestbagging time is about July1(55~60d after blooming), the best taking off paper bag time is aroundSeptember5(before harvest15d).The two bags of coloring the best effect.Ratio of anthocyanin andchlorophyll of the bagged of July1and the picked of September5is largest, the largest area of bestcoloring, coloring effect and quality is the best.2、The fruit coloring index of Nanguoli pear were improved after different paper bags baggged,The effct of different types of paper bag on the fruit size and fruit shape index was not obvous,Different types of paper bag on the firmness soluble solids, total sugar, total acid, the content of Vceffects are not significant differences.3、The fruit coloring index of Nanguoli pear were improved after Different time of bagging. Theeffct of different bagging time on the fruit size and the fruit shape index was not obvious, Baggingfruit weight was lower than that of the control, while bagging fruit sooner, a smaller, but differentbagging time on the fruit size effects were not significant. Different bagging time on the fruithardness impact significantly, bagging fruit hardness becomes large, and the bagging time earlier,larger hardness. Different bagging time on soluble solids, total sugar, total acid, the content of Vceffects are not significant differences.4、The fruit coloring index were significantly higher than those of control after taking off bags ofdifferent time. Taking off bags anthocyanin and chlorophyll maximum ratio, coloring effect best.After bagging fruit weight were less than that of the control, the late bagging, fruit is small, but nosignificant difference compared with control group. Different bagging time on the fruit shape indexhave no significant influence Different bagging time on the fruit firmness have significant difference.Debagging too late, hardness is big. Different uncasing time on soluble solids, total sugar, total acid,the content of Vc effects are not significant differences.5、Bagged by the decline of chlorophyll to reduce the inhibition of anthocyanin, the anthocyaninchlorophyll ratio to promote the coloring.The synthesis of pigment and light are related, baggedbecause less after light, the content of chlorophyll and carotenoid content fail distinctly after bagged,and the content of anthocyanin also had a tendency to fail. And bagged the earlier declined more. The content of peel chlorophyll and carotenoid significantly increase after bag removal,but the content ofanthocyanin without increases rapidly,but content of three pigments lower than contrasting ones.Andafter taking off bags chlorophyll, Carotenoids content increases rapidly, the flower green nosignificant increase. But three pigment content are lower than those of the control. Abstract bag tooearly, the fruit back to green phenomenon, picking bags too late is not easy to color.15days after thepick of the bags harvest best.

【关键词】 辽西南果梨套袋着色品质
【Key words】 Western LiaoningNanguoli pearBaggingColoringQuality
  • 【分类号】S661.2
  • 【下载频次】113

