

Research on Collective Forest Right System Reformation in Jixi, Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 王晓宇

【导师】 韩卫平;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 鸡西市位于黑龙江省东南部辖三县(市)、六区与俄罗斯接壤,全市林地总面积62万公顷,活立木总蓄积量4592万立方米。在林业“三定”时,从国有林场划拨给乡(镇)、村集体使用林业用地面积约为164.5万亩。在林业用地总面积中,约有65.4万亩林地划入了一般生态林,占集体林总面积的38.6%左右。集体林业的发展,是鸡西林业又好又快发展的基础。本文主要是通过了解鸡西市集体林区森林经营的历史、现状和在林权方面存在的突出问题,分析该市正在进行的林业体制改革的经验,为理顺集体林区森林经营管理体制,落实广大农户林地的使用权、林木的所有权和使用权,调动其营造和经营山林的积极性,最终建立“产权归属清晰,经营主体到位,责权划分明确,利益保障严格,流转规范顺畅,监管服务有效”的现代林业产权制度,提出一些可供政府有关部门参考的政策建议。本文采用的研究方法:一是文献阅读。大量查阅有关集体林的改革和发展等方面的文献资料和基础资料的基础之上,对各种资料进行了整理,同时也注意搜集未公开出版的、未正式发表的档案资料,以对部分公共数据资料进行必要的修正和补充。二是实地调研。为准确掌握集体林发展的具体情况,在论文写作过程中深入鸡西市的三县(市)、六区,在集体林区获取原始数据,调查当地集体林改革与经济发展的第一手资料。三是理论和实际相结合。通过深入林区进行调研,掌握大量可靠数据,运用有关经济学、管理学和社会学等方面的理论对集体林权改革的影响因素等进行深层次的分析。本文根据鸡西市林改的实际进展情况,总结了现阶段林权制度改革的初步成效,发现了改革中存在的一系列问题及产生原因,提出了可供有关部门参考的集体林权制度改革的对策建议。所得结论为:鸡西市涉林农民积极了解林改、要求参加林改的热情高,鸡西市明晰产权确权发证工作基本完成,改革成果也在逐步显现。随着鸡西市林权改革工作的不断深入,解决林改遇到的问题已刻不容缓,依据本文的分析研究及借鉴先进地区的先进林改经验,提出了解决林地权属、增加林改投入、完善采伐制度、增加林农补贴、落实林业保险等对策建议,希望能给相关部门提供参考。本次林改涉及到鸡西市农村经济生活的各个层面,是农村经营制度的一次重大变革,是全市林业发展的强大动力,还有很多深层次的问题需要我们进一步研究,如林农有山有树怎样致富,农民的山林怎样管护好等等问题,需要有观念和体制上的创新,需要在实践中探索和检验。

【Abstract】 Abstracts: Located in the southeast of Heilongjiang province and neighbored the Russia, Jixi hasthree Counties (city) and six Districts. The forest area is620000hectares, and the total volume of liveforestry reached45.92million cubic meters. During the forest right reformation, approximately1.645million acres forest was transferred from state-owned to the township (town) or village collectiveforestry land. About654000acres, accounting for about38.6%of the total collective forest land area,was divided into the general zoology forest. The development of collective forestry is the foundation forthe well-being of forestry development in Jixi.In this paper, we investigated the history, present situation and the difficulties on the managementof collective forest in Jixi, and analyzed the experience of forestry right system reformation. In order tostraighten out the collective forest management system, make full implement on the ownership and useright of forest land and wood for farmers, arousing their enthusiasm in the construction andmanagement of forest, and eventually to build a modern forestry property right system of “make clearthe property ownership, responsibilities and rights, strictly guarantee the interests, and provide effectivesupervision service”, and put forward some relevant suggestions for the government departments.The research methods include:(ⅰ) Literature reading. We look up literatures concerning thereform and development of collective forests, and then get the conclusions by comparison andsummarization. We also pay attention to collecting the file material not officially published, so as tomake some necessary amendment and correction for the published data.(ⅱ) On-the-spot investigation.In order to grasp the specific conditions accurately, we visited each County (City) and District, and getfirst-hand data for paper perparation.(ⅲ) Combine theory with practice. We obtained a large number ofreliable data through literatures and investigation, and made in-depth analysis on the factors affectingthe transformation of forest right system by applying the theories of economics, management andsociology.According to the actual progress, we summarized the initial results of forest right systemreformation in Jixi, pointed out causes for the existing problems, and put forward some countermeasureson the forest right system reform as references for the relevant departments. The conclusion we get wereas follows: The relevant farmers showed high enthusiasm in forest right system reform, the task ofproperty rights certification has basically completed, and the reform results also gradually revealed.With the advancement of forest right reform, it becomes urgent to solve the up-coming problems. Basedon the results of this paper and successful experience from other areas, we put forward some solutionsof clearing the forest rights, increasing the investment and subsidies, perfecting the cutting regulation,and implementing the forest insurance. The forest right reform is a significant change for ruralmanagement system, and a lot of deep problems including how to get rich and management trees for thefarmers, need to do further research.

【关键词】 鸡西市集体林权制度改革
【Key words】 collective forest rightsystemreformationJixi
  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【下载频次】78

