

The Studying of Focused Proton Beam Direct-writing

【作者】 雷前涛

【导师】 余本海; 刘江峰;

【作者基本信息】 信阳师范学院 , 理论物理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 质子束刻写(proton beam writing, PBW)是近几年发展起来的利用高能聚焦质子束对光刻胶等抗蚀剂材料无掩模直接刻写微米甚至纳米尺度结构的一种技术。由于质子质量是电子的1840倍,MeV级能量的质子束穿透力强,空间发散度小,利用质子束刻写得到的结构具有高深宽比,侧壁垂直光滑等特点。本工作根据使用程序分别模拟计算了质子在不同的PBW所需各种材料中的投影射程、运动行迹,如PMMA、SU-8、HSQ等抗蚀剂,硅、二氧化硅、等衬底材料,为开展PBW实验提供重要的参考数据。利用上海应用物理研究所的扫描和探针系统构建实验平台,自行搭建了样品制备平台和电镀平台等必须设备。研究了PBW中所涉及的抗蚀剂厚胶层样品的旋转甩制、固化、显影等重要问题,结果表明:使用3000rpm转速旋转40s甩制,热板固化,可得到厚度为6gm的正型抗蚀剂均匀胶层样品;使用4000rpm转速旋转40s甩制,热板固化,可得到厚度为12μm的负型抗蚀剂均匀胶层样品。利用上海应用物理研究所的PBW实验装置,在AR-P6510.12正型抗蚀剂胶层上刻写出微米尺度“海宝”图案、双矩形微结构;在AR-N4400-10负型抗蚀剂胶层上刻写出微米尺度平行线条和“十”字形、矩形等微结构,完善了该装置上PBW的实验方法和技术,并初步将抗蚀剂层的微结构转制成金属结构,为下一步研究奠定了基础。同时,实验中质子束扫描方向的控制、质子束的不稳定性、曝光剂量的精确测量等,对PBW效果有重要影响,需要进一步的研究解决以获得更好的PBW结果。

【Abstract】 PBW (Proton Beam Writing) is a direct-write technique that uses a highly focused MeV protons beam to pattern structures in a suitable resist material at micro-or nano-dimensions. This technology is similar to electron beam direct writing. The mass of proton is1840times of electron, and, the MeV proton beam has deep penetration in resist materials with a straight path. Therefore the PBW technology can be used to fabricate three-dimensional, high aspect ratio structures with vertical, smooth sidewalls and low LER (line edge roughness). In different resist and substrate (such as PMMA, SU-8, HSQ, Si), The proton’s projected range was calculated by SRIM program.The details can be used in PBW. The PBW instrumentation was established on the scanning proton microprobe (SPM) beamline of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS. The studying of spin-coating resist layer and developing technology were carried out. A6μm AR-P6510.12resist layer was spin-coated at3000rpm for40s. A12μm AR-N4400-10resist layer was spin-coated at4000rpm for40s. On the positive resist layers, the Haibao outline were scanned and a double-rectangular micro-structure were fabricated. On the negative resist layers, the parallel lines and a crisscross micro-structure with were respectively fabricated. In the PBW experiment,some actions need to be taken to improve the effects.


